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Was binging on nuts/nut butters for years - trying Whole 30 without nuts...

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I'm going to start the Whole 30 program tomorrow. I've had trouble with binging for years, on nuts and nut butters. Lately it's gotten even worse.


So I'm going to try the Whole 30 program, but without nuts, seeds and nut butters. 


I really started on Friday, but I was still using flax. I just read here that flax is really like a nut and should be treated as such. I suspected as much, so I'm going to eliminate that too.


I made a sweet potato/greens fritatta and that seems to be a great breakfast with avocado. 


Wondering if others have had trouble with nuts, success eliminating.



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Good for you. 


I eliminated all nuts and seeds and have had no problem following the program, and feel great - you will do well!


For inspiration have a look at these two threads (not all recipes are nut free):






If you are Googling for nut free recipes trying Googling AIP or Whole 30 AIP - - the Auto Immune Protocol is a way of eating that eliminates nuts, seeds, nightshades, and eggs, as well as the other things we eliminate on W30. But those recipes are guaranteed nut and seed free. 



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  • Whole30 Certified Coach

I did a W60 - first 30 days had nuts.  Too many nuts.  Mostly in the form of almond butter.  From the jar.  The next 30 days was nut free.  No biggie.  I didn't have any recipes that used nut butters in them but I had been using nuts as a topping for salads and snacks.  


Without the easy and portably snack of a serving of nuts I ended up eating a lot more boiled eggs :)  I used avocado and pork cracklins on salads too.  The pork was the left over bits from rendering lard that hard turned brown and crunchy.  Better than nuts in my opinion anyway ;)  


If you find that the binge eating of nut butters is the problem I guess you have two choices.  (1) Get them out of the house - which means 30 days nut free or (2) Keep them around for recipes.  Like the Well Fed Pad Thai - if you want to make the sauce you need sunflower seed butter - so just limit yourself to using it in recipes - can't be eaten as a snack or a part of a meal - only in a recipe.  


Whatever you decide, its just 30 days :)

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