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Discouraged by tendonitis

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Hello! I completed my first Whole30 just this past August/September. I had tendonitis in my left wrist flare up right before I started my Whole30 due to falling and catching myself on my hand and bruising the muscle in my hand. I've had problems with both tendonitis and carpal tunnel in my wrists in the past, but hadn't had any problems (until now) since I lost a bunch of weight and started eating healthier. While on my Whole30, I still had pain, but it was bearable enough to where I could work out (Crossfit style workouts) up to 5 days a week during my Whole30. After my Whole30 ended, well I basically shouldn't have ended it. I've always had a terrible sugar addiction, and went right back into my old bad habits afterwards. Now my pain is to the point I can barely do my job, so I feel terrible that I can't even do my normal workouts that I love. I know Dallas said it takes longer than 30 days for problems like tendonitis to resolve, but I'm in too much pain at work to really wait 2+ months. I'm definitely contemplating the thought of a getting a steroid shot, but I'm trying to figure out the pros/cons of that. But I also would like to know if Dallas did anything else besides eat Whole30 to heal his tendonitis? Did he exercise at all, or just give it complete rest? ...or where there any other routines/habits he committed to to help the healing process. It drives me crazy that I can't workout and am constantly in pain! The pain is so discouraging that it leads me to emotional eating to try and comfort myself. I'm hoping there's someone that can relate Thanks ahead of time to anyone who reads this.

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I'm sorry to hear you are in pain. Stating the obvious here, but if you felt better eating whole30 style, why not go back to that so you can feel better again? Although eating better for 30 days is a great start, it's how you eat long-term that will have long-term effects.

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I guess my problem is staying motivated to eat that way. I get discouraged that my tendonitis limits me from exercise and even meal prep (like I said, it did still bother me during my Whole30), so I basically give up. That mixed with working in food service just makes it more difficult. I understand the only real solution to that is having more self-control, so I was just wondering if there's anything I can do in addition to eating Whole30 to encourage healing/reduce inflammation. Thanks again!

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