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Kendra's Whole 30 - Started 7/27/2014


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Hi everyone! My name is Kendra and I'm a 26 year-old from Asheville, NC. I started my Whole30 on Sunday, 7/27. I'm just going to do a quick recap of my first day.


Breakfast: 3 eggs, 1 chicken apple sausage, applesauce with cinnamon, and 1 cup of lemon chamomile tea



Lunch: 2 cucumbers, 1 tomato, and 2 cups of homemade bone broth



Dinner: 2 fried chicken thighs, 1 carrot, roasted russet potatoes



Snack: pistachios


I got a headache around 1 in the afternoon and it lasted until I was finally able to go to sleep last night. It was one of those really bad, pounding headaches. I woke up this morning (Day 2) and it was still there, but not nearly as bad as it was yesterday.

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Your breakfast was a good size. The only thing missing was veggies. Your lunch and dinner was WAY too small. The meal template calls for a serving of protein as big as the palm of your hand and allows two such servings per meal. you had no protein at lunch. You may have gotten enough protein at dinner for that one meal, but you needed lots more veggies at lunch and dinner. And preferably cooked in plenty of fat. Your headache may have been brought on by hunger. 


Review the meal template further and take us seriously when we say fill your plate with veggies. There is way too much blank space on your plates. 



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Tom, I'm new at this, so I didn't expect to be perfect on the first day (and likely won't be perfect on Day 30). This is a learning process, so thanks for contributing to the learning. However, I think I'll refrain from posting the images of my meals now, so that my failures won't be pointed out to me each day. I want to focus more on my successes (such as not running for something sugary or chocolate-y when I felt bad).

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Good for you for resisting those "feel-good" foods!  Don't worry about the past, just try to eat more in the future.  I'm still working on eating enough at meals to make it until the next meal without being famished; sometimes I snack on an apple & cashew butter and that's okay.  If you feel a headache coming on, eat something. 


Also, (my personal opinion here) the Whole 30 is low carb, particuarly as compared to the SAD.  I've found that I need to take supplements to keep my electrolytes in balance when I'm eating low carb.  It's really important to take Magnesium at night (as ISWF suggests), and I also take calcium and potassium during the day.  It keeps the headaches away!


Good luck!

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Posting pictures helps me troubleshoot any symptoms experienced in a given day so I can go back and analyze in pictures what I ate that did not work. I am on day 40 now and got the portions down, yet certain food combination cause digestive issues. We all want you to succeed, and are here to provide you with feedback, and not point out "failures"... Keep up your good work :)

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Great job! I developed a horrid headache this afternoon too, which I anticipated w/ the sugar/carb withdrawals- That's typical, I believe. I just put a drop of peppermint essential oil on my temples and it disappeared in less than 5 minutes :) Just thought I would share as a way to naturally help those symptoms that occur when your body detoxes. In the past I'd run for the excedrin or suffer through.

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