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Breakfast on the go


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I am on day 8 and so far have been "compliant"... but I am struggling with the meal planning piece of things especially on the breakfast end... Logistics in my life are not conducive to preparing a real breakfast.  I leave the house around 6:30.  I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old who are often awake when I am trying to getting ready to leave.  My commute is 45 minutes.  I am a teacher and I teach the first period of the day.  I know I am supposed to eat within an hour of waking up... and that pretty much lands me in the car (or before I get out the door with is a challenge!)


Pre-Whole30... on a good day I would usually have a granola bar, banana, or clementine in the car... on a bad day i would get an egg/cheese wakeup wrap at Dunkin drive thru... on a really bad day I would get an Egg McMuffin meal (no bacon) with a Coke Zero...  :P  On days when I would have something small in the car (fruit, granola bar...) I would usually have a mid morning snack after I taught my first class.  


Some days I have quickly friend an egg and then ate it in the car... but some mornings I can't manage to get it done and get out of the house on time.  I always hard boiled eggs on hand.  Also, I am running out of ideas.  I don't eat meat but I do eat fish.  Today (7:00am ish in the car) I ate a hard boiled egg and half of a compliant Larabar. Is that a legit breakfast?  Then during my break after my first class (9:15am) I had 2 sticks of celery with almond butter. Was that a bad ideas because I am not supposed to be "snacking"? How does fruit fit into this plan?  I can easily grab fruit and eat it in the car... but can that be a daily thing?  


Any suggestions?  


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There are several past discussions about this topic:




A hard boiled egg and Larabar is not an ideal breakfast.  Larabars are emergency food only on a Whole30.  For best results, each meal should fit the recommended meal template of 1-2 palms of protein, 1-3 cups of veggies and the appropriate amount of compliant fat. When eggs are your protein, the serving size is the number of eggs you can hold in one hand.


The recommendations on fruit are 1-2 servings of whole fruit a day, where a serving is the size of your fist. Further, the idea is to have fruit with or immediately after your meals only, not as a snack.


If you're genuinely hungry between meals (hungry = you could eat steamed fish and broccoli), have a mini meal containing a protein and fat. Nuts are a fat source on a Whole30.

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Try making a large Frittata one day when you are already cooking dinner.  Add lots of veggies to it with the eggs.  Nomnompaleo's recipe included a Tbsp of canned coconut milk for every 2 eggs.  (I use my 10 inch(ish) iron skillet - about 6 cups veggies (before sauteeing) and 2-3 cups meats (you can omit) - I have learned with my iron skillet to put it in the oven as soon as I add the eggs - if I start cooking the eggs on the stovetop first, they tend to get a tad burned on the bottom).  I cut mine into 8 slices, then grab a slice with a few blueberries and some carrot sticks and I am out the door.  You can change up the "flavor profile" by changing your veggies or adding herbs and spices (try adding some cayanne!).  When I add a small container of guac - (wholly guacamole mini cups), it fills me up long enough to make it to lunch.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What do I do if I leave my house at 5:15am for an hour commute? Then I'm at work until 7pm then an hour home. I am just starting the whole 30 and I go back to work next week. My book should be here tomorrow. Any suggestions are welcome :)

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What do I do if I leave my house at 5:15am for an hour commute? Then I'm at work until 7pm then an hour home. I am just starting the whole 30 and I go back to work next week. My book should be here tomorrow. Any suggestions are welcome :)


I work 12 hour shifts (granted mine are at night) and I take all my meals with me.  Pre-planning is the biggest thing for me!  Often times, I will even cook extra portions so that I can pack for the next day too.  I also cook  a lot of my protein on one day during the week (or weekend) so that I can just grab and go.


In the book, there is a section in the appendix with "master recipes" used for quick easy meals - for example, at the begining of the week, cook up a huge pot of ground beef.  Then during the week, by adding different veggies and seasonings, you can make many different meals (ie asian night, chinese night, italian night, etc). 


I also got the recipe books Well Fed and Well Fed 2 - all compliant, perfect for the whole30.  There are a ton of quick and easy ideas there too!


The good part about taking all your meals is that it is easier to stay away from snacking by eating only what you pack :)


Good luck on your journey!

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