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Ren's Whole30 Log

Renee Kosowan

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July 30, 2012 - 4:38pm

August 1, 2012 will start the beginning of my Whole 30 Challenge. It also marks my 29th Birthday.

I am struggling with the thought of my 29th birthday. As the last one of my friends to get married (not even engaged yet), I do not own a house yet, and no kids on the way I feel very behind in life. So what is the best way to feel good about myself... start to love me more!

Time to get into the best shape of my life! Time to rock out personal bests in my running races and strength goals.

I have been gluten free since March 2012 after discovering an intolerance with my ND. Previously I have tried most diets under the sun and usually just starved myself in hopes of losing weight. Well that didn't work... neither did running a ton.

I am looking forward to the changes this Challenge brings and hoping it leads things in the right direction. I am not 100% sold on the whole no dairy/grains/sugar for life sort of thing, but I am willing to give it a try. "Can't hurt" "What have I got to lose" (maybe 7-10 lbs of chub).

I have read Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf and I am working on finishing It Starts With Food. (I bought it for the BF so that he understands the why and how). I have also ordered the Whole 30 Daily and look forward to the encouragement and updates.

Tonight is grocery shopping and first week's worth of meal prep. Thankfully my amazing and supportive boyfriend is doing this with me (Even though he will be in Arizona for 5 days).

Tomorrow marks the pictures and measurements task and I imagine we will eat on track tomorrow as well because we will have all sorts of new food. We will also try and finish the cheese and rice pasta in the house to eliminate it from temptation once the Challenge officially starts. I would hate to waste it and it is not enough to donate to the Food Bank.

We live up in Calgary Alberta Canada (not many Canadians I imagine).

I am participating in the Spartan Race August 18th and looking forward to it being a strong and awesome race. (I should probably check out on the "timeline" what sorts of side effects happen around day 17-18.

I am sorry if you are reading this and find it bounces all over the place. My mind is pretty scattered these days (Also hoping that improves).

This is my accountability journal. Feel free to give it a read, feel free to comment if you like, however it is mostly to keep me going, have a place to vent, and to ensure I stay on track! I will likely be saving my journey on my computer in hopes to add it to a blog one day. (maybe a little more organized than this is currently)

I can do this! I have been through much harder things in life and survived.

Here goes everything.


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July 31, 2012 – 9:43am

It all starts officially tomorrow. I am nervous, scared, excited and stressed.

The BF and I hit an awkward/frustration point last night when grocery shopping for all the food we will need for week one. He was frustrated because I told him he couldn't eat foods he had picked out (flavored tuna/starches/peanut butter). I didn't have the full scientific reasoning behind why we couldn't have these items, I only knew they were off limits for the challenge. I believe in what I read in Paleo Solution and It Starts With Food and I understood what they were saying. I cannot regurgitate the science at this point and this was the reason I bought him ISWF to read on his own. I understand he is skeptical about diets and needs the science behind it to back up the theory and to get on board. I am ok with that and I can respect that he isn't willing to just drop carbs because a book says it will make us lose weight. But I do feel Paleo is a strong theory to believe in.

I am not up for a fight about this thing. I am on board for the next month. If he wants to get on board I have asked him to do it 100% (NO CHEATING). He wants to support me and I really appreciate that. He is such an amazing guy for volunteering to struggle with me. He understands a diet change is needed to lose some weight and feel healthier. I told him to finish reading the book and give it a go if he wants to. I will be ok with either choice. I really hope he follows through and is on board with this challenge with me.

Here is my meals for today. I am got my last social lunch out of the way for a while. Come tomorrow things get much more complicated.

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August 1, 2012

Well today is my birthday. What a good day to start a diet and such a bad day as well. I found out my boyfriend had ordered me a special flourless chocolate cake for my birthday before we decided to do the Whole 30 Challenge. And he would like to take me out to celebrate. I have decided to change my official start date to August 2nd. I will still eat compliant until the evening (drinking black coffee right now… slowly sipping it. Man one sugar makes a difference). Even for dinner he has picked a farm to table restaurant that appears to have some great protein options and lots of veggies. I will stick to no grains and no dairy as much as possible while still enjoying this restaurant that I have been trying to get into for a year.

