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And I am back :) Another whole 30 for Kayt


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Ok i was so proud of myself at the end of my whole 30, and i really tried to behave on my vacation.. but failed!  So after beating myself up about it i am back.  And happy to be back. 


Gonna track everythign that goes in my mouth again, it seems to be the only way i am truely accountable.  I thank everyone here for their support in this process....


So far today we have had breakfast, scrambled eggs in ghee, with onions and mushrooms. 2.5 eggs


Lunch the rest of the eggs i cooked this morning, I had planned to split it between the two meals so 2.5 eggs with ghee onions and mushrooms, I also have a few slices of cucumber that a cowrker brought in for me, and some homemade dill pickles. 


It seems that lunch is normally my big meal.  Breakfast is a battle to get me to eat at all, and this morning i won.  And my kids eat their dinner before i even pick them up at their afterschool program and with it being soccer season we don't get home till late so i will just grab a small salad this evening.  I am not giving up caffiene this time, so i am adjusting to the idea of no sweetner in my tea.  Wish me luck!

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I totaloly knew that... i meant roasted garlic salsa... i was talking to a friend as i typed this and she was saying i need to add roasted corn... Sigh.. i promise roasted garlic salsa.  That is still cool right.. it is just tomato's peppers salt and peper vinegar and lots of garlic.

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