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Kill. All. Things.


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@noideawhatdayitis ... then any injuries he sustained were totally justified :) did he end up wearing the guac???? lol

do we need to add a disclaimer??? *no men were actually killed in the creation of this thread ... * ;)


am sticking with the mascara, its a great disguise if nothing else!!!

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@Talie1706.....I think this phase has passed, with no injuries sustained by husband.  I'm back to appreciating how awesomely supportive he's been so he's probably safe again.  Although if he comes near my guacamole......


And yes, mascara, awesome.  I've noticed my eyes becoming clearer and brighter.....although it could just be the mascara :D

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Oh I love this thread!  I'm on Day 5, one day away from my period AND my boyfriend and I are breaking up/not talking...I'm not at Kill.All. Things. yet, but feel intensity and tension in every cell of my body.  Luckily I am SO committed to this...but I don't think I've ever gone through a breakup with out chocolate chip cookies and other comfort food...

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Oh I love this thread!  I'm on Day 5, one day away from my period AND my boyfriend and I are breaking up/not talking...I'm not at Kill.All. Things. yet, but feel intensity and tension in every cell of my body.  Luckily I am SO committed to this...but I don't think I've ever gone through a breakup with out chocolate chip cookies and other comfort food...


Oh @nycsarah, you poor thing, timing your period perfectly with the carb flu stage!  I really feel for you and am sorry things are tough with your boyfriend.  


My period came ten days early on my first Whole30 and you're right, it was intense - not to mention surprising.  I can recommend lots of hot baths with Epsom salts, get yourself a massage or a mani/pedi, have lots of naps and take up a really distracting non-food related creative pursuit if you've got the energy.


Hang in there and let me know how you get on - hugs - 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hang in there.  It usually will pass in a day or two (but sometimes it really depends).  Hormones are basically adjusting.  Before the whole 30 I could be best described as an emotional person that would cry at a drop of a hat (I wish I was kidding) but since doing my first whole 30 over a year and a half ago - my emotions are level, I can handle stressful situations better, and my PMS is almost NIL (compared to 10 days of feeling positively rotten!)


Carlaccini- I was so relieved to read your experience! I'm normally not bothered by roller coaster emotions with my period, but the last couple days I'm completely on edge and can go from weepy to frustrated mad in a heartbeat. Hopefully it passes quickly! I'll be sure to ramp up the starchy veggies. Thanks for the tip!


Hi all, 

I am glad to find this thread. However, I am upset and frustrated that there is nothing in "It Starts with Food" that describes the potential effect on women and their cycles. 

I am on day 22. I started spotting on day 21--a week and a half before I am supposed to start my period. I have been on hormonal pill BC for years and I have never spotted. 

Not only do I have cramps and spotting, but I am an emotional wreck. I have become overwhelmed with sadness and rage. The emotional outbursts started on day 17.   

Will this just go away if I stop whole30? I know I am only a few days away, but I feel as if it is unhealthy for me to be in this emotional state any longer. 

Advice and suggestions are welcomed. 

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Okay.  The spotting is pretty normal.  Even the emotional factor is pretty normal.


For some reason I am having difficulty posting links on this computer but Google - whole 30 changes in menstrual cycle, and read it.  Or you could scroll through the women's only section and read the entire topic under "Changes in menstrual cycle".  It is very informative.  You will learn a lot.


What I have found to help - eating carbs with every meal the week leading up to my period.  It keeps the hormones balanced.  If my hormones are balanced - my head is balanced and I don't go down into depression, anxiety, which I did a lot before my first whole 30. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

So happy to have found this thread! I am on day 1 (yes, a super new newbie) and purposely planned the start to coincide with the end of my last period. Glad to see the extra carb tips for leading up to your cycle. I tend to be a PMS monster. Already struggling with a headache and I'm only a few hours in! 

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It could have been that your kill.all.things stage was around day 9 cause I felt that slightly without PMS.  However, I had my visit later in my Whole30 (day 18) and felt absolutely NO PMS at all!! NO killing of the things!  In fact Aunt Flo's arrival came completely by surprise, which never happens with all the symptoms I usually get.  I'm thinking you were just at some bad timing in the program?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Period and Whole 30 started same day.  


Day 3, I shut my office door at work and cried. That's how bad I wanted a candy bar. I cried myself to sleep and cried on the way to work.


Day 4 my husband and I are both in full-on Kill All the Things mode.  and we never fight. 

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@dotwrnr **HUGGGSSS** Yes the dreaded kill.all.things. stage. Similar to you, my 1st round I was in this stage from like day #3-day#16/17, it lasted a long time. I had lots of support from friends and family, and that really helped. I know its "hard" to get through it, the sugar withdraws are tough, but YOU CAN DO IT! If you are feeling a little wacky I'd suggest eating a lilttle more carbs in the form of a sweet potato. Also, taking time out to de-stress is important. Music was a HUGE help to me in this stage. Find something you love doing and set time aside to do it. 


I had to restart, so that's a bummer; but a lesson for me. No matter how much I think I'm in control of my relationship with food, it still sneeks up on me and I still faulter. The important part is I am restarting...hang in there...you got this!!! :) 

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