I feel bad for not starting on day 1 with everyone. I feel I have failed before I have even started. But I know come tomorrow I will be prepped and ready to attack the month with enthusiasm, support and hopefully some willpower!

Now all I want to do is go home at lunch and read more of the book! I skipped a bunch of the nutrition stuff because I read the Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf and loved it. I wanted to get to more of the details of the ‘how' for this challenge. I have the basics already but I just love reading this book that I downloaded a version to my iPad so the BF can work on his hard copy and I don't have to hog it.

So funny story… I woke up this morning feeling more zip and much skinnier than I have in a long time. It is kind of like how your hair decides you will have some of the best ‘hair days' of your life right before your appointment to cut it all short or dye it a different color.

Today is going well. I am hungry at 4pm. But I did not eat a ton in anticipation of this evening's dinner/dessert.

I am consuming a lot of water though… I wonder if there is such thing as too much water? Water intoxication is something crazy like 1 liter an hour… but I am down 3 liters since this morning (almost 8 hours). I'm sure it is fine.

So never tell your office that it is your birthday… One of the guys went out, bought a cake and had them put my name on it! Even got birthday hats. So very sweet. Well I had to have a piece (yes I know it is a choice etc but I did feel super obliged to eat a piece). Thankfully we don't start Officially until tomorrow because I knew things like this would happen. Now I am sitting in a gluten/sugar comma with a big belly. I have been gluten free since March (occasionally I ‘gluten' myself). I just hope my tummy is not too upset for my birthday dinner tonight. Lots of water and I will take an enzyme when I get home.

Off for the evening to eat some very delicious dinner and flourless cake.

Tomorrow is going to be spectacular! :)

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Happy Birthday!!!! I just told my bf that reading this forum makes me feel less crazy about all this stuff. Tonight, he made brisket and listed off several ingredients he'd normally include: worcestershire, wine, bouillon...etc. I felt sorta lame telling him no, no, no and then not having the back up scientific explanation prepared.

Have a great dinner and take care of yourself tomorrow, with some w30 tough love ;)

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August 2, 2012

Yesterday's dinner was amazing. We had no grains or dairy (unless it was hidden in a sauce). We had one glass of wine each and went home to enjoy a (gf) triple chocolate birthday mousse. It was a great evening and a great birthday.

I woke up this morning wishing I could stay in bed. I was mostly tired and dragging my feet. Once up I prepped breakfast and lunch for the BF and I. Mental note to remember to prep breakfast/lunch bags the night before rather than in the morning.

I do have a new love for Avocado with salt and pepper. I ate it as if it were a wedge of orange. Yum.

Lunchtime I went for a run at the gym. Sprint Pyramid: 15' warm-up; 2', 3', 4', 4', 3', 2' w half time recovery; 10' cool-down (Sprints at 7.5mph, recovery at 6.5mph) (‘ stands for minute)

Super hungry after my run and before my lunch. Once I finished my salad I felt great. Crazy how much a salad can fill you up when you add some FAT. Still feels weird to try and construct a meal around fat and protein. But it was delicious and filling.

I had a coffee at 3pm, but I don't feel as if I am struggling to stay awake now at 4pm. Usually I would have a mid afternoon coffee and STILL feel as though I could sleep sitting up. Slight improvement today. (Worried for those days when the “Nap Monster†sets in).

I had 2 clients this evening (I work a part time massage job after my full time job). I grabbed some easy dinner and was back out on the road.

Things feel good so far. Hopefully tomorrow is a good day as well.


