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Epic fail half marathon after our first whole30...

Colleen Roy

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There are a few different reasons why this half marathon (my 8th? or 9th?) was an epic fail. First, my half hearted training schedule since mid-June. Second, it was pretty warm and humid and SUNNY-the entire course was in full sun, with very few exceptions-I was dying and have a killer sunburn despite using sunscreen. Third, it happened at the end of our first whole30 and I admit, we cheated the night before the race...not drastically-ate out and was compliant food wise, but indulged in a beer and a cocktail. Fourth, did NOT sleep well-alcohol? Lousy bed at the hotel? Both? Who knows?

I just know it was a suck-fest all around. Oh well. Back to our new normal tomorrow and hoping to figure out the right balance to be successful with long runs and races. The plan is to complete another whole30 and try one "off-road" day/night then try the reintroduction phase again. We sort of reintroduced everything Saturday and Sunday-and I don't really notice anything specific...I want to be more careful about reintroducing things next time. We didn't do this because of any food allergies or intolerances, just to eat in a more healthy way.

So, back to it. And back to a more careful and planned training schedule beginning on August 1. Next half marathon is on October 21 and I plan on kicking my half PR to the curb with that race.

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Hey you were out there and you committed to the training... You were already a success. You seemed to have a lot going up against you and I can't imagine one cheat before the race would have thrown you off.

I'm training for the Chicago marathon and just started my Whole 30 today. Please keep us updated as I'm very interested in Paleo for endurance runners.

My friend and her husband as doing the Chicago marathon as well and he eats paleo on the days he doesn't run, when he does run he has a small amount of whole grains. Interesting!

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I was just talking to a friend who is half way through her first whole30 and both of us are trying to figure out the right balance to sustain our energy levels for workouts. It's HARD! My energy for every day stuff is fine-but any workout that is longer than 30-45 minutes has been really, really difficult! Will try to tweak this during our second whole30 and will keep you posted. I hope your training goes well! I have a few NH friends who are training for the Chicago marathon too-yeah runners!

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Hey you were out there and you committed to the training... You were already a success. You seemed to have a lot going up against you and I can't imagine one cheat before the race would have thrown you off.

I'm training for the Chicago marathon and just started my Whole 30 today. Please keep us updated as I'm very interested in Paleo for endurance runners.

My friend and her husband as doing the Chicago marathon as well and he eats paleo on the days he doesn't run, when he does run he has a small amount of whole grains. Interesting!

Redruns, have you heard of Loren Cordain's and Joe Friel's "The Paleo Diet for Athletes"? http://www.amazon.com/Paleo-Diet-Athletes-Nutritional-Performance/dp/1594860890/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1343121520&sr=1-1&keywords=paleo+diet+for+athletes

It might help you with Paleo/W30 as an endurance athlete. I'm doing the Santa Barbara International Marathon in mid-Nov. and perhaps others if that goes well, so I'm going to look deeper into this book, too.



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Thanks Cheryl. I'm planning on doing this whole30 and paying VERY close attention to what I am eating and when I'm eating it. I don't think I was eating enough of the right stuff before I worked out or enough/at all afterwards. I'm just NOT hungry after I workout hard! It was really hard for me to eat then-I'm going to do better in that area this time around.

If, after whole30 number 2, I find my energy is still not where I want/need it to be, I may play around with adding some whole grains back in to my diet in a small amount and see how that works for me. It's all about experimenting with what combinations work best, right?

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If, after whole30 number 2, I find my energy is still not where I want/need it to be, I may play around with adding some whole grains back in to my diet in a small amount and see how that works for me. It's all about experimenting with what combinations work best, right?

We highly encourage you to tinker with your the quantity and timing of your food, however sacrificing quality is never ideal. I understand the desire to switch back to grains, especially when every endurance magazine is toting the fiber-liscous benefits of grains. But it simply isn't true. There is no optimal reason to include grains back in your diet.

