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On day 5 of Whole 30. Have crohn's disease and tried numerous drugs including remicade. Still dependent on prednisone but only on 15mg. Yesterday was one of the worst days I have had with my crohns.. and then I nearly slept through the night without going to the bathroom.. major achievement for me. Hoping this means I have been detoxing and im starting to heal my body. Been told I might be herxing.. anybody else experienced their systems getting worse before they got better?



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  • 2 months later...

Just joining the "party" as it were.  Starting my Whole30 journey tomorrow.  I got my crohns DX in 1986 and had surgery immediately due to a perforation during my biopsy. (go big or go home, right?)  I've had an ileostomy since then.)  Went 23 years flare free with no meds, but now take Imuran.  I honestly have more issues related to my ostomy than to crohns, which I know is unusual, but I have never had a "normal" case from the first symptoms.  I'd be interested to see how your 30 days went and if you saw improvement in symptoms. 

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I have another IBD, Ulcerative Colitis, not Crohn's, but I have seen great, great improvement with this diet. From what I understand the fiber can be a problem initially for CD patients, and also some raw vegetables. If this is a major diet overhaul, try to go easy on the intestines and eat mostly cooked vegetables to start with, until your system feels stable. Also avoid any vegetables that normally cause problems such as cruciferous veg.


I went from waiting in line for colectomy at the hospital to perfect lab tests in a little over a month. It was amazing to be able to feel my intestines gradually calming down and healing. Since my W30 I have stayed pretty strictly with the diet, and if I off-road with grains or milk and sugar I feel my system responding. I am continously motivated to stick with this, as I am flare free, perfect labs and I have been able to cut down my Imurel/Imuran/Azasan/azathiprine dose by 25% and am still stable. I also got my period back, and am now 100% regular after 7 years of not having it. I used to have problems digesting fat and protein, but now that the inflammation is under control and the inflammatory stimuli reduced, I find I can eat both fat and protein witout problems. So what bothers you initially might not continue to be problematic once the inflammation is reduced. Best of luck, and I hope to read success stories from you both in a while!

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I have Crohns also. I've done a few W30, I think this is my 4th. I just started, on day 3, after a recent flare-scare.


I was dx'd in 2003 and started things with a bang. Got a pulmonary embolism from a blood clot (apparently a very small percentage of IBD peeps get blood clots due to inflammation), proceeded to severe weight loss and wacked out liver function over a few months with constant flu-like symptoms, and got the diagnosis. Spent the next 3 years in and out of the hospital despite steroids and Imuran. Finally got some control and managed to return to work after 5 years. Been pretty healthy the last 5 years and started my first drug holiday last year.


Playing with your diet, messing with your gut flora, changing things up: this can definitely make some symptoms worse. But on the plus side, you won't make your disease worse with the W30.


When I'm having more Crohns issues and doing a W30, I rely more heavily than the average non-IBD person on sweet potatos, bananas, roasted carrots, etc. I definitely eat more cooked veggies than raw, it's just less painful for me. I actually eat lots of cruciferous veggies, but again, mostly cooked. For me, pork during an active flare seems to cause more GI upset than other meats. I do better with ground beef than with steak. But I have no issues with chicken, fish, eggs, etc. I've found that making pureed/blended soups is a great way to get your veggies when your symptoms are acting up.


I've found that W30 eating makes my digestion the most regular and least painful. I've always known dairy is an issue for me (but sometimes, it's so good and I succumb). And I definitely get more symptoms when eating the SAD way with more processed carbs and sugars.

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