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Starting April 23?


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Hello. I was wondering if anyone else is starting April 23?

I know it is kind of an odd start date but the 22 is my sister's birthday, and we are going to the restaurant that serves grass fed local ribs...something I definitely want to try, but the sauce in not compliant.  So I will start the next day.


It is my second time on Whole 30. I did my first starting Feb 17.  I did well on the Whole 30 but my husband was out of town at that time. So when he got back and bought his snacks I began snacking and eating too much of my "Food without brakes" (chocolate, cashews, peanut butter, ice cream, paleo-ized baked goods).

So I want to do another Whole 30 to help myself teach myself not to eat this stuff even when it is in the house. 


Since i have been eating off Whole 30 I feel like I need more sleep to get the same energy level, and I have been having just little discomforts I didn't have when on strict Whole 30. So I'd like to see what happens when I go back to Whole 30.


Is anyone else starting April 23?

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Hi Natalie -- I definitely understand the food with no brakes, and we have some overlapping ones such as chocolate and ice cream (I also recently binged on pizza, probably because I knew I wanted to start eating paleo soon).


Anyway, I hope to start tomorrow as well! It will be my frist time doing Whole30 and I'm excited -- and I would love any tips or advice from you since you did one before. For me, I want to start as soon as I can, but still had some non-compliant food in the fridge (and the pizza thing). Also, I want to splurge on Memorial Day, so any start day before the 26 seems appropriate :):P  Good luck to you!

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I am starting again tomorrow.  I have dabbled in doing a Whole 30, but have never followed the rules completely.  I am ready to commit to this and just did all my prep work tonight.  If anyone is interested, I would love a daily check in to keep me accountable!  Good luck everyone!!

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Hi all. We could use this thread for checking in.  How is your first day going?

I am doing okay so far but I know I have a bad habit of eating my meals too late.  I ate breakfast at 12:30 and lunch right now at 4:00. (I wake up at 7 and start work at 8:30).  That is a hard part for me as I know you are supposed to eat within an hour of waking for Whole 30. 

Not a problem sticking to compliant foods but I never do at work...it's at home that is my downfall.


As far as advice or things I learned from my first Whole 30. 

Preparation is the key! Go shopping and make sure you have enough vegetables on hand.  Make sure you cook or at least prep stuff ahead of time so you won't feel like it will take too long to make a good compliant meal.

I liked to cut of veggies on the weekend after my grocery shopping day (squash, beets, lettuce, cabbage, brussel sprouts, etc) so I can just throw them in the oven or the frying pan.  And having freezer options like frozen veggies I can steam. 

For proteins it is good to find a few simple recipes for your repetorie. I like cooking in the evening after dinner and then using leftovers.  I liked the Well Fed book and Nom Nom Paleo has some great recipes too. I also keep compliant cans of tuna, salmon and sardines handy so a fallback quick meal is a big salad with canned fish, olive oil, balsamic, avocado and whatever veggies are on hand.  Boiled eggs are also a good quick addition to a last minute salad meal.

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Hi All,


I'm starting today as well - this is my first time doing the Whole 30, so I can use all the support I can get! I'd love to check in daily and see how everyone else is doing and share tips/tricks some of you might have from experience.


I'm doing well so far on day 1. Passed up the free fro yo at lunch and stuck with meals I made at home. I am going on a trip this weekend with my family though, so I'm worried about eating out and eating at their house without making a stink about my food restrictions. Any suggestions to make this easier?

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I just finished day 2.  Minus the headache, and lack of energy, the black coffee, and wanting to just lick a piece of chocolate, I have done well!    I have told everyone I know about this, and actually have even gotten a few people interested.  The more I share it, the easier it is for everyone to understand my restrictions.  I also have made a big deal about it not being a diet.  It is about me being a healthier me so that I get more time with my kids, grandkids and hopefully great grandkids.


Good luck everyone!  I hope everyone had a successful day!  And I hope tomorrow is even better!


I would love advice on how to stay away from the scale ....

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I started my first Whole30 23.04.


Day 1 went great. I've been eating mostly paleo lately to make the transition easier.

Unfortunatly went on a chocolate bender the week before I started (Oh, well...).

Yesterday, I survived through a whole club meeting with candy and other temptations in front of me.

It was probably a good idea to have that large meal before the meeting.


Hoping for an end to my chocolate addiction.


Experienced some neusea and headaches last night, but I think that was due to the fact I went too long without eating.


It's good to have some company on the journey. :)


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Today is day three for me.  I just had my breakfast. I didn't know about the one hour rule, that is absolutely impossible for me!  I would have to get up another 30 minutes earlier to have breakfast at home, and I think my sleep is more important!  So, I eat about 2.5 hours after waking, hope that isn't too crucial . . . eating breakfast is new to me all together, I usually skip it, a la "intermittent fasting" style.  I read recently that skipping meals has been linked to migraines, and that is one of the things I'm trying to fix with this diet.


Anywho - Breakfast was homemade breakfast sausage and half a baked sweet potato with a handful of flaked coconut.  Yum!


