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Fish oil- flaxseed oil


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You can take flaxseed oil, but it will not provide beneficial amounts of omega3 fatty acids. Our bodies need EPA and DHA. Plant sources of omega3s offer ALA. Our bodies must convert the ALA to the EPA and DHA that we need. Unfortunately, our bodies have a limited ability to synthesize what we actually need. So, while taking flaxseed oil is a nice theory that is widely recommended in vegetarian circles, it does not deliver the goods at the levels needed. 



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Flaxseed oil contains ALA which is the parent of DHA and EPA. So when you take flaxsed oil your body has to break it down into EPA and DHA. The problem is the conversion rate isn't good and varies from person to person.

Fish oil contains EPA and DHA and doesn't need to be converted. If you get good quality oil there's no contamination. You will get MUCH more EPA and DHA taking fish oil compared to flax.

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The OP is allergic to fish oil. Does that mean you are also allergic to fish? The best way to get EPA and DHA is not a supplement (and certainly not a flax seed oil supplement) but to incorporate fish into your eating routine. Salmon, sardines, even grass fed beef will provide this.

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