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Day 4: Horrible headaches & sleepy

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I'm on Day 4 of my 2nd W30. I've started and stopped a million times since my first in March. Since day 1 I've had horrible headaches. I also went cold turkey with no coffee which I'm sure is contributing to the headaches. I know you can have coffee on W30 but it's a slippery slope for me so I just decided to cut it out completely.


Along with the headaches I've been extremely tired. Like falling asleep at my desk, can't keep my eyes open tired. I've been getting about 7.5-8 hours of sleep a night. I'm working out (weights and cardio on alternating days) and drinking enough water and I believe I'm eating enough.


The headaches I can somewhat manage but the exhaustion is ridiciculous. Tips?!

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Going cold turkey or even down to 1-2 cups makes one very, very sleepy.   It's adrenal exhaustion, I think.

If you were all jacked up from a daily coffee fix, coming off coffee puts you into a coma.  It goes away.  It took me about 8 days.

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Well it's good to know there is light at the end of this very dark and extremely sleepy tunnel! It makes sense. I guess I didn't realize I was drinking that much coffee, yikes!! Thanks for the response!

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