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McJule's Post-Whole 30


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Jen, it's this recipe:  http://theclothesmakethegirl.com/2008/07/15/fastesteasiesttastiest-ever-thai-beef-with-basil/.  It's super easy and my husband loves it so it's become one of my staples.


Been out of touch.  Had a busy, crazy weekend where I was at work both days and had family in town.  So I was running around a lot.  Eating was pretty decent -- avoided the sugar, didn't avoid the alcohol, basic food was ok.  Weight is slightly up.  I realized that back when I was what I considered skinny I used to eat very strictly during the week and then do whatever on the weekend.  My weight used to fluctuate by five pounds every week.  I would "gain" five pounds over the weekend and then spend the week getting rid of it and then start all over again.  Now it fluctuates by a couple pounds, which I think is much healthier.  


Breakfast:  three hb eggs, leftover red potato salad, coffee w/coconut milk

Lunch: leftover sushi, watermelon mint salad

Dinner:  large salad, few bites of kids' pizza, leftover Thai chicken

Workout:  none

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Last night's dinner wasn't so great.  I made pizza for the kids and my husband came home and said he would just eat that so I picked a little of the kids' leftovers.  Pizza is never a good choice for me, even if I only have a couple bites.


I need to figure out what exercise to do when yoga is off. I'm still having trouble finding time to do it.


Breakfast:  three hb eggs, potato salad, coffee w/coconut milk

Lunch:  burger w/lettuce and tomato, watermelon mint salad

Dinner:  carrots w/baba ganoush, grilled steak and veggie kabobs, rice

Workout:  none

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No weights yesterday.  I'm still completely exhausted. I think the allergies are still taking a toll.  An article in our local paper said that they were particularly bad this year.  


Breakfast:  few bites of rice, three hb eggs, potato salad, coffee w/coconut milk

Lunch:  leftover beef and veggie kabob, watermelon mint salad

Dinner: popcorn, salad

Workout:  weights

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Mint is the best!


So last night I had popcorn and salad for dinner.  Yup, you read that correctly.  I was starving at 6 pm (as is often the case when I last ate at noon) but my husband doesn't get home until 8 pm.  So I decided to have some of the kids' popcorn (it was good organic, non-gmo popcorn, but still popcorn).  I ate enough that I didn't feel like I should/needed to eat dinner.  So I just had a salad.


Weekend shouldn't be too crazy.  We have a birthday party and a BBQ.


Breakfast:  three hb eggs, sweet potato w/coconut butter, coffee w/coconut milk

Lunch:  may go out, not sure yet

Dinner:  take two on the pasta dish

Workout:  walking

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Very fun and busy weekend.  I was off work for four days so I did a lot of fun stuff with the kids.  Weight was down on Saturday and I'm not sure where it is now because it's that time of the month.  I've been thinking a lot about what to do about my weight and what might work.  I am not going to resort to crazy restrictive calorie cutting because I know that doesn't work in the long run and isn't healthy.  I'm not going to do another Whole 30 because that didn't really affect my weight much anyway.  What I think I will do for June (up until my vacation at the end of the month) is cut the things that I know are bad:  no gluten (I don't eat much but I feel like I'll have a bite now and then), no dairy, no sugar, and cut back on the alcohol (only when out, not at home) and rice.  I'll give it a month and see if my weight budges.  If not, I either need to accept where I am, which is more or less where I've been for eight years, or come up with a different strategy.


Breakfast:  three hb eggs, sweet potato w/coconut butter, coffee w/coconut milk

Lunch: leftover rice pasta w/asparagus and goat cheese (dairy AND rice, eek), cashews, three pieces of chocolate

Dinner:  carrots and baba ganoush, large salad, few bites of husband''s leftover pasta

Workout:  none

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Good idea to try something new.  And just focus on a few things instead of everything.  I hope you see some results.  I hardly ever eat any of those things and still see no scale movement.  Sigh.  For me, it comes down to a choice.  I'm not willing to do more (starve, count things, etc) so I have to learn to just accept where I am, which isn't a bad place, frankly.  It's hard.  Good luck!

