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Eggs and weight loss


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OK, I am relatively new to paleo.  I started off in February 2013 by trying out the Virgin diet, loved it, and then it seemed natural to go paleo.  I am 100% compliant and was 100% whole9 for 4-5 months.  Then I added in (pasture raised) bacon which has organic sugar.  Anyway I've lost 120lbs to date and I have 30 more to go.  That being said I would really like to add eggs back into my diet (as long as I can tolerate them again), is there any indication that eating them would reverse my weight loss.  It's been about 1 1/2 months since I've seen any significant weight loss, so any tips of jump starting it again would be awesome.  I should also mention that I do not eat any dairy.  Thanks everyone!

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There is nothing to say returning eggs to your diet will or won't affect the scale. I'd drop the sugar and bacon to lose weight before I'd worry about adding eggs.


If you post 2-3 day's worth of what you typically eat, along with the amount of daily sleep you usually get, and your activity level, folks here may be able to give you feedback on possible adjustments.


FWIW, I did my Whole30 this June, had eggs every morning and continue to have eggs every morning since. On my Whole30 I lost 4.2 inches and 5 pounds. Last time I stepped on the scale and took measurements (early Oct), I've lost a total of 10 inches and 11 pounds.

EDIT: To clarify, you've lost 120 lbs since Feb???? 

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  • 1 month later...

Hi! Yes I have lost 120lbs since February...I have been holding steady with this weight loss and still have about 30lbs to use.  I will be cutting out the bacon at the end of this month (using up what I have) then I guess I will try going back to eating regularly.  I have found I'm only eating one or two meals per day.  And lately I have allowed myself to eat more fruit than usual


Sleep just started to dial that in.  I was getting about 5 hours a night.  As of this week I am aiming for 7!

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I will be cutting out the bacon at the end of this month (using up what I have) then I guess I will try going back to eating regularly. 

 what does this mean? If you are planning on going back to eating in the way you did prior to weight loss, be aware that you will likely regain all the weight you lost. If you lost that weight through starvation (eating only one or two small meals per day, etc.) then you may find that your metabolism has slowed and you re-gain even more quickly.


The whole30 is designed to help you achieve a healthy balanced long-term approach, understanding what foods impact hunger and satiety cues and how to really nourish your body. Might I suggest you try 30 days of whole30, including three meals per day meeting the template guidelines? It really does work.

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I think she meant that she was going back to how she was eating before she started to plateau, which is more strict paleo/whole30-style.


I'd make sure you're eating 3 meals a day and getting good sleep, and also keep an eye on anything that is naturally sugary like fruit. Also, the more weight you have to lose, the faster it comes off. It's totally normal for weight loss to slow or stop entirely as you get smaller. Usually the best way to bust through a plateau is to totally change up your routine. Clean up your diet, change your exercise, increase your exercise, etc.

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  • 1 month later...

I think she meant that she was going back to how she was eating before she started to plateau, which is more strict paleo/whole30-style.


Yes that is exactly what I meant.  It still hasn't happened though.  I just found out that I am expecting number two!  And while I would never want to put my baby in danger I am still hoping I will be able to lose some weight (fat). I am still eating more fruit than I would like but I can't imagine this is the cause of my plateau.  Just added kettlebells again :) they are my favourite.  I am also working a fulltime 8-4:30 job and then work part-time from home as well which is stressful and time consuming.  Also I tried one egg (yesterday) and that seemed to go well.


Thanks for the feedback.  And just for the record I will always be paleo. 

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