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Risa's W30!


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Tomorrow is THE DAY. The day I kick off this Whole 30 way of life. (I am going to try very hard to not use the word diet).


I've been thinking about making some BIG changes for my health for a while now. I won't lie--some of it is about taking off some pounds. I've been back and forth to WW...and while I've always lost weight, it's always come right back. But my real motivation is to get healthy in other ways.


For starters, I am a Type 2 diabetic. Have been for years, with yo-yo control. I have had no serious complications yet, but I need to get my #'s down. I have been on oral meds for 10+ years (I'm 53) and long-acting insulin for a few years.


But there's more...My gut is always hurting. Always. I have had serious chronic heartburn for years--also treated with meds. I say serious, because I've been to the ER several times due to food being stuck in my esophagus which has shrunk due to chronic heartburn. I've had my esophagus dilated, multiple times, and that is not fun. And while the meds can help with the heartburn, they don't help the gut ache. My doctor has said that isn't about the heartburn.


And still more...I deal with some minor arthritis and joint pain, which has become increasingly worse the past few months. My day job is working as a gallery guard at a major art museum where I walk all day on marble floors. Lately, my knees and back have been killing me. I find it hard to take the stairs at work. I go to bed with stiffness and pain and wake up in more pain.


I know it's about the food I eat. I'm fairly certain that I have multiple food sensitivities. It's time to heal my gut and figure this out.


At first I was thinking about just trying a gluten free diet to see how that might help. But then I came across the W30 website and started doing some research. I absolutely believe this is the change I need to make. I doubt gluten is my only issue.


Plus, I think the structure and support I can find here will make a big difference in my success. I have one close friend who has made a similar diet change several months ago. I will have her support, but not her husband cooking for me (can you imagine? he cooked ALL her meals for her the first 30 days!!!) My hubby is a great guy, but he has his own food issues (Sugar!!!) and gets so threatened when I suggest change. I have to do this for my own health. He won't try to sabotage me exactly, but I will have to deal with the ice cream in the freezer and more.


My plan is to start with W30...but know I may follow with a second W30 following the AIP (right terminology?) I need to get this first W3o underway. I thought about waiting, but waiting for what? More gut aches? More hurried trips to the bathroom? More fatigue? No More...I'm diving in!


I've been visiting the website frequently and starting to use the forums for support. (My copy of ISWF is in the mail!) This thread will help me record my journey and also hold me accountable. I'd appreciate any support and suggestions along the way!

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Tomorrow is THE DAY. The day I kick off this Whole 30 way of life. (I am going to try very hard to not use the word diet).


I've been thinking about making some BIG changes for my health for a while now. I won't lie--some of it is about taking off some pounds. I've been back and forth to WW...and while I've always lost weight, it's always come right back. But my real motivation is to get healthy in other ways.


For starters, I am a Type 2 diabetic. Have been for years, with yo-yo control. I have had no serious complications yet, but I need to get my #'s down. I have been on oral meds for 10+ years (I'm 53) and long-acting insulin for a few years.


But there's more...My gut is always hurting. Always. I have had serious chronic heartburn for years--also treated with meds. I say serious, because I've been to the ER several times due to food being stuck in my esophagus which has shrunk due to chronic heartburn. I've had my esophagus dilated, multiple times, and that is not fun. And while the meds can help with the heartburn, they don't help the gut ache. My doctor has said that isn't about the heartburn.


And still more...I deal with some minor arthritis and joint pain, which has become increasingly worse the past few months. My day job is working as a gallery guard at a major art museum where I walk all day on marble floors. Lately, my knees and back have been killing me. I find it hard to take the stairs at work. I go to bed with stiffness and pain and wake up in more pain.


I know it's about the food I eat. I'm fairly certain that I have multiple food sensitivities. It's time to heal my gut and figure this out.


At first I was thinking about just trying a gluten free diet to see how that might help. But then I came across the W30 website and started doing some research. I absolutely believe this is the change I need to make. I doubt gluten is my only issue.


Plus, I think the structure and support I can find here will make a big difference in my success. I have one close friend who has made a similar diet change several months ago. I will have her support, but not her husband cooking for me (can you imagine? he cooked ALL her meals for her the first 30 days!!!) My hubby is a great guy, but he has his own food issues (Sugar!!!) and gets so threatened when I suggest change. I have to do this for my own health. He won't try to sabotage me exactly, but I will have to deal with the ice cream in the freezer and more.


