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Whole30 Newbie


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Hello! I started my Whole30 journey on Monday. I am posting my meals to gain feeback and insight as I think I am compliant but want to ensure. Just a little background I am a Diet Coke and sugar addict so I am trying this to prove to myself I can rid myself of these dragons and see how much better I can feel without them in my life.


Day1: Breakfast: palm sized amount of beef, 2 eggs, bell pepper slices, 5 or so cherry tomatoes, about 10 nuts 

Lunch: hamburger, cauliflower roasted in EVOO, 6 cherry tomatoes, plum, nuts

Dinner: 2 thincut pork chops, sweet potato, few cherry tomatoes, small handful nut

*had cup of hot tea mid-morning, water rest of the day


Day 2: Breakfast: cup of hot tea,palm sized amount of beef, sweet potato, 1 egg

Lunch: hamburger, broccoli roasted in EVOO

Snack: apple i didn't eat with lunch

Dinner:1.5 thincut pork chops, cauliflower roasted in EVOO, strawberries


Day 3: Breakfast 3 eggs, cauliflower that was roasted with EVOO, cup of hot tea

Lunch: hamburger, broccoli roasted in EVOO, some bell pepper slices, plum


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Meals looks good. Day 1 was a little nut-heavy, but still compliant.

On the snack, if you are genuinely hungry in between meals (hungry = you could eat steamed fish and broccoli), the recommendation is to have a mini-meal containing a protein and fat. Save your fruit to have with or immediately after your meals.

EDIT: also make sure your tea is compliant: no soy, stevia or other nasties.

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For us sugar addicts be careful of eating too much fruit and eating it as a snack. Your body is going to try to get you to eat anything that is sweet. Also you might want to add more veggies, you should be aiming for 2 - 3 cups per meal. It looks like you may be eating only one cup per meal. You've got this!

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