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Eating before or after workout


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Hi everyone!

I'm just wondering what your thoughts are about eating before or after working out? Also, what do you recommend eating? I usually stick to my usual eggs and prosciutto if it's in the morning, but I was wondering if there's anything anyone finds helpful! Thanks (:

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I have to eat prior to CrossFit or I will pass out! When I used to do the elliptical I had no problem going for two hours on an empty stomach. For me it was dependent on how intensely I was pushing myself. If I workout early in the morning I'll have 2oz. meat and maybe 6 almonds with an orange - something small enough and complex enough that I get an immediate (fruit) and continued (protein) flow of nutrients. Ideally I prefer to workout 2 hours after I eat so I don't feel nauseas. Eating and working out is a delicate balancing act for me to get right in that sweet spot of not faint and not nauseas (I know, I am a special snowflake). I have a really hard time eating after CrossFit, but about an hour after I'm done I'll have a piece of fruit or some veggies. Then later I can have a real meal. The only time I eat fruit is around my workout - I read somewhere that this helps your body more effectively transition fructose into energy.

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 The only time I eat fruit is around my workout - I read somewhere that this helps your body more effectively transition fructose into energy.


This one doesn't make sense to me. Fructose is processed in the liver. If you want quick energy, glucose is a better choice because it goes straight where you need it. The whole30 recommends avoiding any form of carb/sugar prior to your workout because this will help your body transition to burning fat rather than simple carbs--a long-term advantage from an endurance standpoint. Post workout, we recommend starchy vegetable (glucose) to replenish glycogen stores and protein to feed and repair muscle (no fat post-workout, because this slows digestion). Fruit is fine to eat and nutritious, but it isn't the best choice for workout fuel.

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