-6 egg whites

-1 slice of red onion

-Black coffee


-1/4 avocado w/Salt & Pepper


-Mixed Greens

-3/4 Avocado

-1 tablespoon EVOO & 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar

-3 Whole 30 Southwestern Meatballs



-4 Whole 30 Southwestern Meatballs

-1 cup raw broccoli

-1 cup raw cauliflower

-23 almonds (1 oz)

-7 Dried Apricots


-Black coffee at 3pm

Water Intake: 76oz

** I would love to hear any criticism about my food diary as I know it could use some tweaks and I would like to get as much out of this as possible.

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August 3, 2012

Officially today is day 2! I didn't wake up (at 5:30am) with a pounding headache so that is good. Sleep wasn't amazing but it also wasn't bad so that is an improvement. I did wake up with a bit of an upset stomach (feeling a little gassy). I attribute that to the raw veggies that my body is not overly used to yet. Other than that I feel good.

Personal trainer this morning had us doing all abdominal/lower back work.

Post workout I feel awake, refreshed and ready to attack the day.

Randomly at 11am this morning I feel extremely tired. Not just tired but sad. I would love a good nap in hopes of waking up refreshed and happier. (Napping is a coping mechanism for me). Instead I will enjoy a second black coffee and watch some shotput for a minute. Deep breath… move on!

On the other hand I am really looking forward to lunch in an hour. The BF made up some chicken stir-fry in coconut oil last night for his dinner and leftovers for my lunch today.

Lunch was great! After finishing it I feel energized and as if I can think clearly/accomplish something at work today.

Home early from work today (everyone else left as it is a long weekend here in Alberta, Canada). I had a great 30-45 minute nap in the sunshine.

Fairly gasey again after dinner (no more broc or Brussels sprouts for me. Tomorrow I am doing 0 fruit to try and kick the sugar.

Turns out the BF and I should not grocery shop together on this challenge. He just walks around the store talking about all of the things he CAN'T have… even if he never would have bought them in the first place.

Oh well. Hopefully tonight is a good sleep and tomorrow will rock.


-1 Banana


-3 Hard Boiled Eggs (HBE)

-Coffee (black)

-3/4 cup red pepper

-3/4 cup green pepper

-3/4 cup cucumber

-3/4 cup baby carrots


-Chicken Stir-fry in coconut oil

-Red Delicious Apple


-Coconut Flour Crusted Mahi Mahi 140g

-Balsamic Roasted Brussels Sprouts (3/4 cup)

-Sauté Beets and Onion (3/4 cup)


-3pm. Black coffee

Water Intake: 64oz (before lunch) + 32oz

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August 4, 2012

*After an increasingly better sleep last night I woke up feeling refreshed and slightly more energized. It sure does help that we went to bed at 11 and didn't get out of bed until 9:15! We still needed an alarm to get up but my body sure did need the sleep. I was happy to sleep in a little.

*So far I still feel great. I did not get any of the Day 2-3 “Hangover feelingsâ€. This worries me that maybe I am not detoxing enough. Because I felt the same on day 2 as I did on day 1 I am making day 3 a no fruit day. See if maybe I as consuming too much fruit and my “Sugar Dragon†was not able to show its ugly head yet.

*Just about to head out for my Hill/Sprint run. Really hot outside so ready with my water. Just had almonds to help fuel my run (I really hope that was a good idea!!)

*Well… That run was no good. IT was 26*C and very sunny. Not a great day to do hills/sprints at 2pm in the afternoon. I got half of my workout done before calling it quits. I will finish after dinner tonight when it cools down a bit. (3 days in a row of workouts so far)

*After finishing my run I am strangely not hungry… 3:30pm and I will force some lunch into me.

*After an awesome lunch and some household chores it is almost 6pm and I am starting to get a case of the Crankies! I am starting to get hungry for dinner and it will be awhile until we eat. I will enjoy my iced coffee and try and turn the crankies into some super productive home time. (it worked – now not cranky, laundry done and dinner prepped).

