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First steps - Jo's log


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My first Whole30, my first anything like this at all. Any feedback on anything is welcome!

Starting stats:

chest 42"

waist 42"

hips 46"

thigh 24"

weight 12st 5lb

BMI 32

(eta pics and snacks)

Breakfast - 3 egg omelette with sauted courgette and red onion, and hot paprika and chives.


Lunch - tuna salad (spinach, olives, cherry tomatoes, spring onions, cucumber, olive oil and mustard dressing).


Dinner - Moroccan chicken and sweet potato wedges (looks bland but was delicious!)


There is a realllly long gap between lunch and dinner, so I had a couple of carrots, a handful of cashews and a few raisins to keep me going.

At the end of day one, no sugar, bread, dairy, chocolate or wine. A big deal for me!

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Day 2. Had a couple of food prep fails today. I made minced turkey and apple hash for breakfast. It was very dry, tasted ok but I didn't love it. I have half left, I'm not sure if I can rescue it and make it into something else.


The second fail was the mayonnaise I attempted to make to have with lunch. It didn't work. I'll try again later in the week (I love mayonnaise!).

Lunch was tuna and egg salad with spinach, spring onions, cucumber and olives, and EVOO balsamic dressing.


Dinner - red thai beef curry with red pepper, sweet potato, onion and mushrooms. Didn't miss the rice, which surprised me.


Snacks - an apple and some cashews, a hard boiled egg and a little tomato sauce, a few raisins.

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Day 3. Breakfast was delicious, a chorizo, red pepper and spinach fritatta.


Lunch - chicken salad with spinach, cucumber, roasted onion and tomato, with evoo. Followed with raspberries and a few almonds.


Dinner - roasted salmon (with evoo and lemon juice), cherry tomato topping, and cauliflower 'couscous' (with red pepper, onion, garlic and olives).


Snacks were a hard boiled egg and a carrot.

So far so good. I'm slightly surprised at my lack of reaction to cutting out all the dairy, wheat, sugar, chocolate, wine. I'm waiting to feel crazy!


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would love to hear how your next attempt at mayonaise works... I've read through a bunch of recipes but haven't attempted it yet. I'm a huge fan of mayo as well... I'm in the process of moving so the mayo project is on hold for the next day or two, but I'm gonna jump in as soon as Im' able!


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Making mayo is my target for tomorrow!

I'm a bit behind on the log. Yesterday I had fried eggs, mushrooms, spinach and roasted mushrooms for breakfast (entirely inspired by Derval's log :D ).


Lunch was chicken and bacon (with no sugar! whoop!) salad with lettuce, spring onion and apple, and an olive oil/mustard dressing. It was very yummy.


I didn't take photos of dinner. I was sausage, sweet potato and apple hash. Another hit with me and my husband (who isn't doing the whole30 but who is enjoying the evening meals).

I made a 2 egg spicy omlette for a snack (big snack!)

No pics today either. Breakfast was similar to yesterday - 1 fried egg, bacon, mushrooms, spinach and roasted tomatoes.

Lunch - tuna and egg salad with lettuce, olives and cucumber and olive oil/mustard dressing.

Dinner - spicy mince (made with onion, butternut squash and tinned tomatoes), with kale and coconut butter. Then some raspberries and a few almonds.

I'm very pleased as today I was at a social event and I happily declined cake and red wine, without feeling resentful or deprived. That is huge for me! I'm not sure what the Whole30 is doing to me but I like it.

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Day 6 (already!)

Breakfast - sausage, leek and tomato frittata


Lunch - chicken salad with olives, spinach, cucumber, sundried tomatoes, and a balsamic/evoo dressing.


Dinner - bolognese (made with minced beef, onion, aubergine and tinned tomatoes) with my first courgette noodles. I loved them and wish I'd made more! Sauteed them with evoo, lemon juice and fresh basil. Mmmmmmm!


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Your zoodles were a success, yay!

They were gorgeous! Thanks for the advice :D

I forgot to update yesterday. I had a neck ache *all* day and was very grumpy.

