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Stomach flu

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This hit me hard today, and I'm on Day 24.  Tried eating breakfast and a small lunch, but just can't handle dinner.  I have a killer headache, my stomach is painfully distended and full of rumbles, very uncomfortable, nauseous.  My body feels like it was hit by a truck.  Didn't sleep last night at all.  It's almost 10 pm, and I am heading to bed.  I had a 3-hour nap on the couch when I came home early from work.  I sure hope I sleep better tonight, but this headache could be a problem. 


Have others dealt with a stomach flu during W30?  Any suggestions?  I ate turkey soup for lunch, and have been drinking peppermint tea and lots of water.  Everything else makes my stomach lurch.

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Day 26 - and stomach bug still hanging around.  Going to dr. at 3:30 (it's 9:30 now).  I've been trying to eat, but it just feels so awful.  At least I don't have vomiting and diarrhea, just nausea and pain.

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Thanks Robin - this is the only thing that's kept me going.  I brewed up some chicken bone broth on Monday with bones that I had frozen from a roast chicken.  It made it really easy, except for the straining task.  It's very hearty.  I added a sliced carrot and a stalk of sliced celery, and even left some of the chicken meat in it.  It was mostly broth with some whole food bites.  I had it for lunch and supper, and that's all I could stomach!  That and a small bowl of warm applesauce.  I'm happy to report that things are starting to settle down.  I was able to add 1/2 cup of diced sweet potato and 1/2 cup of broccoli florets to my eggs this morning, and if all goes well at lunch, I'll be having chicken soup, steamed broccoli, 1/2 baked sweet potato, and possibly 1/2 cup applesauce.  I have to see how my stomach feels after the soup.  I'm trying to add some variety but keep it mild. 


I don't know if I blew it by taking the pepto bismol tablets.  I can't say for sure if they helped, but I started with them on Wednesday evening, and it's Friday at noon and I'm feeling a little better.  I don't usually reach for OTC, but my doctor said it might help and I've already lost a lot of weight.  I can't afford to lose any more (I must be down almost 10 lbs and I started at 125). 

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Thanks Robin!  I'm feeling much better, but not quite 100%.  This is a bugger of a stomach bug.  I'm grateful I don't get them but maybe once every decade or so. 


Today was Day 30 (second W30)!  I'm so happy!  And I'm not in any hurry to change things, except maybe to add some bacon back in my food options.  Hopefully my weight will come back once I can add more fat and not feel bloated and ill.

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