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To say I'm ecstatic is a total understatement. 9.2 pounds is fabulous, but honestly is just the icing to how I feel.  Some days it was hard to find time to cook, heck, or even find the desire to cook- but it was all worth it. My parents both lost over 10 pounds and my fiance Bryan lost 18 POUNDS....seriously, I could not be more proud of my family! 

I'm so proud of myself for never cheating. There was one day I wanted to cry and eat the world, but I didn't- and that is AWESOME! Bryan was a HUGE support and would talk me off my cravings ledge :) Thank you! 

I think I could have pushed my self harder in the beginning as far as my workouts go, I didn't feel great the first week and I definitely used that as an excuse. 

The pounds and inches lost are great...but nothing can top how I feel energy wise and with my sleep habits. I always had issues sleeping, would wake up every few hours or not sleep at all. Never was a hard sleeper. The last 30 days completely changed that. I sleep HARD and sound, not waking up like crazy. And when I wake up- I'm ready to take on the world!! 

Energy is hands down the best that I experienced over the last 30 days. I was a 6 cups of coffee, pre-workout, at least one redbull per day drinkin fool- now maybe 2 cups of coffee per day and I'm fantastic. I have energy for my 4 am workouts and energy to do it again when I get off work. 

I would suggest this to anyone 

And here is to Whole30 DAY 31!! I'm going to day 45! Bring it on! 



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I am so excited for you!  As I continued to read your post I completely share your joy!  The whole30 is such a life changing process, if you allow it to.  When you talked about wishing you could go harder on earlier workouts I remember feeling the same way.  I pushed and pushed and finally one day I decided I would take a day off.  I went home after work, ate dinner, and fell asleep on my couch for the next 13 hours hahaha.  All that to say, we can't be fooled by our bodies cues.

Keep up the good work!

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YES. Sleep is absolutely the best part. It's life changing! Keep up the amazing work!



I am so excited for you!  As I continued to read your post I completely share your joy!  The whole30 is such a life changing process, if you allow it to.  When you talked about wishing you could go harder on earlier workouts I remember feeling the same way.  I pushed and pushed and finally one day I decided I would take a day off.  I went home after work, ate dinner, and fell asleep on my couch for the next 13 hours hahaha.  All that to say, we can't be fooled by our bodies cues.

Keep up the good work!


Thank you so much!! Yes, life changing is a understatement. Over the last 5 years of my life, I have lost around 200 pounds, but throughout that journey, I never truly dealt with my relationship with food. I just counted calories and ate 100 calorie packs (ya know, cause they a healthy....lol) And I truly feel accomplished after this Whole30 journey, I feel like after all these years, this is exactly where I am supposed to be finishing my weight loss journey and starting my journey just focusing on health and happiness. I am so thankful for Whole30!
I added my day1/day30 pictures above!! 
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