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Whole 30 Started 03/03/2014


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Hello all,  I started my first ever Whole 30 on March 3, 2014.   I have been paleo + diary for a little over a year now.  I will start to submit my entire day's meals starting today on to see if anyone can help me with an issue I am having now.   Starting on Day 5, I realized I was constantly hungry.    I used to have this problem when I first started Paleo and realized my body was confusing hunger with thirst because I would be fine after drinking a glass of water.    A glass of water does not seem to be fixing the problem this time around.


Hopefully someone here can help me out once I post my food logs.

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Many people fail to eat enough when they start a Whole30. Be sure to eat at least the minimum recommended in our meal template guidelines: http://whole9life.com/book/ISWF-Meal-Planning-Template.pdf


Drinking 1/2 ounce of water per pound of body weight every day is a good practice. This means a 150 pound person would drink 75 ounces per day.

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Day 7:


Breakfast:  Breakfast Gallimaufry - consisting of pastured ground pork, onion, sweet potato, green bell pepper, red bell pepper, mushrooms, and eggs.   + 1/2 avocado.


One batch  about 3 or 4 servings and contains 1 lb ground pork, 1 onion, 1 large sweet potato, 1 green bell pepper, 1 red bell pepper, 1/2 lb mushrooms, and 6 eggs.    


Lunch:  Bad planning caused me to eat a second serving of the breakfast gallimaufry.   


Dinner:   Crock pot beef stew - consisting of 1 lb grass fed beef stew meat, 1 large sweet potato, 3/4 lb carrots, 3/4 pound sliced cherry tomatoes, 1 onion, minced garlic, and a container of homemade bone broth.  Before Whole 30 I would polish that off in about 4 meals.   The bone broth is made from grass fed beef bones I got from a cow share.


I had a handful of berries and a compliant Larabar in between lunch and dinner.    I am male, 5'9, 160#ish, and I am 36.    I ate the berries and Larabar because I started to get a little hungry.    If today goes like the last couple days, I will start getting hungry again at about 8 where I will either just resist eating or eat a handful of blueberries.

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Day 8:


Breakfast:  Breakfast Gallimaufry with a bowl containing 6 large blackberries and a handful of blueberries


Lunch:  Bowl of leftover beef stew with 6 blackberries


Dinner:   Another serving of beef stew with blackberries.


I know my meals have not been exciting but I do not like to waste food and I fear if I cook something else while I still have leftovers, some food will eventually go bad.


The beef stew seems to be filling me up more than I have felt the past few days.

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Breakfast:  Last of breakfast gallimaufry


Lunch:  Today was a busy day and it was 3:30 when I realized I had not eaten lunch so I decided to eat a slightly earlier and bigger dinner.   In between 3:30 and dinner, I ate a handful of blackberries and 2 tsp of coconut butter.


Dinner:   Mashed sweet potatoes with taco flavored grass fed ground beef with homemade guacamole.   Topped with a handful of unsweetened coconut and 2 tsp of coconut butter.

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I had a handful of berries and a compliant Larabar in between lunch and dinner.    I am male, 5'9, 160#ish, and I am 36.    I ate the berries and Larabar because I started to get a little hungry.    If today goes like the last couple days, I will start getting hungry again at about 8 where I will either just resist eating or eat a handful of blueberries.


If you are hungry in between meals (and hungry is defined as I could eat steamed fish and broccoli) than we recommend eating protein and fat not fruit or larabars. Some people take time adjusting to 3 meals a day and do need a mini meal. It is hard to tell if you are eating enough because I have no idea how large your palms are. Your meals sounds like they might be enough for me (though I'd probably have another vegetable with the stews) but I'm a 5'4" female. The template suggests 1-2 palm sized servings of protein at all three meals, 1-3 cups of veggies, and 1-2 additional fat servings. 



Breakfast:  Last of breakfast gallimaufry


Lunch:  Today was a busy day and it was 3:30 when I realized I had not eaten lunch so I decided to eat a slightly earlier and bigger dinner.   In between 3:30 and dinner, I ate a handful of blackberries and 2 tsp of coconut butter.


Dinner:   Mashed sweet potatoes with taco flavored grass fed ground beef with homemade guacamole.   Topped with a handful of unsweetened coconut and 2 tsp of coconut butter.


I think the better choice here would have been to eat your meal 2 and than pushed meal 3 back a little. 


I know my meals have not been exciting but I do not like to waste food and I fear if I cook something else while I still have leftovers, some food will eventually go bad.


The beef stew seems to be filling me up more than I have felt the past few days.