My plan is to start with W30...but know I may follow with a second W30 following the AIP (right terminology?) I need to get this first W3o underway. I thought about waiting, but waiting for what? More gut aches? More hurried trips to the bathroom? More fatigue? No More...I'm diving in!


I've been visiting the website frequently and starting to use the forums for support. (My copy of ISWF is in the mail!) This thread will help me record my journey and also hold me accountable. I'd appreciate any support and suggestions along the way!


Congratulations on taking control of your health! You are going to feel soooo much better in 30 days! I've seen what type 2 diabetes has done to family members, so my mission is to avoi it! I've heard of many folks reversing it completely with this lifestyle. I've been Paleo for 10 months and it's fabulous!


You mentioned AIP - yes, correct terminology - it does sound like you have some serious gut issues and that might be very helpful for you to try. If you haven't read The Paleo Approach: Reverse Autoimmune Disease and Heal Your Body by Sarah Ballantyne , I highly recommend it. There's also a great Facebook group called: The Paleo Approach Community where people following AIP discuss health and other issues. I learn tons by participating in that group.


Good luck on your journey!

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Welcome to the Whole30 program.

Gut pain... Oh do I know what you mean, that, and chronic constipation, despite of all the veggies and fruits I had been eating, and water I have been drinking, and this for over 10 years. I had a very bad flu last fall, and was prescribed the strongest antibiotic ever, and was put on steroids for some other stuff. Oh boy, did that do a number on my immune system, and my guts! Probiotics did not help, every 2 to 3 weeks since then I was getting sick, with a fever for a day or so for no apparent reason, and joint pain. My daughter kept on talking about the Whole30 and how it was maybe a way for me to reset my system (she was very diplomatic), but I was just too much in pain and with no energy to even think about reading ISWF. In May I went to see her and stayed with her for two weeks. She had already finished with ther whole30 and did Paleo, so for the duration of my stay, I just ate what she was eating, and noticed an incredible change in only a few days... More energy, less gut pain, and more frequent trips to the bathroom... The real wake up call came when I headed back home, had a conventional breakfast at the hotel I stayed at, and was suddenly in so much pain that I thought a trip to the ER was needed. My daughter just reminded me of what I ate for breakfast that morning, bread of course, and the light went on... Eating paleo style for two weeks had made my gut pain disappear, and eating bread one time made it back with a vengeance.

Some people talk about the sugar dragon, I am here fighting the gluten dragon that takes hold of my intestinal track and makes me go through hellish pain. Am on day 26, free of stomach and intestinal pain, and also free of arthritis pain. So yes, this works, and it will work for you. Will extend my Whole30 until my digestive track sends me the signal that it's time to reintroduce some stuff. It won't be gluten for sure, and I have a feeling that dairy is out for me as well...

Hope this inspires you to persevere...

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Day 1:


Bit of a rough day, due more to a lack of sleep than anything else. Only got 3-4 hours of sleep and then had to go into work for a mandatory training (on my day off--yay!) I got home around 4 in the afternoon and went straight to bed for a nap. A little sleep helped but I am still fighting a wicked headache. Not too surprising since I am going thru diet coke/coffee withdrawal. I drank a tiny bit of coffee this morning with some coconut cream...that will definitely need to be a required taste. Or maybe I plunge thru and quit caffeine altogether.


For breakfast:


2 eggs, fried in ghee

1/2 avocado


The idea of eggs sounded/looked good when I was planning...but I forgot how difficult it is for me to cook/eat eggs early in the morning. The sight of them is not my thing, but they were tasty.


Since I knew I was going right into a morning training with off-limit treats, I saved a Lara bar (cashew) for my meeting...really part of my breakfast.


Morning snack: banana-coconut cream-chia pudding. Yum. 




5 small turkey meatballs (made them last night--w/ onions, shredded carrot, mustard, egg...)

melon (scored some fresh fruit from a work event)


Afternoon snack: plum; few strawberries




Chicken breast

Squash (roasted)

1/2 avocado



I don't think it's a stellar day food-wise, but I stay on-plan...no easy task with the lack of sleep, work training, and killer headache. I want to roast some carrots in prep for tomorrow....and I think that's all I can tackle. 