*Dinner was late but good. Went to a movie afterwards and had a decaf coffee. I wish I had brought some peppers to snack on when all I could smell was popcorn and licorice. But we survived.


-2 fried eggs (EVOO)

-1/2 cup fried sweet potatoes

-Coffee with a dash of cinnamon


-3 cups spinach

-4 slices prosciutto

-1/5 cup sliced cucumber

-1 tsp of balsamic vinegar

-1 tps of EVOO

-1/5 cup red pepper


-6oz steak

-1 cup cauliflower

-1/2 Avocado

-1.5 cups green beans

-2 cups romaine

-4†cucumber – chopped

-10 strips orange pepper

-2 tsp EVOO

-2 tsp of balsamic vinegar


-23 almonds before my run (1pm)

-Iced black coffee w/ dash of cinnamon (3pm)

-Decaf coffee w/ dash of cinnamon (9pm)

Water Intake: 96oz

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Hi Ren,

Doh! :lol: Of course orange bell pepper - I love them they are great. I usually use a mixture of all the bell peppers when I cook because I like the flavor of all of them. The orange and yellow ones are sweeter than the green and red.

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Hi Faith,

I usually do the same. We get a big bag from costco and they have all of the colours (minus green). I like having multiple colours to my meals so in they go. Rarely do I ever cook with one specific colour. I usually go with whichever is oldest or ripest in the fridge, regardless of what the recipe says.

I do love peppers and they seem to be my go-to for this challenge.

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August 5, 2012

*Day 4 – woke up after a decent sleep with a mild headache, the shakes and the sweats. All went away as soon as I had some water and some almond butter. I think I was hungry more than anything.

*I am starting to feel the “digestive distress†that was mentioned in the day 3 daily email. Stomach is all gurgly/upset, I feel bloated and puffy around the mid-section. I really prefer the lean feeling of yesterday more! This too shall pass it says.

*Throughout the afternoon my Energy has been great. Stomach settled down a fair bit, still slightly bloated.

*We went to a BBQ for dinner. We had brought all of our own food worried we wouldn't be able to eat anything (figured they would have burgers, potato salad etc). Turns out they made Veggie and Chicken kabobs… We totally could have eaten the same as everyone (minus the sauce they put on while BBQ'ing). Kind of a bummer as we looked different than everyone else. But regardless ours was really delicious and everyone was fairly supportive of our challenge. I think not having even one beer was tough for the BF. But he did so great!


-4 eggs scrambled

-1/4 cup of white onion

-1/4 cup of red pepper

-2 tsp of almond butter

-1/2 tsp hot sauce

-coffee w/ dash of cinnamon


-1/2 red pepper

-3 No-Fuss Salmon Cakes (so delicious)

-2 died apricots


-Berry Sausage 6â€

-Grilled Zucchini 6â€

-Grilled Avocado (½)

-2 tsp olive oil

Water Intake: 106oz

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August 6, 2012

*Day 5! Small victory for making it this far!

*My sleep is progressively getting better. Prior to the Whole30 my sleep was horrible (I have probably already mentioned this). I was talking with the BF yesterday and we talked about my sleep and if this way of eating drastically fixes my sleep patterns then it will be totally worth it to maintain long term. (Fingers crossed)

*So far he is still skeptical, not convinced that this way of eating will have a profound impact on his health and well-being. I am really hoping he sees dramatic changes and loves them. I feel really strongly about the lifestyle so far and it would just be much easier if he was on board full time too. He has been an awesome support so far. Especially when we go out to the store (yes we fight a little when grocery shopping sometimes) but yesterday we went to Canadian Tire to get a new BBQ (This is going to make cooking so much easier!) and they had bags of chips, candy bars and gum at the checkout. I don't usually stand at the check out of Canadian Tire and want a bag of Doritos or a Mars bar. But it is extra hard when you are craving junk and not allowed. We often voice our want and the other tries to distract the other or reminds them of their commitment. We do make an awesome team.

