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Need suggestions

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Hi all,

I did a few successful W30s a couple of years ago and stayed paleo for about a year. I've slipped quite a bit since then and really need to get back on track.

I have been planning to start a Whole30 but my circumstances are not ideal. My son has been hospitalized the last several months and I spend all days and about every other night there with him. I have no access to a fridge and very limited storage space. There is a cafeteria but aside from the salad bar (at least they have a good one that also includes eggs and olive oil and vinegar) there really not much in the way of other trustable W30 choices. I anticipate the salad bar quickly getting boring. Do you have suggestions for food I could take and keep there that does not need refrigeration/cooking and doesn't take up too much space? Suggestions for eating in the cafeteria?

I don't want to keep postponing a start until he comes home because I really don't know when that will be. My body really needs some help!


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Like GFchris said, so many great coolers and thermos's out there these days, definitely take a peak on amazon and see if there is anything you like. Sounds like you don't have much time for cooking or prep work so maybe things that don't need much attention. Big batches of chili or soups in a crockpot that essentially cooks itself and will allow you to have quite a few meals out of it. Make a big frittata for breakfasts. I usually don't mind eating hard boiled eggs or frittatas cold. Buy veggies pre-cut. I know a little expensive but will save you chopping time, then you could just toss in the cooler and bring with you for a snack or use to cook with. Good luck to both you and your son!

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I don't have much to say by way of suggestions, but having been a hospital mom in the past I know how hard it is. Especially with all the stress and worry and lousy sleep, it's easy to just rely on the donut card in the mornings and send someone to the cafeteria for nachos in the afternoon. At least that's what I did. I admire you for making an effort to care for yourself as well as your son at this time. I wish I had done the same, it really would have been good for me in so many ways. I hope your son comes home soon and it's nothing too serious, maybe he's a feeder/grower in the NICU or something? :) If you need to commiserate feel free to contact me. 

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Thank you all so much for the suggestions and support. I'm going to start with a trip to trader joes to get some easy food. When I'm home next I may try to cook up some stuff to take with me too.

I haven't taken care of myself at all these past 5.5 months he's been there but it just has to happen. He's a teenager and this isn't our first time going through this with him--but the last time was 7 years ago and I was younger.

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Hi Nina,


I'm sorry to hear about your son and hope he recovers quickly.  I think the cooler idea is great.  You could also try adding some trail mixes that are posted.  Or even just some mixed nuts and a piece or two of fruit.  The nuts will give you the protein and fat and the fruit will give you lots of micronutrients and simple fruit sugars for carbs.  Just try to pick fruits of different colors and ones where you eat both the flesh and the skin to get that full burst of nutrients.  Then once you get your cooler, you can start bringing some easy meals and I bet you feel start feeling so much better at having taken some control back.


And don't sweat it if doing a full whole30 right now is too much - even just a handful of small changes in the right direction is beneficial for your body.  You are the expert on you--you know when its time to start making changes (like now), but don't buy into the idea that its all or nothing.  Start with the changes you can make (and for goodness sake, be proud of each and every one of them!). Then, when you are in place where you can give it the full monty - jump in and go for it!  You and your son will both benefit from your positive attitude.  I benefited just from reading your post.  Many thanks for sharing.

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