I mostly cook for myself as my husband eats SAD style and the way I plan it out is I eat beef or lamb once a day and alternate between chicken or pork and seafood once a day and then I pick recipes that will give me the correct number of servings roughly each week. I eat eggs and vegetables pretty much every morning. Usually sauteed kale with scrambled eggs. Quick and easy to make. Having a rotation of protein sources throughout the week will give you more nutritional bang for your buck.

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Thanks for the advice and suggestions.   I can fit about 4 eggs in my hand.   I did not know what to do with the missed meal. In the past when I ate "lunch" that late and then a later dinner, it took me a while to be able to go to bed.    I will just eat the late lunch next time and see how it works.


I am struggling with fat sources as I absolutely cannot stomach the taste of olives.    I love the taste of coconut butter and unsweetened shredded coconut and avocado so that's been my primary non-animal fat sources.   


I have plenty of beef and pork in the deep freezer from share purchases so I will try to mix it up more.    I wasjust concerned about food spoilage.

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I generally find most things last at least a week in the fridge and sometimes I freeze things. The key is to plan for the whole week. On the dinner and bedtime issue if you are getting your last meal in within 2 hours of bedtime you should be good. I would always err on a larger meal 2 and smaller meal 3. In fact yesterday i didn't eat meal 2 until later and it was very filling and than I needed to eat before I taught my water aerobics class so just had a smaller meal 3 so I wouldn't have issues while teaching and than ate something again after.


I almost never eat olives as I only really like black ones and I get sick of them. Why not animal-fat sources? I generally do homemade mayo as my added fat or ghee or coconut oil. I'm on and off about avocado. There are lots of choices for fat so don't limit yourself. 

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I am not trying to avoid animal fat at all.   I was trying to find fat sources that kept my protein in check.


I'm not sure I understand what you mean. If you have whatever fat you choose at a minimum of 1-2 servings (this varies by fat type on the template) it shouldn't matter what fat your choose. Can you clarify for me?

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The beef I got from the cow share is rather lean.   I do not think it's very fatty at all so I was worried about too much protein trying to get in fat.   I have pork fat for rendering my own lard so that's always an option.   I am probably confused about the guidelines because I feel like I would be exceeding the protein recommendations by eating more animal products.

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Oh I see what you are getting at. Generally speaking the fat serving is in addition to the protein serving but the source of that fat serving could be an animal product (like ghee or duck fat or lard). If you are eating a fatty cut of meat you may only need 1 serving of added where as if you are eating a less fatty meat you would probably want 2. To make it easy think about this way. Start with a minimum template meal (1 palm of protein, 1 added fat serving, 1-3 cups of veggies). Does that keep you happy and full for 4-5 hours? If no add another serving of fat and ask again. If still no add another palm of protein. If still no than add additional servings of fat (and perhaps more veggies). Also know that all days won't be created equal. You want to find your general happy place. Mine is about 1.5 palms of protein and a couple servings of fat. But some days I need less and some days I need to eat all the things. That is the beauty about learning to read your bodies signals again and why for the 30 days sticking to the 3 well spaced meals at template minimum or better is recommended. That is what retrains your body to trust your signals again.

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Day 10:


Breakfast:  4 eggs fried in coconut oil and sweet potato hash browns fried in same oil.


Lunch:  Chicken thigh, steamed carrots with 1 tsp coconut butter, and 2 cups of spinach.


Dinner:  Pastured pork chop pan fried in lard, steamed broccoli with 1 tsp coconut butter, and mashed cauliflower with garlic and the fat drippings from the pork chop.


I ate a few blackberries with breakfast and dinner but I was able to keep the snacking to a minimum otherwise.

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Day 11:


Breakfast:  Breakfast Gallimafry with a banana


Lunch:  Grilled Chicken Salad


Dinner:   Pastured pork chop pan fried in lard, sweet potato hash browns fried in same lard, mashed cauliflower potatoes.


Snacking was much less and limited to a few blackberries.

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Day 12:


Breakfast:  4 eggs fried in coconut oil and sweet potato hash browns


Lunch:  Wild Planet Tuna mixed with mustard, olive oil, garlic salt, fresh squeezed lemon and 2 boiled eggs.


Dinner:  Spicy Shrimp with Butternut Squash "Rice"  http://againstallgrain.com/2014/02/28/spicy-shrimp-butternut-squash-rice-tomatoes/


I had a handful of blackberries with each meal.   Cannot seem to get enough of them.

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Day 13:


Breakfast:   4 eggs fried in lard, sweet potato has browns in same lard.


Lunch:  2 small chicken thighs, spinach, and carrots


Dinner:  1 small pastured pork chop + 1 small chicken thigh, baked sweet potato, and carrots

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