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Okay so I am reading about the benefits of buying pastured + organic eggs and I know on the shopping list it says if you can't find that the next best choice is "organic" eggs. However, I'm reading that "pastured" eggs provide more nutrients. I have yet to find both pastured + organic eggs but I do find eggs that are either just "pastured" or just "organic." Should I choose that pastured over the organic first?

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I would choose pastured over organic. Chances are good that someone who cares enough to pasture their chickens would select reasonably good feed to supplement--the farmer just might not have invested the money to get certified as organic. Organic just means they buy organic feed, but the chickens might not have any access to the outdoors or forage.

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Also beware of PASTURIZED eggs. I think the egg companies try to trick us with this label. These eggs have been processed to kill salmonella but it has nothing to do with how the chickens are raised or fed. I can only get pastured eggs in one grocery store in the city I live in and they are between $6.50 - $8.50 a dozen. Good Luck!

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