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Anxiety and Insomnia - how long before you saw positive improvement?

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For those folks who had problems with anxiety, insomnia, or other mood issues, how long before you saw positive improvements with the Whole30 program? I've attributed much of my 3 year battle with anxiety, insomnia, and migraines to Lyme Disease and hormones (perimenopause), but I'm now wondering if my gut just needs to heal and the Whole30 might make a difference, even while I'm still in treatment for Lyme. I'm in a real downward spiral right now with my new Lyme Protocol, barely sleeping and having horrible anxiety/OCD (including obsessing over how to do the Whole30 when some of my medicines aren't compliant and wondering whether I'll get all the nutrients and electrolytes I need). I am just curious if it gets worse before it gets better, or if people start to see positive changes within the first week or so.



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If you follow the guidance of our meal planning template, eat a good variety of foods from our best choices shopping list, you will get more nutrients and electrolytes in your diet than you have ever had in your life. :) Relax.


Hormones are often involved with anxiety and insomnia and it can take weeks go improve hormonal rhythms. There is a reason it is a 30 day program. 

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Nutrition can do great things for all aspects of your life, but there are other things you can do to help your sleep.  I've really been focusing on doing better lately, especially with caffeine, blue light, and routine.  


Here are some good articles on things you can do to improve sleep:







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I saw positive results in my sleep after only a few days on W30 (I'm at day 6 now)! I have battled insomnia my entire life, and I am sleeping much better since starting W30.


As for anxiety and depression, that has been worse for me, but it's early days still and I am hoping to see improvement soon.


Good luck!

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