I feel pretty awesome… I am hesitant to talk about it because I am worried I may have jinxed it and it will all catch up to me hard and fast. So far a minor headache (5-10 minutes at most first thing yesterday morning), a mildly upset stomach (yesterday morning but nothing I would even consider on a non-whole30 day), no real tiredness to report, no grogginess, no major crankiness, and no major cravings. I am hungry if I have not eaten in a while, but that is a good thing I think. (I should keep track of what times I eat my meals so I can see if they are maybe too far apart). So far my runs haven't even been impacted greatly. Really it has been the heat that has stopped me or cut a run short. Yesterday was the only day I didn't exercise. I am hoping that as the week goes along I am not as starving when I first wake up. An ideal morning for me would be to bound out of bed with tons of energy at 5am, go for a run, come home eat breakfast and then head off to work. I have been trying to get up early to run for about a year now. My alarm is set every morning for 5am and I think it has happened maybe 5 times? In Calgary we have been experiencing an abnormally hot summer. I am not complaining, as I know there are many places around the world where 30*C is cool. But it does make it tough for a mid-day run.

*What a great day… I have lots of energy, I feel great! I have prepped sweet potatoes, eggs, bacon, turkey meatballs, and garlic mashed cauliflower. Next up is steamed broccoli and I am good for the day.

*Had a pretty good run today even though it was super hot (even inside with a massive fan blowing straight on me). I expected not to have a perfect run because of the adjustments my body is still making. So I just went with it and got my required distance in (8k) according to my trainer. About an hour after my run I started to feel really weak and shaky. I as driving home from the gym and had to eat some dried apricots and almonds. I keep them in my car for emergencies such as this one. My previous emergency food was Peanut Butter Larabars, but this will have to do on the Whole30. I am feeling a bit better now but not stellar. I am going to have a couple meatballs to tide me over until dinner.

*BF got stuck working late and I waited to eat dinner with him. At 8pm he called and was still an hour out… I have been slumped over on the couch waiting for about an hour now. Starving, no energy, and super tired. It is that much more important now to eat your meals on time. Before I would have survived this long between meals. On this program, having real food in your belly, it actually gets digested in a timely manner than sitting like a brick. I am surprised at how I am not really cranky about the situation. I imagine I would have been being so hungry.

*I hope to go to bed early tonight and get a fresh start on tomorrow. (Fingers crossed for an energy filled, happy and carb-flu-free day!)


-2 fried eggs

-2 pieces bacon

-15 almonds


-2 tsp lite coconut milk


-2 no-fuss salmon cakes

-munching on cauliflower


-3 turkey meatballs

-1/3 cup mashed cauliflower

-1/3 cup green beans (sauted in olive oil)

-2 tsp of almond butter


-7 dried apricots

-15 almonds

-2 turkey meatballs (small)

Water Intake: 130oz

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Congrats on the running Ren! Sounds like you are doing good. I will be glad when I can run someday. Not fit enough to do it yet but getting better everyday.

Since you seem to be getting hungry waiting for your BF to get home, perhaps you could try to eat a small salad to hold you. That should not interfere with your dinner but you won't be dying waiting for him to get in.

Have a great day!


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Thank you Faith,

You just have to start small and keep adding to the time and distance. I used to hate running as a kid/teen.

I probably could have made a salad. I was busy watching the olympics and once I realized I was hungry I kept telling myself he would be home any minute. Not a huge deal. I am just glad I didn't pop open a bag of chocolate chips or finish off a box of crackers (which I would have done in the past!)

:) I just realized my log is now a "hot" topic and I have moved up to Advanced Member. I really enjoy the support and knowledge I am getting from this site.

Thank you everyone, have a great and compliant day!


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August 7, 2012

*Day 6. My sleep was a little deeper than usual last night. I slept right through the cat getting sick (this normally would have had me spring out of bed). Energy was ok this morning. No carb/sugar-flu to report yet.

