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Another bacon question


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I know that the bacon must not have any sugar in it. I read the bacon manifesto though and it says bacon MUST come from organic AND pastured sources. However, the shopping list just says that a better options is organic, but not necessarily pasturized. What is the final verdit on bacon? Thanks!

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Grass fed, pastured, organic, etc. is always best, but for the purposes of faithfully completing a Whole30, it is acceptable to eat factory-farmed, feed-lot fattened, conventional meat as long as the bacon, sausage, roast, steak, chicken, egg, etc. meets ingredient standards like no added sugar, carrageenan, sulfites, etc. Basically, eat the best you can, but we understand that grassfed, pastured, organic is hard to find in some places and above the budgets of many. 

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