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Day 2:


I went to bed early last night with a wicked headache and whenever I came close to consciousness, it was still there. When I got up this morning, the headache had faded just a bit and I was also queasy. Ugh.


I started the day with my coffee w/ coconut cream and then some banana-coconut cream chia pudding. I needed to get something in my tummy fast before I had to head across town to take care of my grandson. Once there I had a real breakfast--


2 eggs fried in coconut oil



For lunch:


I made a stir fry of sorts--w/ ground turkey, some greens and sweet potatoes. Used a lovely mix of spices, including cumin, ginger, and a bit of cinnamon. Used olive oil.


For snack:


blueberries, strawberries, 1/2 banana


For dinner:


I added to my stir-fry--sauteed some celery (more olive oil) and added some already-roasted carrots to the above mixture. Even better.


My headache has been moderate all day. Generally not feeling wonderful, but better than yesterday. I had to stop at the grocery store (large chain--definitely not W30 friendly) to get milk for my son...just before dinner...not fun. Feeling a little cranky now and then (the headache doesn't help), but now that the day is nearly done, I feel good to have another one under my belt. 


Also, drinking lots of water...been filling a few large Mason jars with water and throwing in a few sprigs of mint and slices of cucumber before I go to bed each night. Love it.

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Day 3:


Today's victory: Sitting at a meeting table all day at work with a bag of chocolate chip cookies sitting in the middle of the table. Did NOT even entertain the idea of having one! WILLPOWER!


Headache a bit better today...not too bad in the morning, but it did get worse as the day went on. But I do think each day will get better!




Roasted carrots (re-heated in some olive oil)

Turkey meatballs

Coffee with a bit of coconut cream


Morning snack:  chia pudding  (which I've made with coconut cream, banana and chia seeds...seems to make my gut pain kick up a notch or two???)




Some more of that lovely turkey-carrots-celery stir fry that I made yesterday

1/2 avocado


Afternoon snack: plum



2 fried eggs

Roasted carrots



And of course, lots of the mint-cucumber infused water I've been making!


Hoping to fall asleep easier tonight. I think my headache would be much better with a full night of sleep!

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Day 4:


I'm so glad this day is almost over. It was my long (10-hr) day at work...that's 10 hours of walking the galleries as a guard. It always takes a toll on my body and this was my first doing it on W30.


And it got more complicated by the fact that I was sick during the night...gut ache sick, running to the bathroom sick. I thought I was better in the morning, but the first few hours were rough. This isn't the kind of job where you can just go to the bathroom when you want to. But every break I drank lots of water and stuck to the plan. I still have hellava headache, but my gut isn't acting up as much.




2 fried eggs (ghee)

1/2 avocado

No coffee, my gut couldn't take it!

Larabar (pecan pie)



Last of my turkey-veggie stirfry

2 plums

small handful of pistachios


Afternoon snack: Larabar



Turkey meatballs

Roasted carrots

1/2 avocado

2 kiwis


Tomorrow I will get to do some shopping...and hopefully then do some cooking, as I work this weekend (always work weekends). My schedule is really hard this month--working at the museum 4 days/week and watching my darling grandson the other 3. I never get a full day off to do all the prepping I would like...but somehow I get it done.


And I am ready for a day without a headache!

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I'll catch up here a bit. Day 5 was long...dealing with the crankiness of missing favorite foods and the ease of going out for a meal without thinking too much about it. I actually treated myself to Chipotle...following the guidelines folks has posted here...and I was not excited about it at all...I had a long day of watching my grandson at my daughter's...had packed some food, but not enough really...which added to the crankiness. But in the end, I got thru the day and stayed on plan. I was thrilled to get home in the evening and have some time for food prep (and to eat a full meal). Who knew shredding sweet potatoes was so easy with a food processor? Woohoo!


Felt good waking up on Day 6...or at least better (2 nights of decent sleep!). I made my sweet potato hash browns with a couple of fried eggs. After 2 days without coffee, I made my coffee--with coconut milk and a little coconut oil...and I even enjoyed it. However, I got to work and my gut started doing it's thing...something really upset it. I'm leaning toward the coconut milk/oil. Unfortunately, I think I might have to lay off my morning coffee and all coconut products. Hard though...but definitely not worth how miserable I was through most of my work day.


Day 6 now nearly done and I'm excited to wrap up Week 1 tomorrow!

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