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Three days in...


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My husband and I started January 12th and this is our third day.


Day two was rough but today seems better. Last night after dinner I just went to my bedroom so that I wasn't tempted to stare into my kitchen. I WILL break my nighttime habit!!


I have followed the rules and resisted the urge to weigh myself. My stomach looks flatter today, which made me happy this morning. :D


I am having trouble finding "Ghee" in Indianapolis, we have a Trader Joe's here but they are out with no current shipment date.


Looking forward to expanding my recipes as the days go on. I can't believe I actually made homemade mayo....and it was yummy. I'm trying to venture out a little with recipes, I don't want to get burned out on chicken the first week. Along with chicken I've had fish, bison, and tuna. I feel like I'm not getting all the veggies I should be with my morning meal. I need to work on that in the coming days.


Looking forward to reading some other forum topics and getting advice on how to make this journey successful.







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My husband and I started January 12th and this is our third day.


Day two was rough but today seems better. Last night after dinner I just went to my bedroom so that I wasn't tempted to stare into my kitchen. I WILL break my nighttime habit!!


I have followed the rules and resisted the urge to weigh myself. My stomach looks flatter today, which made me happy this morning. :D


I am having trouble finding "Ghee" in Indianapolis, we have a Trader Joe's here but they are out with no current shipment date.


If you're having trouble finding ghee, make your own clarified butter. Very easy. I use either Organic Valley unsalted or Kerrygold unsalted.



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I am having trouble finding "Ghee" in Indianapolis, we have a Trader Joe's here but they are out with no current shipment date.



Fortunately, this is easy to fix! :)


Go buy a pound of quality butter. Put it in an oven safe pan. Preheat the oven to 250 and bake it for 70 minutes. Then pour it through three layers of cheesecloth. The result is ghee! Delish, easy, and Whole30 approved. :) 

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I like to make a big batch of braised kale and carrots, braised cabbage and carrots or roasted Brussels sprouts and use those as my veg with breakfast.  All three ideas are courtesy of nomnompaleo.com. 


If you're still adjusting to eating atypical breakfast foods, these may seem like odd ideas, but you might change your mind as you adjust ;-)


Good for you for resisting the temptation of the kitchen last night.  It's one thing to acknowledge in your head that snacking at night is a habit rather than a necessity.  It's another thing to change the behavior!  One of the things I like most about W30 is that I feel so much more in control of my food choices.  Also, I find there's a certain level of freedom in saying "no" rather than wasting time and energy on the internal debate of letting myself have "just a little" and "making up for it by [fill in the blank]." 


(I'm doing my second W30 now.  First was in March/April 2013.  In between, I stuck pretty close to plan, other than a few periods of over-indulgence.)

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Also, if you don't want to make ghee, you can buy the small jars of Pure Indian Foods Ghee on amazon.com.  I usually order from the Pure Indian Foods website but will occasionally buy it on amazon when I need it quickly.  I have an Amazon Prime membership, so it's free 2 business day shipping.

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I like to make a big batch of braised kale and carrots, braised cabbage and carrots or roasted Brussels sprouts and use those as my veg with breakfast.  All three ideas are courtesy of nomnompaleo.com. 


If you're still adjusting to eating atypical breakfast foods, these may seem like odd ideas, but you might change your mind as you adjust ;-)


Good for you for resisting the temptation of the kitchen last night.  It's one thing to acknowledge in your head that snacking at night is a habit rather than a necessity.  It's another thing to change the behavior!  One of the things I like most about W30 is that I feel so much more in control of my food choices.  Also, I find there's a certain level of freedom in saying "no" rather than wasting time and energy on the internal debate of letting myself have "just a little" and "making up for it by [fill in the blank]." 


(I'm doing my second W30 now.  First was in March/April 2013.  In between, I stuck pretty close to plan, other than a few periods of over-indulgence.)

Those are good ideas, thanks Alyson. Congrats on completing your previous W30 and good luck with the second!


 Your absolutely right, I do feel more in control of my food choices.  I know the book said think of it as "meal 1" and not "breakfast" so I'm open to new ideas for that meal. I had tuna today, I can't say I have ever done that before. I also made the Frittata with Broccoli and chicken to have as "meal 1" but it was really heavy to get down first thing in the morning.

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You can also buy ghee at Ethiopian places if there are any nearby (you might be surprised!)

I am lazy and cheap though, so I am just 100% olive oil and surviving fine. If it calls for coconut oil, I just add a tinge of coconut milk to my olive oil!

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Day 3 here as well. The headache that I had for a good 24 hours has now abated, which is really good. Last night was rough-sugar cravings at night BAD. I had a Larabar before bed, which I know we are supposed to avoid, and I proceeded to have bizarre dreams all night and woke up much more sluggish than the previous day....I'm convinced that the quality of my sleep is much better when I don't eat before bed. Anyway, 10% done! :)


Lots of good food still in the frig for the rest of the week-tonight I roasted a spaghetti squash so that tomorrow I can have some of that with Rao's Marinara sauce (compliant!) That will be a nice dinner with a steak. 


Thanks everyone for the encouragement and solidarity.

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Day 4 and I hope I haven't killed this thread!


Today was my first day of really feeling awesome. Lots of energy-only did a 30 minute workout because the legs are still a little dead-but came home from work tonight and did NOT immediately feel the need to eat, which is like a miracle in my life. Prior to starting this Whole30, I approached every meal like a starving beast (because my blood sugar was crashing, of course) and it is wonderful to be able to take appropriate hours between each meal without a lot of snacking and/or feeling desperate for something to eat. That's the best part, so far. My mood and energy is so STABLE. Wow.


Expected to wake up with KATT but it hasn't arrived yet. I won't complain if it doesn't, but given my usual propensity towards moodiness, I'm surprised. Just had a delicious meal #3 of a beautiful steak, rubbed with a ton of black pepper and course salt, sauteed in coconut oil, with an enormous plate of spaghetti squash. Yum.

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