Here are links to my two pinterest recipe boards.  The sausage is in the second one.  If you don't like spicy, you are going to want to omit the red pepper flakes; it is pretty spicy for breakfast.






Good luck everyone!

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Today is day 1 for me again. I restarted after my failed attempt yesterday. I bought sunflower butter as it was on the approved foods list, but after eating it, I discovered that it had sugar added! My fault for not looking at the label. I'm happy to start over again today though.

Going strong this morning after a workout followed by my turkey egg veggie muffins and black coffee. I made a huge veggie stir fry with pork loin last night, so I'm having that for lunch leftovers and a grass fed burger in a lettuce wrap with a side salad for dinner. I've already come to realize that planning is critical for success in this program! Anyone have any great planning tips to make meal prep or eating out easier?

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Saw this after I posted a new topic. I also started April 23rd. Day one was okay, but today I had a really bad migraine and nausea. Lunch was tough to get through, as I had no appetite. But, I'm thankful for this forum and all the suggestions and encouragement. I don't feel so alone. I hope to be checking in often and wish you all much success!

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I am finishing day 4 and I agree, planning is crucial.  What I have done is cook 3 or 4 chicken breasts at one time, or a big batch of ground turkey or ground beef and use that in meals for lunch, dinner etc.  I can just take the chicken breast and add different veggies with different meals.  I kind of cook in bulk so I can use the left overs.  Tomorrow I making a big spaghetti squash so that I can add that to different kinds of meats ...yumm!


My chocolate cravings are something bad, but I have been able to starve them.  I have been doing a little fresh fruit with macadamia nuts to add a little crunch and it is delicious.


I am going for my first visit to a whole foods store tomorrow so wish me luck.  I hope I am not overwhelmed.

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I started my first Whole30 on the 24th! I've been eating mostly paleo for a while now, so I thought this would be a simple transition. This is not the case. I'm feeling okay... not great, but not terrible either. I've been slightly nauseous, headachy, and tired.


I'm finding it very hard to figure out when I'm actually hungry and when I'm just craving. I try to wait until I hear my stomach growling. I know they say not to snack, but I find I get stuffed at meal times fairly easily, and then start to get hungry too soon after. 


I'm also trying not to snack too much on fruit, so as not to encourage these evil sugar cravings, which is tricky because I looooove fruit.



Looks like a lot of us are battling chocolate... I would kill for some right now, but I'm going to stay strong!

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I started on the 22nd....I'm definately hitting those cravings, all for sugary things too! I'd say my dragon was crisps (potato chips) but I haven't actually been craving them which is really motivating!


Dreaming of swimming in serval types of chocolate bars and deserts, a little aprehensive that my "re-introduction" might not be what it should but hopefully I'll be able to plan it well enough and re-introduce a group a day at a time...but thats a long way off yet!


Having a camping weekend of BBQs so hopefully that'll be a little enjoyment during my almost-halfway point...bring on tiger blood next week, very much hoping it arrives as I'm still feeling pretty sluggish and tired...

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This is definitely an eye-opening experience as I am negotiating cravings vs. hunger. I can't believe how much I used to eat just trying to satisfy my relentless cravings!!! I'm going to work harder on avoiding snacking between meals altogether and I need to try and eat less fruit, because I find myself trying to use fruit to satisfy my sugar cravings. 


I used to eat paleo oatmeal (I'm not really sure what else to call it...) every day for breakfast, and I've had it a few times during Whole30. Although it's compliant, I realize it is not ideal, so I need to plan a bit better from here on out so I can have a good first meal. I'm starting to embrace having dinner for breakfast! 


I'm pretty proud of myself for not going overboard with nuts and nut butters though! I was going crazy with those pre-whole30, so it is goal to keep that in check during this thing. So far so good!


I had some pretty intense dreams about accidentally eating chocolate, but other than that I am doing okay without it. I reeeeeeally miss wine though. Oh so much. 


Right now, my goal is just to make it to day 15, then I know I will be able to handle the next 15 days. It's much easier to deal with if I take it in bits and pieces.


We are 1/3 of the way done, y'all! :)

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I used to eat paleo oatmeal (I'm not really sure what else to call it...) every day for breakfast, and I've had it a few times during Whole30. Although it's compliant, I realize it is not ideal, so I need to plan a bit better from here on out so I can have a good first meal. I'm starting to embrace having dinner for breakfast! 


What is paleo oatmeal?

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I've seen a lot of different versions of it over the internet, but here is how I make mine:


2 tablespoons almond butter

1/4 cup water or coconut milk

2-3 tablespoons coconut shreds

1 egg

Cinnamon, all-spice, salt

Mix it up, microwave for 1 min, stir, then microwave for another minute. I top mine with chopped nuts or fresh berries.


It's a bit strange, but pretty delicious. However, Whole30 has opened my eyes to the fact that it is not a "balanced" or ideal breakfast. I've found I'm much better off eating dinner leftovers from the night before! However, it will come in handy post-whole30 when I'm short on time etc...

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