*Not even hungry come lunchtime. I went to the health food store, picked up some Natural Calm and some “Mega Food Daily Probiotic Formula – Megafloraâ€. I hope the Probiotic is a good one as I made sure to check for grain free, dairy free, sugar free.

*Almost 4pm and still feeling good. Grabbed a coffee with a coworker out of habit more than anything. No energy slump this afternoon to speak of.

*Had a good amount of energy for my client tonight (RMT). A few tummy grumbles but nothing out of the ordinary (actually they have gone down since starting this challenge) & I may have eaten dinner too fast.

*First night with the Magnesium (Natural Calm) I hope it wasn't a bad idea to start taking that and the probiotic on the same day. Ooops.


-Coffee (2 cups)

-4 tsp lite coconut milk

-2 egg muffins (1 egg, ½ piece bacon, yellow pepper & onion each)

-2 pieces bacon


-Salad – Romaine, yellow peppers, cucumber

-1 tsp EVOO

-1 tsp Balsamic Vinegar

-2 slices prosciutto

-2 Turkey muffins (small)

-1/4 Avocado (with salt & pepper)

**2:40pm – Took 1 probiotic – Are these something I will notice a significant change with? If so what?


-2 Turkey muffins (small)

-1.25 cups roasted sweet potatoes

-10 dried apricots

-25 almonds


-Black Coffee

**9:30pm – 1 tsp of Natural Calm

Water Intake: 100oz

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I just started taking probiotics a couple weeks ago too. I am not sure how long it takes to see a difference. I have not had any digestive issues after being on Whole 30. I never had any real bad issues but every once in a while I would have to take Rolaids or my stomach would get upset. Nothing since Whole 30 though.

Congrats on becoming a Hot Topic! Kind of makes you feel good doesn't it?

Have a wonderful day lady! :)

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August 8, 2012

*Day 7

*Pretty good energy level this morning. Sleep was deep. Woke up at 2am from my very first food dream!! This brings me happiness now (great guilt and anxiety at 2am), I am just happy to be seeing some of the same ‘symptoms' as everyone else.

Dream: I was at a restaurant with the BF and a ton of other people we knew. We had ordered and appy and were eating away at that when we realized that our entrée might have corn kernel in it. We flagged the waitress and as I was putting another tortilla (with salsa) in my mouth I relaxed what I was eating! And we were drinking wine too. Obviously I miss nachos and red wine.

*My stomach is pretty gurgly/upset this morning. I may have used a bit too much of the Natural Calm last night. (I will use less tonight) I hope it subsides. It didn't seem to like my somewhat greasy breakfast or my metabolic workout this morning with the personal trainer.

*Just before lunch and my stomach has been settled for a little while now. Feeling slim, and clean in my body lately. I feel I have more clarity to focus on things at work (however I find I am focusing on the blog and recipe searching a little too much).

*Feeling slightly tired after lunch. Drinking water and trying to avoid an afternoon coffee worked and now it is almost home time and I feel pretty good. Sometimes I think the afternoon slump is all in my head. Mind you right now I am in the middle of the “I want to nap phase†Tomorrow is “Boundless Energy!â€

*BF is away at a conference for the next couple days. I hope he is able to stay compliant and ride this thing through. I have faith in him!

Pre-Workout(5:30am): Apple Larabar

*6-7am: Metabolic/upper body workout with trainer



-1 tsp coconut milk – lite

-2 egg muffins (1 egg, ½ piece bacon, yellow pepper & onion each)

-2 pieces bacon


-2 Turkey muffins (small)

-1/4 Avocado (with salt & pepper)

-1.25 cups roasted sweet potatoes

-3/4 cup garlic mashed cauliflower



-dried apricots

-1 BBQ chicken breast

-1 cup Steamed broccoli


-Apple Larabar (8pm)

Water Intake: 500ml @ workout + 120oz

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August 9, 2012

*Day 8 – Maybe this is what the “kill all things†phase feels like. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Well first it took me 2 hours of ‘snooze pressing' to get out of bed. Missed my run this morning (a common morning occurrence, but with the increased energy lately I thought it could actually happen). So coming into the office to some angry emails doesn't make my morning any better. I have my coffee now and I am just about to go heat up my breakfast. Deep breaths and my iTunes should keep me out of trouble this morning.