Breakfast - bacon, egg, mushrooms and roasted tomatoes


Lunch - leftover spicy mince and spinach (with coconut butter).


Dinner - roasted sausage, pumpkin and red onion, and chard (I ate two sausages, was too full for the third one)


Today is day 8. I'm frankly amazed that I'm into week two so smoothly! No headaches yet, a few minor cravings, but very little snacking, no picking at the kids leftovers, no wine, no chocolate. I really was eating a lot of sugar, wheat etc before I made the sudden decision to do the Whole30. I have never even flirted with eating paleo or primal before. Amazing.

Breakfast - bacon, egg, mushrooms and leeks, and roasted tomatoes


Lunch - the last of the spicy mince with the sausage I didn't eat last night, roasted sweet potato and red onion, watercress salad.


I forgot to take a photo of dinner, but it was salmon and broccoli thai red curry (mmmmmmm) with cauli rice. And just now I had some almonds and raisins.

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Day 9 - I spoke too soon yesterday! Today I have realllllllly wanted to eat non-Whole30 food. Especially a toasted English muffin with butter. Crisps. Pizza. All savoury, not sweet, which surprises me. I didn't go off plan, but it's been harder work today than before.

Breakfast was 3 scrambled eggs with chives, fried mushrooms and courgette, and roasted tomatoes.


Lunch - tuna salad with watercress, spinach, olives, tomatoes, cucumber and spring onion, and a balsamic/evoo dressing.


I was really hungry later in the afternoon, and had a boiled egg with cucumber and evoo, and some raisins and cashews a couple of hours later.

I made a beef casserole in the slow cooker for dinner, with sweet potato, red pepper, tinned tomatoes, an onion and mixed herbs. We had it with some home grown chard. It's another meal that tasted way better than it looks in the photo!


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Day 10 - one third of my Whole30 complete! No cravings today.

Breakfast - leek, red pepper and olive frittata (forgot to take a photo).

Lunch - I made a sort of platter, with parma ham, a hard boiled egg, watercress, cucumber, and strawberries and black pepper. Served with balsamic/evoo dressing. It was very good.


I had a snack at the same time the kids had their tea. It was a variation on lunch - parma ham, olives, a carrot and a few walnuts.

Dinner - roast chicken, roast butternut squash, watercress and spinach salad.


I have my first social eating challenge tomorrow, lunch at mum's. I've offered to take a salad (she's making sandwiches) so hopefully I'll sail through!

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Day 11. My 2 year old slept all the way through the night last night, for the first time in a few months. Woop!

Breakfast - chicken and red pepper frittata.


Lunch - at mum's with some extended family I haven't seen for a couple of years. It was lovely to see them. I took a salad (mixed lettuce, cold roast chicken and butternut squash from yesterday's dinner) and a balsamic/evoo dressing in a jam jar. I had a big helping of that and no one noticed I left the sandwiches, crisps and sausage rolls :) I drew the line at taking a photo....

Dinner - smoked mackerel, mashed sweet potato, spinach.


And because it's Friday night, and because it's been hot all week and the kids have had ice creams and I haven't, and because I don't have a cold beer or glass of wine in my hand, I had a 40g bag of dried mango. And it was delicious! :P

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Wow that was a busy weekend! We spent some time at the allotment, I went to visit my brand new baby nephew, and stayed up late to watch the Olympics closing ceremony. I loved it! I'm so sad the Olympics is over now.

Anyway, food. Saturday breakfast, 2 fired eggs, fried mushroom, roasted tomatoes.

Lunch - tuna salad with olives, cucumber, mixed lettuce, tomatoes, spring onions and mustard/evoo dressing.

Dinner - Greek lamb. Aubergine, red onion, red pepper and tomatoes roasted with lamb steaks, thyme and olives. Raspberries and coconut flakes.

Sunday. Breakfast - leftovers fritatta (with leftover roasted pumpkin and onion).

Lunch - at my brothers, I was a bit worried but it worked out great! They made chicken, fried potatoes and feta salad. I left the potatoes and ignored the feta, had the chicken and the salad :) Followed by melon.

