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Am I fat adapted?

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So I've been eating mostly Whole30 since the end of March. I had a bit of a relapse at the end of May, but now I'm committed to staying on the wagon through October.


This weekend I found myself taking 1-2 hour naps in the afternoon and feeling pretty run down. This is my first week back to a greater volume of workouts. I went on a 3.5 hour bike ride on Saturday and then Sunday morning, I went on a short trail run (8 miles).


Sunday, I had breakfast after my run (green salad with cucumbers and tomatoes, compliant chicken salad and dried cranberries). And then later in the day had lunch (ground turkey and cauliflower rice dolmas, baba ganoush (this is mainly just eggplants, spices and a little oil and tahini) and some red peppers). I don't really feel like lunch had a real serving of fat.


I found myself so exhausted and with some head fog. I ended up taking 2 one hour naps in the afternoon. I realized I didn't really have a serving of fat with my lunch so I had 1/4 of an avocado and felt way better and less exhausted.


Is this a sign I need to be staying on top of my fat consumption?


I should also note that I was just finishing up some meds for poison ivy so that could also have an affect.



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Maybe yes, maybe no. 


Personally I would add a starchy carb veg somewhere - you seem to be running low on them.  They should help for your tiredness and give you more energy.  If you include one post excersise - it will help.

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