30 to 45 minute bouts of exercise will need extra carbohydrates. I also recommend reading Paleo Diet for Athletes, as it has some good tips on how to fuel for endurance sports. Also, Nell Stephenson of Paleolista.com is an Ironman Triathlete, who eats strictly paleo. It can be done and to your benefit.

First increase your starchy carb intake (pumpkin, butternut squash, sweet potato), then potentially add in fruit. Fat is also essential for you b/c it a slow burning fuel source that will help sustain you on longer runs.

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I feel like I am eating starchy vegetables every day-especially sweet potatoes! I have them at least once a day, if not twice. And I eat fruit every day too-usually in the morning, but sometimes in the afternoon too. I'm pretty sure I have a serving of healthy fat with every meal-half an avocado once a day, ghee or coconut oil to cook with, evoo in salad dressing....guess I'll have to play around with adding more of those things?

Thanks for the resources. I'd rather not add grains back in-it's easier to cook without them! I will definitely check out the other resources and tweak my diet during this whole30.

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Have you ever inputted what you're eating now into a calorie counter to see just where your carb/protein/fat levels are? I thought I was eating many more carbs than I actually was.

Mark Sisson has a lot of thoughts on different ways of training and being paleo/primal. He hits on the train low/race high (training less and smarter on lower carb and then ramping up carbs right before the race in a primal way). He also talks on training endurance races with eating about 150 carbs a day and doubling up training to train the body to learn to use glycogen more efficiently. As in, train twice in a day and then taking a day off v.s. training once everyday. It might be worthwhile to search his site for marathon training suggestions and reading the book mentioned above.

Alcohol does impact sleep and lack of sleep impacts performance. You may have actually been hungover from that one drink.

Good luck on your next race!

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Casey-do you know of any calorie counters/food trackers online that are quick and easy to use? Now I'm even more curious to know if I'm eating as much as I thought I was...thanks!

I use fitday.com -- it's free, but sometimes it's a hassle to find the exact food you want.

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I'm on day 12. I ate quinoa last Friday before my 18 mile night trail race. I was so worried about my energy level. I'm running 18 tomorrow and I'm worried again. I did well with 8 miles and no extra carbs running this week. I am using non whole 30 fuel gels during my racing..only during the race. I took squished sweet potato on my training runs last week with some banana and salt. I over salted it...but I'm learning. I think it will take some time. I'm reading a book about ultra running and paleo. It's a life transition. I feel I have more energy at night then in the morning. I'm dragging in the morning and then when I run at night I feel great. It was the other way around. I've been very strict on staying to the whole 30..except the last race day. I'm getting ready to go to the book store and write some recipes down..with out buying the books today!! I'm hungry for something other then eggs and sweet potatoes. I don't eat meat. Oh..and spinach...and spegetti squash..and ghee..i love them all but i need something new...or I might eat a black bean again.

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Hi Allegra, good luck with your race! I just wanted to pop in and make mention that quinoa isn't W30 approved. I'm not sure if you're aware or not, but even if that's your personal, intentional concession, I just wanted to point it out lest any other folks get confused.


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I'm on day 12. I ate quinoa last Friday before my 18 mile night trail race. I was so worried about my energy level. I'm running 18 tomorrow and I'm worried again. I did well with 8 miles and no extra carbs running this week. I am using non whole 30 fuel gels during my racing..only during the race. I took squished sweet potato on my training runs last week with some banana and salt. I over salted it...but I'm learning. I think it will take some time. I'm reading a book about ultra running and paleo. It's a life transition. I feel I have more energy at night then in the morning. I'm dragging in the morning and then when I run at night I feel great. It was the other way around. I've been very strict on staying to the whole 30..except the last race day. I'm getting ready to go to the book store and write some recipes down..with out buying the books today!! I'm hungry for something other then eggs and sweet potatoes. I don't eat meat. Oh..and spinach...and spegetti squash..and ghee..i love them all but i need something new...or I might eat a black bean again.

Hi, Allegra: Just curious -- what's the book on paleo and ultrarunning? Thanks!

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