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Feeling worse after following AIP for almost 30 days...why?

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Hello all, I've been following strict AIP for 28 days now. Some background: I have both Hashimotos and Graves antibodies, had a severe bout of Graves symptoms in 2012 that resolved with medication (no longer taking it), prediabetic, and I'vs also been diagnosed with GERD and IBS in the past. I'm self diagnosed gluten intolerant (determined after going gluten free for the sake of my gluten intolerant 2.5 year old daughter) and I feel I may also have Fibromyalgia, though I haven't seen a doctor to be diagnosed so its just a feeling I have.

My first week on AIP I felt amazing...more energy, less brain fog, a return to my normal libido that has suffered since the birth of my daughter, the severe back pain I was waking with each morning disappeared, and I lost several pounds. After that first week, although I have a good day here and there, I find I'm now back to being exhausted much of the time, I have had several bouts of GERD which I haven't had in several months, I'm waking with back pain but in a new place, and most worrisome to me, I've been having a few totally new symptoms I've never experienced before: my right index finger will feel like its on fire at times, while other times I have burning pain in my right hand (not the joints or the surface of the skin, in the "meaty" part and the center of my hand). I also have had several bouts of burning pain in my upper back and shoulders when doing very simple tasks, like mixing ground meat or scrubbing one of my daughter's toys clean. It hurts so much and and at the same time I'm exhausted, I feel like I've been doing the movement for hours although I just started the task, and I actually have to stop and rest. Never had anything like this before...and I thought I was supposed to feel better by now! I wondered at first if it was a detox of some sort, but it doesn't feel like the one I experienced several months ago when I gave up aspartame...you'd have thought I had the flu then, plus horrible horrible migraines and terrible moods. This feels different.

Is feeling like this normal at all? I'm worried its the sign of yet another autoimmune disorder...

Any help would be appreciated!

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Hello all, I've been following strict AIP for 28 days now. Some background: I have both Hashimotos and Graves antibodies, had a severe bout of Graves symptoms in 2012 that resolved with medication (no longer taking it), prediabetic, and I'vs also been diagnosed with GERD and IBS in the past. I'm self diagnosed gluten intolerant (determined after going gluten free for the sake of my gluten intolerant 2.5 year old daughter) and I feel I may also have Fibromyalgia, though I haven't seen a doctor to be diagnosed so its just a feeling I have.

My first week on AIP I felt amazing...more energy, less brain fog, a return to my normal libido that has suffered since the birth of my daughter, the severe back pain I was waking with each morning disappeared, and I lost several pounds. After that first week, although I have a good day here and there, I find I'm now back to being exhausted much of the time, I have had several bouts of GERD which I haven't had in several months, I'm waking with back pain but in a new place, and most worrisome to me, I've been having a few totally new symptoms I've never experienced before: my right index finger will feel like its on fire at times, while other times I have burning pain in my right hand (not the joints or the surface of the skin, in the "meaty" part and the center of my hand). I also have had several bouts of burning pain in my upper back and shoulders when doing very simple tasks, like mixing ground meat or scrubbing one of my daughter's toys clean. It hurts so much and and at the same time I'm exhausted, I feel like I've been doing the movement for hours although I just started the task, and I actually have to stop and rest. Never had anything like this before...and I thought I was supposed to feel better by now! I wondered at first if it was a detox of some sort, but it doesn't feel like the one I experienced several months ago when I gave up aspartame...you'd have thought I had the flu then, plus horrible horrible migraines and terrible moods. This feels different.

Is feeling like this normal at all? I'm worried its the sign of yet another autoimmune disorder...

Any help would be appreciated!

I am so sorry you are having issues. I don't know if I have any words of wisdom for you. You might want to post some of your meals for the moderators to review. Maybe they can spot something. 


I noticed that you said that you had a burning pain in the middle of your back and you have GERD. I also had those symptoms and it turned out to be Gallbladder issues. My pain was triggered when I at a lot of fat. 


Is it possible that you could be having a reaction to some of the other foods you are eating? For example avocados, even though they are on the safe list for autoimmune protocol. Have you checked out The Paleo Mom? She has a lot of information about autoimmune protocol and she may have some answers for you. http://www.thepaleomom.com/autoimmunity I hope you feel better soon.

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Hi Blue, I also have hashis and have suffered with IBS and GERD. I did do much better on AIP and when I stray, I feel worse. I'm not sure what the pain is, but have you tried going to a chiro? I go regularly. I've had pain that that before, and it sounds like it could be a pinched nerve in the neck, which can cause pain down to the fingers. It is worth getting checked out.  It also could be gallbladder/pancrease related as Tina said. Please post some meals so we can see what you are eating that may be causing this.

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Thanks for the responses. My sister had her gallbladder removed about 7 years ago and last year my mom had a severe bout with pancreatitis which hospitalized her for 2 weeks, though they both had very different symptoms than I'm having so it hadn't occurred to me that it might be related to something like that. I will definitely check with my doctor if it doesn't get better.

I used to go to the chiro and I loved going, but I had to stop because its too expensive on our limited income at the moment (I'm committed to being a stay at home mom for my little one). I doubt we could find a way for me to go back as long as I'm not working unfortunately.

It also hadn't occurred to me that it could be food related since I'm on the AIP. Looking back now at my diary there is somewhat of a pattern that my symptoms seem worse when I've had a lot of plantains. My sister is latex sensitive and can't have bananas, avocado, pineapple, and several other latex fruits so I wonder if it could be plantains?

Here are some examples of recent meals:

Breakfast: Strawberry, peach, blackberry and coconut milk smoothie

Lunch: Leftover collard green pork rolls with AIP friendly "pasta sauce" from Tara Grants book "The Hidden Plague" (its made mostly with carrots, sweet potato, pumpkin, and beets) with fresh strawberries and blueberries.

Dinner: Baked chicken legs with coconut oil and oregano, braised kale, leeks, and parsnips, boiled calabaza squash, 1/2 navel orange and a couple dried dates.

Snacks: I been eating lots of plantain chips, fruit (usually apples, blueberries and navel oranges), carrot sticks, bacon, and homemade Larabars made with dried dates, apricots, shredded coconut and plantain chips, and to drink its usually water or iced tea (switched to decaf in the last several days) sweetened with stevia.

Another day-

Breakfast: Leftover kelp noodle stirfry with bone broth, chicken, spinach and squash.

Lunch: Leftover braised veal with sauteed kale, pan fried sweet potatoes, and fresh blueberries.

Dinner: Beef and wild boar meatloaf with sauteed spinach and boiled carrots.

This morning I'm having definite GERD symptoms and I haven't even felt like eating anything yet. Plus the pain in my hand is back.

Should I eliminate the plantains? Thanks for the help.

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Try eliminating the plantains, if it's that simple, it should be noticeable.

If you have an improvement, I'd eliminate all the latex ones for awhile, see if you get any additional improvements.


However for any kind of burning pain, you may also need some blood tests.

If you have any balances out of whack, some of the "internal engine" parts may not be working properly, impairing muscle function & repair. Magnesium has a huge impact on my muscle function.

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