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Day 2 - completely exhausted, falling asleep at my desk & have training tonight

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I'm on day 2 and I am following the meal planning template, no snacks, and only drinking water until just now, when a sympathetic coworker offered me a bag of green tea. I am sitting at my desk right now, clutching my tea and trying not to fall asleep. 


I couldn't focus on anything to save my life right now, am on the verge of conking out, and have a pounding headache. I committed to a group training session tonight with my trainer (who is very supportive, has done Whole30 before, and eats Paleo) and I'm trying to rally.


Any troubleshooting tips for the super sleepy?



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And take it easy for the first week or so. I.e., you can skip or ease up on the training for now. Your body is undergoing (hopefully temporary) stress, so be kind to it.

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