*I am happy to report my trouble skin is getting better. I was breaking out on my chin a ton and on my shoulders/neck. It didn't mater how much I washed/scrubbed it would always be around. And this past couple days is when I would have normally had a breakout of 3-5 more. (Period is expected any day now but is all over the place since going off the pill in March).

*Just before lunch and I am feeling pretty good. Stomach settled much faster than yesterday so hopefully after a couple more days on this Natural Calm and Probiotic I am back to normal. I also think that cutting out the dried apricots will help a ton. I read they are on the list of foods that make you gassy/bloated.

*Food without brakes for me: Dried Apricots, Almonds, Peanut Butter (I knew this before the Whole30 and miss it now)

*Working late for third day in a row. Dinner will be later than expected. Hungry but I will live thanks to a filling lunch! I stopped by the grocery store and with a little self talk managed to get in and out without picking up any non-compliant items (yay me!). Thankfully I had some food at home already cooked so I just had to heat up some leftovers and my belly was happy again.

*Felt great energy throughout the day. I am going to try no coffee tomorrow and see if that has an impact. I think today is my best day so far.

*Batch cooked some HBEs, an egg bake (thank you ladies for the great idea - http://www.thefoodee.com/bld/1387/) and had some left over ground pork and beef fried up for lunches/dinners.

Breakfast (8:45am):


-1 tsp coconut milk – lite

-2 egg muffins (1 egg, ½ piece bacon, yellow pepper & onion each)

-2 pieces bacon


-1 BBQ chicken breast

-1.25 cups roasted sweet potatoes

-1/4 cup garlic mashed cauliflower


-1/2 BBQ chicken breast

-1.25 cups roasted sweet potatoes

-2 pieces bacon


-Coffee (2pm)

-1 tsp coconut milk – lite (2pm)

-23 almonds (6:45pm)

-1 piece of prosciutto (9pm)

Water Intake: 128oz

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Hi Ren,

I had a couple "Kill All Things" days - so I feel you. I am normally an extremely calm and gregarious person but even my SO said "boy you are snippy." I actually had moments of intense anger that surprised me. So, I am glad I was warned in advance. I did not think I would have those reactions but I did. Sorry you got smacked with angry emails on top of that.

Glad to hear that you are feeling a little better now.

Have a super day! You are doing so great!


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Hi Faith! (Thank you for all of your support)

The "Kill all things" feeling only lasted a few hours for me and I really just hunkered down at the office and it fuelled my productivity.

I am LOVING LIFE today! aside from some tummy troubles this morning (don't do a super intense workout and then eat the biggest meal all week within 40 minutes!) I feel great, I am happy, bright, productive, and feel lean and healthy!

I just told the BF that I am going to stick to this Whole Life and make small detours only on special occasions that are harder to avoid.

Have a stellar day! Almost the weekend.


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August 10, 2012

*Day 9 – I need more sleep! It was 1145 the last time I looked at the clock. The 5am alarm clock rang a little too early for my liking. At least my sleep was deep. Only one time up to go to the bathroom.

*6am workout with the personal trainer. I had an apple larabar before the workout and that seemed to be enough to settle my hungry stomach and provide enough energy to make it through the hour. We did a 20 minute dynamic warm-up and then 40 minutes of sprints including hills. Needless to say I was beat! I train with all guys and they are way faster than I am. Some of them are sitting at 40 minute 10km race times. One of the drills I had to keep up with them for their jog (almost a full run speed for me). But I did it and that is the key!

