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So, I didn't start one of these at first because I RARELY make it past day 2 of any sort of "plan". But, here I am on day 5 (I started a day late) and I've been completely on plan and aside from a minor headache, I feel freaking awesome!! Empowered and in complete control. Also a first. So, here goes. I dunno what I'm gonna track, but I'll figure it out as I go. :)


2 Cage Free scrambled eggs

1/2 avocado with lemon juice

9 grape tomatoes

no additives salsa


(wild caught) cod fillet - broiled with garlic and lemon

steamed asparagus

1/2 sweet potato with coconut milk

1/2 avocado with lemon juice


Grass fed ribeye steak (grilled)

sauteed oninos

steamed broccoli

fresh mango slices

So, all in all, a pretty good day. On plan. Woot! I did notice that I sneezed about 34958364597 times, which is a little more than I normally do (thank you allergies) and the headache kicked in after lunch. Also, I've noticed some stomach discomfort, which I think is just "gassy". I'm assuming my "worse before better" has started. I did sleep well, though.

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Leftover grass fed ribeye, sliced thin and sauteed in some coconut oil

onions sauteed in coconut oil with sea salt


*It was a little small, but I've never been a breakfast person, so I'm doing the best I can with this.*

On another note, I freaking LOVE coconut oil!!!


leftover ribeye with onions

1/4 sweet potato with coconut milk


fresh mango

Also, I checked my sleep efficiency for last night on my tracker...99% efficiency!! I only woke up 2 times, as opposed to 7-9 previously. Woot!!



Steamed asparagus

fresh mango

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Woke up to no power for a bit this morning, so my morning was thrown off from the start. Along with a clingy 3 year old, which made it even more difficult. So, breakfast was pretty small, but I did make time to have it, so that's a plus. Though, I'm starving now and about to heat up lunch.



1/2 organic banana

Roughhhhhhhh day at work!!!


organic ground beef

steamed asparagus

fresh mango

Headed to the gym after work!!!

Dinner:Grass fed ribeye

Sautéed onions

Mashed cauliflower, which is amazing!!

50 minutes of cardio after work, grocery shopping, wrangling a 3 year old, laundry and bathing the dog. Good lord I'm tired!!!

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Today, I squeezed my fat ass into some size 14 jeans. WHOOP WHOOP!!!


ground beef

mashed cauliflower

sauteed mushrooms

M2: a mish mash of leftovers

tiny bit of ground beef

tiny bit of steak

few sauteed mushrooms

last of the mashed cauliflower

1/4 sweet potato with coconut milk

Caved for a snack: fresh cherries

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Ugh. Today is day 12, and also "kill all the things". I thought maybe I'd bypassed the worst of it, but I keep catching myself fantasizing about punching people in the jaw. :angry: I had NO desire to eat this morning, I'm having issues with sweet potatoes getting stuck (post lap band surgery and just had it tightened), so I'm frustrated. I haven't even eaten the equivalent of a whole meal today. Add to all this that I'm feeling hormonal (though, I'd like to write a letter to the Mirena people, if they can stop periods, WTF can't they stop the moodiness too???), and no one in my immediate vicinity is safe. I want to sit in the middle of the grocery store with a mountain of cookies and chips and make myself feel as physically horrible and I feel mentally. GGGRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAGAKDUYFSDLUYFGAEOFUYGF:IUSHC"OIKHX"LAJCH"LKJHYO#*&%TOFYGD:KFJH:FJH

*off to eat some real food*

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New day. NEW ATTITUDE!!!





Snack: (damn raging hormones!)



leftover almond crusted pan fried chicken breast

1/2 sweet potato with coconut milk

baby spinach salad, cherry tomatoes with balsamic and olive oil

Snack: peach

Spent the evening school shopping and didn't get home until late


grass fed groundbeef

sauteed onions


Apparently, I have a thing for onions lately.

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homemade sausage patty

baby spinach with olive oil and balsamic

M2: Lunch out with a friend, and did the best I could

Mixed green salad with grilled chicken, oil and vinegar

**Even though it wasn't on the menu, the salad came with pecans and cranberries. I assumed they were full of sugar, picked them off and kept going.

Snack: spinach salad with cherry tomatoes, balsamic and olive oil



grass fed ribeye

sauteed onions

sauteed broccoli

spinach salad with jicama, olive oil and balsamic

fresh mango

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eggvacado (I actually ate the whole avocado, split with an egg in each half. i feel like this may have been a bit much)



grassfed ground beef

roasted broccoli

spinach salad with jicama, olive oil and balsamic

Note to self: since I gave in a tried jicama, I'm ADDICTED!!

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BIG FAT FAIL. I'm sooooo disappointed in myself right now. My Whole30 ended on day 16 (Friday) when my husband and I went out for dinner. I did the best I could, ordered a steak, dry, even swapped out the sides. Got my meal only to realize what "plantain crema" was, I guess I didn't really consider it when I saw it on the menu. Not only did I eat it, but I had 2 bites of my husband's "corn pudding". You know, "what the hell....". I'm sooooooooooo mad at myself!!! I recovered ok on Saturday and Sunday and my "what the hell" didn't go any further than the 2 bites of corn pudding. Today started off ok, aside from the fact that we had to get ready in the dark because the power went out and I couldn't fix breakfast. Fast forward to DROPPING MY OLDEST OFF FOR HIS FIRST DAY OF KINDERGARTEN and I'm a total basket case. I'm counting the minutes until I can go get him. I just had a piece of cheese. :/ I don't even know what to do with myself. I literally feel like I have the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other. I need to take a day to gather myself. I'm a freaking mess. :angry::(:unsure: I wish I could find a hole to crawl into for a while. Unfortunately, hubby is all the way across the country for work, so I must keep going. :( :( :( :( :(

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