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Jen, I think if you aren't eating the stuff that you know is bad for you and you aren't losing weight there may not be much to do.  The only thing I really see you struggle with, aside from sugar occasionally, is the nut butters.  But I know you've tried cutting that out and if that doesn't move the scale it may just be time to accept.  I'm not quite there, but I'm getting close myself.  


So I fought a battle with AF yesterday and AF won.  I had three pieces of chocolate after lunch yesterday and was so exhausted (both from coming back to work after a long weekend and my allergies) that I couldn't muster the energy to do weights.  And my steps were only 6500!  Eek!  But as usual, I will pick up and move on!


Breakfast:  three hb eggs, berries, sweet potato w/coconut butter, coffee w/coconut milk

Lunch:  leftover spaghetti squash w/Italian sausage and tomato sauce

Dinner:  few oat crackers, burger, large salad

Workout:  weights

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Yesterday was better.  No work candy and I did my workout.  Yay!  Allergies are still kind of brutal but I did feel less tired yesterday so that is a good sign.  They have to end soon right???


I woke up starving today.  Usually I'm hungry but not starving.  So I had some almond butter.


Breakfast:  spoonful of almond butter, three hb eggs, sweet potato w/coconut butter, coffee w/coconut milk

Lunch:  leftover spaghetti squash w/Italian sausage and tomato sauce

Dinner:  sushi

Workout:  none

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Avoided the work candy again yesterday.  Yay me!  I did have a small glass of wine in the evening though . . . 


My husband and I are doing a mini weekend getaway just the two of us this weekend.  Just Saturday to Sunday.  No plans to eat way off template but I also have no idea what we'll be doing for various meals.


Breakfast:  three hb eggs, sweet potato w/coconut butter, coffee w/cashew milk

Lunch:  leftover rice pasta w/asparagus and a burger (this was me last minute throwing together leftovers!)

Dinner:  why did I fail to plan again?  I bough broccoli yesterday so I'll probably do a stir-fry with chicken

Workout:  weights

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Back from the weekend away and ready to start my Weight Loss June.  I have no idea if I'll lose weight, but I'm making an effort.  Not doing a Whole 30 and definitely doing some off-roading (I think I have book club this Friday).  But aside from those occasions I'm going to try to eat a bit less, but definitely not starve myself, and stay away from alcohol, sugar, and grains.  If it doesn't work then that will tell me that maybe I'm where I'm meant to be.  I also think that not avoiding social occasions is important because I need to learn how to handle them better.  When I did my Whole 30 I was basically a hermit, but that's not real life.  I need to be able to go to my book club and not overindulge on food or wine.  


So this past weekend things were going well until yesterday morning.  We had a breakfast to attend and this was the menu:  coffee, juice, bagels, cream cheese, muffins, and yogurt.  I was starving and there was literally nothing I should be eating besides the coffee.  So I had a bagel and cream cheese -- it had been FOREVER.  Tasted great.  Made me feel AWFUL.  My stomach actually still hurts.  So happy to be back on plan today!


Breakfast:  three hb eggs, sweet potato w/coconut butter, coffee w/cashew milk

Lunch:  spaghetti squash w/tomato sauce

Dinner:  need to hit the store but may do a chicken/broccoli stir-fry

Workout:  weights

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Did not get to do weights yesterdays and didn't have the chicken and broccoli stir-fry but it felt great to avoid gluten, sugar, dairy, and alcohol.  Stomach is back on track!  I'm at a conference today for work.  I can probably sneak in a Lara bar but otherwise I can't bring my own food.  I am told there are lots of "options" so fingers crossed.  I'll also probably have a glass of wine at the cocktail party at the end (my wine thing is that it's okay to have out but I'm cutting back on the nightly glass at home).  My yoga class is back today but since I'm at the conference I can't go.


Breakfast:  three hb eggs, coffee w/cashew milk, plus fruit if it's served

Lunch:  unknown

Dinner:  chicken and broccoli stir-fry

Workout:  weights

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Conference food was fine.  There really weren't any edible breakfast options except a bit of fruit so good thing I had my hb eggs at home.  Lunch did include a big salad w/chicken so that was great.  Dinner wasn't as good.  They had margaritas instead of wine at the cocktail hour so I had that plus a few chips and guac.  Then I munched on my kids' pizza crusts at dinner.  Not my finest eating.  Weight is stable.