Dinner - slow cooker beef joint with broccoli with leftover stew gravy. Almond, raisins and coconut flakes.

13 days done!

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Whoops I didn't realise it had been so long since I updated!

Monday (day 14) was an odd one. I made a butternut squash, red pepper and roasted tomato fritatta, and had that for breakfast and lunch. I was so so tired later that day, ate some snacks (W30-type snacks, nuts, raisins, coconut, HB egg) and went to bed with a cup of tea and my knitting at 8.30. I had no interest in dinner. I slept like a log and felt much better the next morning.

Tuesday (day 15).

Breakfast - leftover roast beef hash with onions, broccoli and a fried egg. Delicious!

Lunch - tuna salad with olives, pepper, lettuce, cucumber and evoo/balsamic dressing.

Dinner - turkey Thai meatballs and garlic zoodles. Mmmmmmm


Wednesday (day 16)

Breakfast - scrambled eggs (3), fried mushroom, roasted tomatoes.


Lunch - meatball salad with the leftover meatballs from yesterday, lettuce, peppers, cucumber, evoo


Dinner. Oh my goodness. Pulled pork in the slow cooker. Amazing. We had it with mashed sweet potato and steamed broccoli.


Today, day 17.

Breakfast - the most amazing leftover pork hash with onion and broccoli.


Lunch - my usual tuna salad (no pic)

Dinner - bunless burgers. Delish. I baked a big field mushroom in olive oil, and put the burger on it, and a fried egg on top of the burger. Wow! Served with sweet potato wedges and spinach salad.


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Friday, day 18.

Breakfast - cold pulled pork, fried egg, wilted spinach.


Lunch - I meant to go and buy some more salad but didn't get around to it. I made a quick plate of vegetables, mixed a warm hard boiled egg with some evoo and topped it with some tuna. It was unexpectedly nice, and filling. I still haven't made another attempt at mayonnaise, I imagine that would have made lunch even better!


Dinner - baked chicken curry (with onion, chilli, garam masala spice, garlic, onion, tinned tomatoes, coconut milk. Served with cauli rice.


I had a snack too, a quick trail mix (raisins, almonds, coconut flakes).

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Saturday. No pics, was a busy day!

Breakfast - scrambled eggs (3) in coconut butter, fried mushroom, roasted tomatoes. I love this breakfast.

Lunch - chicken, bacon and apple salad with lettuce, spring onion, cucumber and evoo/mustard dressing.

Dinner. Very proud of myself. We went to a big family birthday party. I packed some almonds/raisins/coconut flakes as emergency back up. I didn't eat any of the crisps in little bowls on each table. I didn't choose to eat any of the quiche, sandwiches, dips, breadsticks, peanuts etc at the buffet. I loaded my plate with salad, chicken drumsticks, slices of roast beef, vegetable crudites. I didn't have cake (even my favourite old family recipe chocolate cake!). I turned down offers of beer and wine. Amazing.

Sunday. Day 20 - two thirds through yay!

Breakfast - bacon, mushrooms, egg and tomatoes.


Lunch - picnic in the park next to a stream. Very hot here today.

Pulled pork salad with watercress, spring onion, cucumber, red pepper. I didn't bother with a dressing as the pork is *very* fatty. An apple afterwards


Dinner - lamb chops roasted with peppers, red onion and courgette, and sweet potato fritters from this blog. I didn't make mine with cinnamon (don't like it), I added chopped rosemary and garlic instead. They were yummy! I have 2 leftover for breakfast tomorrow.


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Monday. Breakfast - the last of the the pulled pork fried up with the leftover sweet potato cakes and an egg, with some roasted tomatoes.


Lunch - chicken salad with watercress, olives, cucumber, tomatoes, peppers, spring onions, evoo/balsamic dressing.


Dinner - beef meatballs in tomato sauce, with cauli rice.


I had a warm hard boiled egg with evoo and cucumber when the kids had tea, and shared an apple with my 2 year old :)

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