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McJule's Post-Whole 30


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Another snow day!  My kids' schools are closed but my office is not so I'm working from home.  We did get out for lunch, but I'm stumped about a meatless dinner.  We have tons of meat in the house but no seafood.  Eek.  Not sure what I'm going to do.


NS Day 19


Breakfast:  three eggs scrambled w/asparagus, sweet potato w/ghee and slivered almonds, coffee w/coconut milk

Lunch:  tuna salad nicoise 

Dinner:  no idea

Workout:  would have loved to go to yoga but that isn't happening so not sure!

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Kind of a crazy weekend.  My grandmother passed away and that occupied much of my thoughts.  My eating was fine, but I wasn't paying much attention to it.


Snow days have hopefully left us so I can back into my normal routine.  Sadly my yoga classes are canceled this week so I'll need to find other things to do for exercise.


NS Day 23


Breakfast:  three hb eggs, sweet potato w/coconut butter, coffee w/coconut milk

Lunch:  leftover chicken coq au riesling (from the recent Cooks Illustrated)

Dinner:  carrots w/baba ganoush, spaghetti squash a la carbonara

Workout:  weights

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Thanks so much Sara.


NS Day 24


Breakfast:  three hb eggs, fruit, sweet potato w/coconut butter, coffee w/coconut milk

Lunch:  leftover spaghetti squash a la carbonara

Dinner:  leftover coq au riesling, salad or veggies

Workout:  not sure

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This week has been so crazy busy -- just lots of running around.  My sciatica is acting up too.  Yoga really helps with it so I need to figure out how to do yoga at home when I don't have my classes.  I do have yoga DVDs -- it's just hard because we only have one tv so if I'm doing a yoga DVD my husband is kind of pushed out of the room and can't watch anything else.  Will think about that.  Eating is going well, weight is still not budging.  I dropped one pound but now I'm stuck.  Still two pounds above Xmas weight and four above my post-Whole 30 weight.


NS Day 25 (look at me!)


Breakfast:  three hb eggs, sweet potato w/coconut butter, coffee w/coconut milk

Lunch:  leftover spaghetti squash a la carbonara

Snack:  Lara bar (starving today . . . not sure why)

Dinner:  Thai chicken w/broccoli and cauliflower

Workout:  weights

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So I'm having rice and beans at lunch.  I know, SO not Whole 30.  I got dried black beans in my CSA and decided to try the soaking and cooking method over the weekend.  Then last night I realized I had nothing for lunch that was meat-free so I'm having those.


NS Day 26


Breakfast:  three hb eggs, sweet potato w/coconut butter, coffee w/coconut milk

Lunch:  Cuban rice and beans, more hb eggs

Dinner:  sushi, glass of wine

Workout:  none 

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The weekend eating went really well.  It helped that my husband and one kid were out of town.  I always do better when I'm just cooking for myself.  I also got good sleep. And I did my yoga DVD that I haven't done in ages!  It feels a little dated now but it was great to do.  Here's the weekend eating update:


Saturday, NS Day 27


Breakfast:  three scrambled eggs w/bacon, coffee w/coconut milk

Lunch:  leftover Thai chicken w/broccolli and cauliflower

Dinner:  baby carrots w/baba ganoush, leftover spaghetti squash a la carbonara, curried cabbage, glass of wine

Workout:  weights


Sunday, NS Day 28


Breakfast:  three scrambled eggs w/bacon, coffee w/coconut milk

Lunch:  leftover Thai chicken w/broccoli and cauliflower, apple w/pecan butter (omg, this pecan butter was TO DIE FOR)

Dinner:  curried cabbage, salad, glass of wine

Workout:  yoga DVD


Monday, NS Day 29


Breakfast:  three hb eggs, sweet potato w/coconut butter, coffee w/coconut milk

Lunch:  spaghetti squash w/sausage and tomato sauce, curried cabbage

Dinner:  chicken breasts, salad, some white rice

Workout:  weights

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Thanks Jen.  I'm glad you had a nice week off!


So I had some rice last night.  It was one of those nights where the meat was taking forever to cook, I was starving, and the rice was ready and sitting on the stove.  I know white rice isn't the worst thing, but I'm working on cutting back on the non-gluten grains.


NS Day 30


Breakfast:  three hb eggs, sweet potato w/coconut butter, coffee w/coconut milk

Lunch:  leftover spaghetti squash w/tomato and sausage sauce, curried cabbage

Dinner:  husband won't be home, I have some chili that I just defrosted in the refrigerator so I'll probably do that

Workout:  yoga

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Thanks Jen.  I will admit that I ate part of a breakfast pastry a couple Sundays ago and was thinking maybe that violated my no sugar rule . . . my thinking was that I was trying to avoid dessert/candy etc. so it didn't occur to me until after I ate a few bites.  This no sugar run has actually been super easy.  I haven't been tempted by sweets at all except for that one party where they looked so good.


So I feel like my eating and exercise have been good for awhile now but my scale is not moving.  Depressing.


