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Dairy reintro

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Hi, I reintrod dairy on Friday. I had plain Greek yogurt with a little honey, parmasean cheese for lunch, glass of organic milk for dinner and a tbsp full fat sour cream. I also had a little cream cheese mixed with honey. Anyhow, I seemed great Friday and all day Saturday I was breathing and feeling so great and I have asthma. So I was surprised until 7 pm Saturday when my throat started itching. Then this morning Sunday my throat and nose is running. Not like a flood, just a little. Is this dairy as I'm really bummed. Is this common for it to take up to 24 hours after eating for any dairy reaction?


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I would put my money on the dairy. However, when you reintro, the idea is to reintro one food group at a time, leaving all else Whole30 compliant.  Otherwise, it's not clear what's causing your reaction.


If you want to be certain on the dairy, I'd wait until you feel better, and retest dairy without adding honey or any other non-complaint Whole30 food into your day.

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Right I only had 1 tsp of honey and had sugar a couple other days in my bacon and grass fed sausage from the farm and all was good with those. So I think this is the dairy. I'll probably try again too but do I really need to when I'm convinced it's dairy? I could just try honey again separately and see if I have a reaction. I was also extra moody yesterday my husband said and haven't been that way on whole 30 and I crashed at bedtime, I was so tired.

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Oh and my mom keeps saying it's spring allergies. I do get shots for spring allergies and haven't had reactions In years because the allergy shots keep them at bay. So I doubt that. And why would I feel great other days and only shitty after a food reintroduction anyways?

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Yeah and I went running this afternoon because it's 61 in Minnesota today and I wasn't wheezing but almost and short of breath and that's not normal for me at all. It only started happenning when I added so many eggs, coconut and tree nuts in. Those are out now for 3 weeks and wheezing stopped, but today it was terrible with the short breath and 4 miles. My pace was even slower at 10 mph. I took my inhaler when done and it felt like I collapsed a lung, it hurt. So dairy no huh? My mom was asking if I could tolerate yogurt vs milk. Any ideas on that or just small portions? This is so confusing :)

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You might try retesting yogurt on its own (eat a standard serving size) and see if you can tolerate that. Some folks are affected differently by different milk products (e.g., cow vs. sheep's milk, raw vs. pasteurized). 

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Thanks dairy was Friday, Sunday night was horrible my nose was a flood and throat was worse. Then this morning it's there a bit but I can tell it's all starting to diminish. My nose is still a little stuffy and the roof of my throat is scratchy. Tonight at 9 pm will be 72 hours since my last dairy. So pretty normal right? I was going to start another introduction today as I gave the 2 days in between but will wait until tommorrow ow.

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Oh my I'm miserable this morning. Stuffy and runny nose, won't stop and itchy throat is still here. 72 hours later is tonight after dairy exposure. I keep using this excuse but my daughter was sick all last week and I have spring allergies (which don't really act up due to my allergy shots). My husband says he has a sore throat this morning. Experts say spring allergies are really bad right now. I feel so defeated- how do I know if this is a cold or food or allergies or both? And how can I keep getting sick at the same time as a food test but everything is normal before? Do I need to try dairy again just to be sure? I've been through 20 days and 4 reintroductions now of gluten free, dairy once, and legumes once. The only thing I'm sure about is that legumes are not for me. I do want to try peanut butter again because they was the only legume food that didn't affect me right after. Now I'm on day 4 after dairy and I still can't do another test today because I'm not up to par. Did anyone else have this much trouble figuring out introductions?

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Hi all, well dairy was Friday, now it's Tuesday night, and still a terrible cold. I'm not sure how a cold keeps happenning ot me. I've only made it through one successful reintroductino in 25 days without colds. I can't wait for these colds/flue to go away from my kids so I can just reintro food. In the meantime, I'm remaining compliant so I don't have to start the whole 30 all over again when I am ready. Funny thing, I bet that it will take me 30 days to find out the main food sensitivies. Oh well.

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I can get dairy symptoms for up to a week after having it. Milk, yoghurt and sour cream are hard hitters for me. Some people get an increased impact from dairy during spring (cows eat spring stuff). If you're willing to do this again, you may want to try again after spring subsides. 


Least impacting to me in the dairy family is: ghee, butter, parmesan cheese (check the ingredients, some are worse than others, I buy the really expensive stuff, cos I rarely use it) and some yellow cheese like cheddar (but these are pretty iffy). I find the more it's cooked, the better.


I also find grains and dairy increase my sensitivity to other things as well (gut damage I'm guessing).


If you miss yoghurt, you can make coconut yoghurt fairly easily :)

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Hi - what symptoms do you get as my daughter had the same symptoms last week in her cold. My nose is raw from running, I have yellow mucous coming out of my nose like when I get a sinus infection, itchy throat, etc. it's been 5 days after dairy and I'm convinced this is a cold as my body knows it's one. None the less. I'm trying dairy again. Thanks for the tips.

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