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Burger King's plain beef patty?


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It might be okay, but finding ingredients on the Burger King site is suspiciously difficult if not impossible. I'm not sure that anything else in the store would be okay, certainly none of the chicken or fish.

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Their website says it's 100% all-beef that's grilled. I couldn't find anything online about fillers in the meat. And grilled would likely mean that it's not cooked in any bad oils, right?

Some fast food restaurants use TVP added to the beef. TVP is Textured Vegetable Protein or SOY! I don't know if Burger King does but I would assume they do for my Whole30 and avoid eating there.

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I think eating anything at Burger King is probably a bad idea, but here is a link to the ingredients list for all of its menu items. FWIW, all it lists for the hamburger patty is Beef. Many of the other ingredients lists are terrifying.



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I'm thinking of just having it as an option on the back burner just in case I find myself out and about without prepped food or easy access to better stuff. It came up yesterday because I had a 4-hour drive and didn't eat close enough to departure time. So Boyfriend stopped off at BK and I was left pretty hungry. He came back to the car with a beef patty for me (very sweet of him) but I didn't eat it because I wasn't sure and the internet didn't make it clear enough. Maybe I'll email them just to see. Definitely not worried about falling victim to the temptation of other menu items.


I, too, was horrified to see all of the ingredients in their fish products.

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I'm thinking of just having it as an option on the back burner just in case I find myself out and about without prepped food or easy access to better stuff. It came up yesterday because I had a 4-hour drive and didn't eat close enough to departure time. So Boyfriend stopped off at BK and I was left pretty hungry. He came back to the car with a beef patty for me (very sweet of him) but I didn't eat it because I wasn't sure and the internet didn't make it clear enough. Maybe I'll email them just to see. Definitely not worried about falling victim to the temptation of other menu items.


I, too, was horrified to see all of the ingredients in their fish products.

Have you checked out the whole30 approved products? There are primal packs and chomp sticks that you can have on hand in case of an emergency. Here is the link http://whole30.com/whole30-approved/.  There is also Yawp Bars. I believe they are whole30 compliant but they are not whole30 approved. Here is the link http://www.yawpeats.com/pages/ingredients-and-nutrition. As a last resort you could keep some trail mix in your purse (make sure there is no added sugar or sulfites). I hope that helps.

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