NS Day 31


Breakfast:  three hb eggs, mixed fruit, sweet potato w/coconut butter, coffee w/coconut milk

Lunch:  got take-out -- cobb salad w/no cheese, cabbage

Dinner:  salad

Workout:  none

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So my commute was terrible and everything got pushed back resulting in me not getting in a workout.  I don't feel too bad because I was exhausted and had gone four straight days of working out in some capacity.  I did also get a ton of walking in.


Last night I had trouble falling asleep and I had a stomachache.  Unclear why . . . food was pretty standard yesterday.


Breakfast:  three hb eggs, sweet potato w/coconut butter, coffee w/coconut milk

Lunch:  chili, apple, curried cabbage

Dinner:  baby carrots w/baba ganoush, wine, cheese, and nuts 

Workout:  none

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So went to this girls' night last night at a friend's house, which was super fun but I didn't realize she wasn't serving dinner!  She had cheese, crackers, and nuts so I had the cheese and nuts (not the healthiest dinner option!).  


I'm home with a kid for another closed school day today.  Eating is a bit off.  I'm also not feeling so great, hope I'm not coming down with something -- yuck!


NS Day 33


Breakfast:  three scrambled eggs, coffee w/coconut milk

Lunch:  sweet potato w/coconut butter

Dinner:  haddock, salad

Workout:  weights

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So Friday was cold and I took my son to the indoor swimming pool.  I put on my swimsuit (I HATE swimsuits!) and he looked at me, beamed, and said "Mommy!  You look so beautiful."  Made my day.  Maybe my whole weekend!  


My weekend eating was okay.  We ordered take out Thai on Saturday so I had some rice noodles.  Weight was down Saturday and then back up after the weekend.  Seems to be common for me.  I also had a few bites of gluten (kids' pizza crusts).  And I got a cold, which kept me from being active.  Not so great.


NS Day 37


Breakfast:  three hb eggs, sweet potato w/coconut butter, coffee w/coconut milk

Lunch:  spaghetti squash w/tomato sauce and sausage

Snack:  tortilla chips w/salsa

Dinner:  large salad, nut butter, few bites of pasta

Workout:  yoga

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So Friday was cold and I took my son to the indoor swimming pool.  I put on my swimsuit (I HATE swimsuits!) and he looked at me, beamed, and said "Mommy!  You look so beautiful."  Made my day.  Maybe my whole weekend!  



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Yesterday afternoon/evening was not the greatest in terms of eating.  I was starving and exhausted and I didn't feel up to making dinner.  Better choices today!


NS Day 38


Breakfast:  three hb eggs, sweet potato w/coconut butter, mixed fruit, coffee w/coconut milk

Lunch:  sausage and tomatoes

Dinner:  have a work evening, think there will only be appetizers so I'll need to figure out dinner

Workout:  none

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Work event was fun -- food was pretty good although I definitely lacked veggies.  I was also thinking that I should cut down on the wine.  It's not like I go crazy but I often have a glass in the evening (two last night at the event) and while it doesn't affect my eating unless I have too much the empty calories can't be good.  I don't plan to cut it out completely but I should cut back, especially if I want to lose weight.


NS Day 39


Breakfast:  two hb eggs (I forgot a third!), sweet potato w/coconut butter, coffee w/coconut milk

Lunch:  salad w/chicken

Dinner:  carrots and baba ganoush, curried chicken and broccoli w/rice

Workout:  weights

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Good call on wine.  I know I won't lose weight if I drink.  I don't drink often, but when I have a glass of wine, my weight is up the next day and takes a few days to come down.  I think it messes with water retention, inflammation and hormones and sleep.  That few days prevents me from making any progress.  I'm always playing catch up.  I'm not yet willing to give it up totally forever, but I do try to minimize it to times when it's worth it.

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AF is here so no scale for the next week.  Happy to not think about it everyday!


NS Day 40 (woo hoo!)


Breakfast:  three hb eggs, sweet potato w/coconut butter, coffee w/coconut milk

Lunch:  tuna/egg salad

Dinner:  sauteed fish, salad

Workout:  yoga

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Looking back as we approach the end of Lent I've been very pleased with my no sugar endeavor and really feel like I've broken the cycle on sugar.  I've barely even felt tempted.  I am also doing well with my exercise and my weight is down a bit, although still higher than I'd like.  I'm still struggling with non-gluten grains (this was a big problem this past weekend with AF here, I just really crave carbs) and still want to cut down on the wine consumption.  We're heading on vacation this Friday for a week so I am sure the wine will be drunk but I can still work on not having non-gluten grains.


NS Day 44


Breakfast:  three hb eggs, sweet potato w/coconut butter, coffee w/coconut milk

Lunch:  leftover Thai basil beef w/green beans

Dinner:  roasted chicken, potatoes, salad

Workout:  yoga

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Great job with the Lent NS challenge.  I find that making something my Lent thing helps take the temptation out.  It's just not an option so I don't obsess over it.  No NB hasn't been an issue for me at all, either.

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NS 45


Breakfast:  three hb eggs, fruit, sweet potato w/coconut butter, coffee w/coconut milk

Lunch:  leftover Thai basil beef w/green beans

Snack:  Lara bar

Dinner:  take-out Ethiopian (beef and veggies)

Workout:  none, but tons of walking

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