*We go out as a team for breakfast afterwards and I definitely ate way too much. My stomach is sore and upset right now. [this only lasted an hour – probably because I ate a ton of food immediately after doing an hour of sprint workouts] They claimed everything was compliant but I am just not sure. The crazy thing is I am not bloated like I normally would have been after eating over 800 calories in one meal! Because there was no gluten and no dairy it makes a huge difference in how much you can eat without feeling majorly sick. We may just be onto something with this. And you know what… I didn't even miss the cheese that is normally oozing out of every bite in the omelet. Progress I tell you.

*Due to my extraordinarily large breakfast I really wasn't hungry come lunchtime. I heated up my lunch anyways and only ate half of it. I have all sorts of energy today and I am loving it! I hope I can ride this wave all day and evening.

*Working late again and no drop in energy. Thankfully I have my lunch leftovers (and some extra breakfast) but I am honestly not hungry yet and it is almost 7pm. I am starting to think this drop in appetite might be something to watch over the next couple days.

*Well 8am-9pm sure did make for a long day of work today. Still barely hungry. Came home and had a larabar. For some reason I am actually craving fats. I hope I am not overdoing anything or lacking in anything.

Pre-Workout (5:30am):

-Apple Larabar

Breakfast (8am):

-3 egg omelet (with bacon(must have been 4 pieces at least!), onions, green pepper, mushrooms, salsa on top) – must have been ½ cup of each of the veggies

-1.5 cups of coffee (black)


-1/2 Egg Bake Serving (eggs, ground pork, ground beef, onion, zucchini, sweet potato)


-1/2 Egg Bake Serving

-1 HBE

-Baby Carrots


-Coffee w/ 1 tsp lite coconut milk (3:44pm)

-Larabar - Cashew

Water Intake: 130oz

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August 11, 2012

*Day 10 – we made it to the double digits!

*Woke up this morning not hungry at all. I woke up naturally without an alarm and I feel that morning energy everyone was talking about. Now if only I could get to bed early enough to get up early enough for work. I had another good sleep and feel awesome. It does help that it is a bit cooler outside today than it has been.

*Had an awesome workout. Progression run totaling 7km in 41 minutes). ZWOW #29 Brutal Burpees. I was a sweaty mess.

*Tonight was my toughest challenge so far. A girlfriend had her Stagette tonight and we went to a fancy Fondu restaurant in Banff. I was lucky because they also do steaks and I was really surprised at how easy it was to order and be compliant. Our server was amazing and although there was corn on the cob as part of my steamed veggies the meal was fantastic (I didn't eat the corn – but it was super funny that my dream the other night where I had cheated came true – minus the cheating). The hard part about the evening was a) not drinking a glass of wine with everyone (helped that I was the driver and Banff is an hour and half outside of Calgary) and b)CHEESE & CHOCOLATE Fondues!! They smelled and looked so delicious. Thankfully there was a girl there whom I had never met before but she eat Paleo at home (only not when out for a special occasion such as this). She understood why I can't eat corn, and congratulated me for sticking with this while out at such a tempting restaurant. I have to say I am super proud of myself. If I can pass up those items for my health I can do anything. Oh and I may have done a fair bit of preaching on the way out and back with the girls. I just had to share how awesome it is and how great I feel. I hope they didn't mind, it was hard to tell if they were rolling their eyes because I was driving and rambling.


-coffee black

-1 Egg Bake Serving (eggs, ground pork, ground beef, onion, zucchini, sweet potato)

Post Workout/Lunch(1pm):

-Almonds (30)

-2 HBE

-3/4 tablespoon Homemade Olive Oil Mayo (http://www.theclothesmakethegirl.com/2010/06/03/the-secret-to-homemade-mayo-patience/)

-3 outer leafs Romaine Lettuce


-6oz steak

-Steamed Carrots, Brocoli, Cauliflour

-Small Green salad w/ Oil & Balsamic Vinegar

-3 pieces banana, 3 strawberries


-Almonds on the drive home from Banff

Water Intake: 60oz (Always harder on the weekends for me)

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