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Started today! Excited and nervous :)


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Hi Everyone!


I decided late last week that it was time for me to start the Whole 30. I read 'It Starts With Food' a few years ago, and although I liked the concept, I really couldn't wrap my head around giving up dairy. And, in all honesty, I think I was in serious denial about my sugar addiction.


After some lousy luck with my health over the past few years (fertility related), I gained 20 lbs after my fourth (and final) failed pregnancy last year. The stress led to many bad food choices, and although I exercise regularly and at a high intensity, I have not been able to shift the weight.


Although the weight gain is awful, it it not why I want to do the Whole 30 program. I want to feel better, full stop. I have had IBS for years, and have found that eating in a more paleo fashion makes my gut feel much, much better. I really want to get my sugar addiction under control. At 31 years old, I have arthritis in both of my knees, and I want that to stop hurting as much as it does lately. I want to feel in control of my life again, and I want to accept the body I have and all it's amazing abilities! I do not want to be a slave to sugar any more!


I hope that joining this forum will give me some much needed support (and a swift kick in the @ss when necessary), as well as great recipes and other helpful hints.


Thanks for reading :)



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Welcome Lara!

I started Jan 31 and am going strong! I have noticed that I'm less sleepy during the day and I can go a lot longer between meals without getting shaky/grumpy.

It's not always easy. Sometimes it's very hard. But it is worth it!!

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Hi Lara,


I can relate to you comment about 'serious denial about sugar addiction'.  I was in that same boat as well.  I thought I had cleaned up my diet pretty well until I started the whole30.  My body wasn't too happy about the lack of sugar.  I felt pretty lousy days 5-10 and had a lot of cravings.  It gets better though.  Just keep going!  I think some people are more sugar dependent than others.


Good luck!

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Thank you both for the welcome. I am on day 2, but I already have to restart because of a stupid slip up. I checked the ingredients list on my vitamin D tablets, and they contain lactose. D'oh! I guess I'll be doing a Whole 32. Not the end of the world though, and certainly not enough to derail my eating today!


I'm struggling already with not weighing and measuring myself. I am a serial weigh-er, and I take my measurements every day (I sew, it's important to have the most accurate body measurements for my projects), and it was very strange to NOT do this today, or weigh in several times a day. Because of my hobby, I won't be able to stop measuring myself all together, but beating the scale demon will be a huge victory! He's had me in his clutches for far too many years!

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I can relate to your intro all the way. I know we've already "chatted", but I'm also a mom of four with arthritic stuff happening. Thanks to you I know to check my vitamins before I take the plunge this Thursday! (Wednesday if I'm feeling bold....)


I can't wait to see how we do!!! We got this!!!!


And I don't know about you, but I'm happy to be doing something for me and for me alone this time around. 

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Oh Brie, I'm sorry I wasn't clearer in my intro. I have no children, I've had 4 miscarriages and will likely not try a fifth time, unless I can get my health back on track fertility wise. It's been really tough, but I am trying to move forward with my life. I really hope that the whole 30 is the catalyst to that. For now my husband and I will just have to be content with our furry children :)

I am the oldest of 6 kids, and my best friend has 4 children herself, so although I can't exactly say I know what you will be going through, I have a tremendous amount of respect and admiration for the fact that you are putting yourself first in this. I know that must be a challenge at the bets of times with 1 child, let alone 4!

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Oh my gosh Lara, I'm so sorry I misread that. I think I just got wrapped up in all the excitement. I've suffered a couple of miscarriages. I can only imagine how hard and frustrating this has been for you. We just got a new puppy to keep our older mastiff company. I forgot how difficult puppies are! Thankfully, Guero (the mastiff) is training Boe (the German Shepherd mix) on the outdoor stuff. We have quite a few acres of land up here and I don't want him wandering off. It's weird not having fences! 


Hope today is going amazing. I plan on doing my grocery trip today for my first week and plan on starting tomorrow or Thursday depending on how my dentist appointment goes today. 

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No worries Brie! We're more cat people, but our newest ginger kitty Angus is quite a handful for a cat, much more puppy like. Our other kitty Dewey is still training him up. Luckily there is still too much snow up here in Canada for him to be interested in sneaking outside yet!


Day 3 was a lot tougher than my first two days, that's for sure. Maybe it's because I slept so horribly, maybe it was because it was my first work day AND workout day since starting W30. Maybe it's just that my classroom was so hot and students sooo smelly (teenage stank), that it exacerbated an already elevated level of yucky-ness. Whatever it is, I hope I feel a bit better tomorrow. I have report cards to do this week :(

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Hi Lara!  You've been through a lot.  I'm so sorry about the difficulty with pregnancy... I can relate.  I am so excited for your start on Whole30!  I am now on day 13 and it's going great.  I hope your first 3 days went smoothly.  Go YOU! :)

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