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Kill. All. Things.


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Okay, so does this phase end? LOL. I am on Day #9 and I am on edge and short tempered.


I've been making sleep a priority, 9+hours a night which is a HUGE improvement for me, with a good routine for winding down. I've been eating really well and following the plan 100%. 


I am hoping this phase will end soon. Is it possible that my PMS is heightened on the whole30? I am due for it, and I wonder if that is why I feel like killing. all. the. things.? Any other ladies out there experience more PMS/symptoms while doing the whole30? 



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My kill all the things phase coincided with my day 4 + PMS +period (my PMS symptoms are almost non-existent these days b/c of general whole 9 eating).  Let's just say for the past 3 days I have been more emotional, more weepy, and overall just more stressed than normal.  I needed to decompress a lot and there haven't been a lot of opportunties to.


What helps?  Starchy veg with almost every meal, good sleep (which by the sounds of it, you are getting) and up your protein if you need to.  Basically eat more for the moment.

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Thank you! I picked at my lunch today, took me over 30mins to eat the whole thing because of cramps. I was hungry, but in pain. I did have 1/2 a sweet potato with my lunch, and I'm feeling a bit better now. 


I will continue to get good sleep and look out for better ways to handle my mood/stress. I am used to grabbing some chips, or junk food to help myself feel better. This is a good lesson in learning how food impacts my overall well being, and how much I rely on food to comfort me. 


I'm glad to know I am not the only one out there that had the kill all things phase coincide with a period. Thank you again for the advice/support. :) 
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Day #12 - Kill. All. Things. stage is done! Phew, I made it! Still have PMS cramping/bloating, but no period yet. I assume it is because the shift in my diet, my body is taking some time to catch you. 


Anyway, lots of energy today, feeling positive, well rested and just FAB! :) 

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Glad to hear that. I'm on day 6 and my kill all things phase has just started. Up until today I've felt great. Have had no withdrawal symptoms or and thing. But I woke up so annoyed!! I'll have to figure out how to get through it while be responsible for 3 young kids. That's hard when I want no one to talk to me or touch me!

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Carlaccini- I was so relieved to read your experience! I'm normally not bothered by roller coaster emotions with my period, but the last couple days I'm completely on edge and can go from weepy to frustrated mad in a heartbeat. Hopefully it passes quickly! I'll be sure to ramp up the starchy veggies. Thanks for the tip!

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Carlaccini- I was so relieved to read your experience! I'm normally not bothered by roller coaster emotions with my period, but the last couple days I'm completely on edge and can go from weepy to frustrated mad in a heartbeat. Hopefully it passes quickly! I'll be sure to ramp up the starchy veggies. Thanks for the tip!

Hang in there.  It usually will pass in a day or two (but sometimes it really depends).  Hormones are basically adjusting.  Before the whole 30 I could be best described as an emotional person that would cry at a drop of a hat (I wish I was kidding) but since doing my first whole 30 over a year and a half ago - my emotions are level, I can handle stressful situations better, and my PMS is almost NIL (compared to 10 days of feeling positively rotten!)

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Day #17 and the Kill. All. Things. stage is gone. Now I'm in the, I want junk food stage!! My hubby is not doing this with me, and although he comes to the gym with me and tries to eat right, he is still indulging in junk. He was eating an ice cream cone last night and it took all my restraint not to jump out of the chair and grab it from him!! LOL. 


I went to a wedding on Friday, and I passed up on all the cake and dessert and booze. I managed to pick out a few things to eat from the buffet that were whole30 approved, yay! Then there was a family BBQ over the weekend, with cake, and desserts and potato salad. I made my own meal separate from everyone else, and that REALLY helped. I felt empowered, it was great! 


Then the cravings set in on Saturday, and have been lingering since then. I don't even like cake, I'm not a dessert person and I'd rather have chips/salty foods. But I've been craving cake, ice cream, chocolate, anything sweet really. I think it is because I've been watching all of these people eating these foods, and I feel left out. I feel like I can't have it. I don't even WANT the food, I'm not even hungry, I just feel like I'm missing some great pleasure and indulgence. Also, I know that the food is horrible for me, I know the ill effects. Yet here I sit day dreaming about cake!!! LOL


I'm thankful to be back at work this week, and into a routine. I have 13 days to go and I AM GOING TO DO THIS!!! I'm anxiously awaiting to get this tiger blood going!! 

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Day 17 and stuck on kill.all.things, for probably a week now. I don't get it. I am moodier/meaner/snappier than ever in my life. What could it be? I have been eating enough, including a sweet potato almost every day. I just started week 2 of my pills, usually it's the end of week 3 that i feel myself getting irritable. Everything is setting me off..I've yelled at my kids, my husband, my boss. It's not okay. I don't always get 7-8 hours of sleep, but I never have, so its not that, either. I just keeping having these moments that are not me - I don't want any food I can't have - I'm okay with what I'm eating.. But this snappy and mean-ness that I can't keep in my mouth - what is going on? I just feel my blood boiling so easily right now. I want to give myself a timeout until it goes away. Unfortunately, that is not possible. 

