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Drinking egg whites


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I'm not a fan of eggs but know it is a great source of protein and big item for whole30. Is it safe to just drink egg whites, and anyone tried flavoring them with cocoa powder? Assuming it would be similar to muscle egg product, but I haven't tried that either. Thanks!

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I drank liquid egg whites once... I made my own "chocolate milk", using Hershey's Special Dark Cocoa and Sweet Leaf stevia (this was prior to Whole30 of course)... It actually wasn't too bad. But without stevia, I would think it would taste terrible. I wonder if you could somehow mix with coffee and coconut milk? Other than that, I would put them in my smoothies daily, you can't taste them at all. They are safe. But W30 doesn't want us to "drink" our meals, so smoothies are out.

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Eggs are by no means a requirement on the Whole30. And drinking your food is not recommended. Just leave them out and EAT other protein sources.

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