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I have been sick with diarrhea since May, and was recently diagnosed with lymphocytic colitis.  My doctor recommended that I take Immodium every day.  However, Immodium has corn starch, and I am intolerant to corn (and, of course, it is not Whole30 compliant).  


Any ideas on what to take to relieve diarrhea?  Also, I need a good electrolyte replacement drink.  Pedialyte is a no go...any suggestions?




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Hi Annie!


Sorry to hear you're battling that!  I'd suggest checking in with your doc or pharmacist for a corn-free option if you know you're sensitive.  They should be able to suggest something that will work for you.


For electrolytes, we like a company called elete. You can find out more about them here: http://eletewater.com/

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