Breakfast:  hb eggs, fruit, coffee w/cashew milk

Lunch:  sweet potato w/coconut butter, carrots w/baba ganoush

Snack:  popcorn

Dinner:  salad

Workout:  weights 

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My eating on my new plan really hasn't been good the past two days.  Yesterday I was busy in the morning and didn't get to my sweet potato so I decided I would have it for lunch.  Then of course I got starving because that wasn't enough food so I snacked on popcorn.  Then I felt guilty so I only had a salad for dinner.  I really need to get back on track.  This week is messy with school stuff for the kids so I'm exhausted and running around like a crazy woman.  Need calm!


Breakfast:  three hb eggs, sweet potato w/coconut butter, coffee w/cashew milk

Lunch:  leftover chicken and broccoli w/Indian sauce

Snack:  popcorn

Dinner:  chicken breast, salad

Workout:  none

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So I had popcorn again yesterday.  I bought it for my kids and it's completely addictive.  They may revolt if I stop buying it but I may need to!  It didn't help that I was working from home for the afternoons this week.  At work everything is much more structured, which really helps me (except when people bring in desserts!).  At home there is too much food around at all times. This is why weekends tend to be harder for me.


Weight is down 1.5 pounds from Monday, but I think it was artificially elevated at that time.  


Breakfast:  leftover chicken and broccoli w/Indian sauce, sweet potato w/coconut butter, coffee w/cashew milk

Lunch:  may go out, otherwise leftover chicken breast w/salad

Dinner:  going to book club tonight, I can't get a ride so I have to drive, which is actually a good thing because it means I can't drink much!  Too much wine always equals bad eating for me

Workout:  weights

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Weekend was fine.  Eating wasn't so much off-track as unstructured as tends to happen on the weekends for me.  I had a little bit of corn and rice and wine on Friday night at bookclub, but otherwise good.  Still a week into my June weight loss and I've lost nothing.  I was down about a pound or 1.5 pounds at the end of last week but back up today.  I did shop today and I'm going to try to be more focused this week.  Work is back to normal and I think I can definitely improve on last week!  The plan this week (yet again) is to stay away from alcohol, sugar, and grains.  Last week I managed to stay away from sugar and no alcohol five of the seven nights (which was in fact the plan) but I failed miserably with the grains and had rice, popcorn, and corn tortilla chips.


Breakfast:  three scrambled eggs, coffee w/cashew milk

Lunch:  ate out with a friend at a Vietnamese restaurant, had a shrimp "salad" of sorts

Dinner:  carrots w/baba ganoush, salmon and salad

Workout:  weights

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Breakfast:  three eggs scrambled w/bacon and kale, sweet potato w/coconut butter, coffee w/cashew milk

Lunch:  leftover salmon (forgot my veggies at home!)

Dinner:  broccoli salad, cheese, salami, and wine at girls night

Workout:  yoga

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Completely forgot I had a girls night last night!  I ate a salad and then had some wine and cheese at the get-together.  Stayed out WAY too late and I'm paying the price today.  I'm exhausted!  Can't wait to crawl into bed tonight . . . 


Breakfast:  three eggs scrambled w/bacon and kale, berries, sweet potato w/coconut butter, coffee w/cashew milk

Lunch:  leftover salmon 

Dinner:  grilled beef kabobs w/veggies

Workout:  none (too tired)

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Slept a lot last night, which was heavenly.  Feeling much better today!  I feel like I'm not trying very hard at this weight loss.  I'm eating better, but I haven't completely cut the grains/wine/sugar from my diet, which I'm sure isn't helping.  I just can't seem to make the effort, which is maybe telling in itself.


Breakfast:  three eggs scrambled w/bacon and kale, sweet potato w/coconut butter, coffee w/cashew milk

Lunch:  leftover beef and veggie kabob

Dinner:  spaghetti squash w/sausage  salad

Workout:  yoga

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