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@2pumpkins....*hugs* Hang in there, the phase will pass. For some people it lasts longer than usual. I found in the "kill all things" stage most people were understanding of the grumpier me, and I apologized when I was out of line. 


Think of ways you can de-stress, a good book, a hot bath, some music maybe? When you feel your blood boiling try taking a few deep breaths, if that doesn't work, try to express to those around you that you are feeling on edge and that you are trying your best to be pleasant. 


Focus on all the things that are working for you, positive changes that you've noticed since starting the whole30. Be patient with yourself and try not to beat yourself up, you're doing the best you can. 


Sending you lots of positivity! You got this!!! :)  

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When I was doing my whole30, I would joke that there were some people that were mean drunks and then there was me, a mean sober!  I had the kill all things phase for a long time.  And I get it for a day or two now with PMS.  I still eat pretty close to whole30 though because the rest of the time, I feel really great.

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Thanks Ladies! It only lasted a few more days and I was feeling better. I still feel a little short tempered, but I am thinking it is sleep. I didn't get a lot of sleep this weekend (Camping.. its hard to get good sleep) and found myself with less patience. Getting enough sleep is hard for a busy mama, I have been trying - so I'll just keep on trying more. I've always hated going to bed, so its hard to force myself. I honestly haven't had too bad of cravings or anything else .. just this always tired/crabbyness. Day 25 is here.. almost.there!

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@2pumpkins - I am on Day #25 too!! Congratulations. :) Glad to hear you are feeling better. Are you planning to stick to a whole9 lifestyle after the 30 days? I am going to do an additional 30 days until July 30th, but I will weigh and measure on July 1st so I can track my progress after the first 30 days, and then after 60 days. 

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I'm so happy this isn't just me. All morning my boyfriend kept telling me I looked miserable. I'm SO GRUMPY. I know it is because I'm ignoring cravings, instead of satiating them...but I am really in a bad mood and hoping this ends soon. I even worked out this morning, which would usually make me so happy.


Does anyone have any suggestions other than isolation from humanity? lol

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@RebeccaJean - yes.. except for this weekend. We are going on a much anticipated camping trip over the holiday weekend. I'm going to reintroduce a few things (not dairy, I already know my body doesn't like it) and hope it goes well. I did Atkins years ago and the first time I had a cookie after that, I was SO sick. So, I think I'll be keeping away from sugar, too. But yes, I need to keep going - my body isn't done. I still (really) wanted cupcakes at a party this weekend, I still am way too tired. I still take too long to get out of bed and I'm still grumpy! Oh and my cycle started 6 days early .. which is crazy, since I'm on birth control. (maybe that's the reason I was so so so in a rage earlier than I thought I should be) I wasn't that bad of an eater before. Didn't really drink soda or buy cookies or anything like that, so I thought I would have been able to get through this relatively easy. But my grumpiness/shortness - needs to go away :) Next time, the goal will be exercise (which I'm SURE will help, I'm just too tired!) and less snacking. I couldn't help it - we have so much delicious fruit right now. It's summer and I had to :) But I did.. DAY 30.. woo hoo!! Time to reintro some champagne! ;)


@jaclynalyse - I feel for you! I would think the exercise would help, too! I think my body just had a lot of stuff to work out, because I'm only tired and grumpy. Here's hoping the next month picks up!

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@jaclynalyse - I was in the kill. all. things. phase for a long while too. My poor hubby suffered the most, eek. It will get better. Be easy on yourself. You are making a big change in your diet. Keep working out, and I recommend pampering yourself, without food/drinks/etc, as much as you can!

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I actually found I was "kill all things" before I did the Whole30.  When I'm not sticking to a mostly Whole30 way of eating, I'm a moody irritable little minx.  I can't cope with stress, am anxious, depressed, borderline insane.  Those feelings quickly dissapated for me about halfway into my first Whole30.  THIS WAS A REVELATION.  I know it's different for everyone but doing a Whole30 demonstrated just how profoundly food effects my mood (and also how good I am ignoring this salient fact when it suits me.)


Hot baths with Epsom Salts, lavender and rose oil, and Miles Davis were a lifesaver for me.

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I also found the regular application of a really kickarse red lipstick most uplifting.

love that idea.  i admit  to not usually bothering with makeup but so tired this morning i put on some mascara to try and make myself look awake, and it put a bounce in my step.  will treat myself to a kickarse lipstick on payday :)

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Good work Talie1706!


The really hilarious thing is since I wrote my previous post, I've moved not into a Kill.All.Things phase but a Kill.My.Husband phase!  He's driving me nuts, and for no good reason!  


Actually, it was the moment he decided to dip his fish and chip shop fried dim sim into my beautiful Whole30 guacamole that may have tipped me over the edge.

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