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Completed: No tiger blood, but still an achievement


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Well I completed my Whole30.


I have tried about 5 times in the past 5 years, but this time I actually did it.



Something that supported me this time was I enlisted the support of a natropath, who gave me various vitamins to take to help cope with the sugar crashes. His support I think made the difference and made me accountable.



Where's my tiger blood?

I have never felt the fabled 'tiger blood', in fact overall I felt weaker in terms of workouts.

The stability of my energy levels has improved and sleep is deeper. But my runs and Xfit workouts have been weak. I've read other posts like this where people then list what they ate. Yep, I definitely ate parsnip and sweet potato and some protein to support workouts, but it didn't really make a difference.


So then I think it must be related to other lifestyle factors.


Nothing is an excuse

And that is why I'm feeling proud.


Over the course of my Whole30:

* my work announced and implemented a restructure and

* I left an emotionally unhealthy long-term relationship.


I feel really proud I was able to stay Whole30 compliant even when my life was going topsy-turvy.


And nothing makes you realise how much you really, really WANT to use food as a comfort mechanism, than when you've just had a break up. [i'd crave comfort, then be like 'sure body, you can have some comfort food as long as it's zucchini and fish'...waaaaahhhh it cried]


And i'd even go so far to say that the process of Whole30 Paleo mirror the actions I needed to take in my emotional life.

In Whole30 you take actions that you know will help you in the long term, even though every part of you is screaming for you not to do it, and it feels wrong at the time, but you know it will get better.


Maybe next time I'll have tiger blood, but for now I'm impressed enough I complete it.





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