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Dry skin - this is getting redonkulous.


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  • Whole30 Certified Coach

This is my first winter as an RN.  My hands are literally cracking open at work and bleeding (on my knuckles).  My thumb (pad of my upper thumb) literally just split open and started bleeding after it got squished with a light amount of pressure.  I have a rash around both wrist joints... I don't know if its the gloves, the antimicrobials or the excessive hand washing (since I hate the antimicrobial foam).  I have a mix I make that is cocoa butter and almond oil and it was helping but after working 4 days in a row I think it just wasn't enough.  What works?  W30 has made me want to not but nasty-chemically crap on my skin either so I want something natural.  Any suggestions?

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It could be the gloves are you allergic to them? I don't know if this will help but aloe Vera juice makes my skin really soft. I use the Georgia brand because it tastes the best. I just drink a 1/4 cup at night before bed. It will also improve your body pH. It might help your hands. Can you change the soap you are using? It could be irritating your hands. Good Luck!

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This is my first winter as an RN.  My hands are literally cracking open at work and bleeding (on my knuckles).  My thumb (pad of my upper thumb) literally just split open and started bleeding after it got squished with a light amount of pressure.  I have a rash around both wrist joints... I don't know if its the gloves, the antimicrobials or the excessive hand washing (since I hate the antimicrobial foam).  I have a mix I make that is cocoa butter and almond oil and it was helping but after working 4 days in a row I think it just wasn't enough.  What works?  W30 has made me want to not but nasty-chemically crap on my skin either so I want something natural.  Any suggestions?

As an RN myself, I have this same exact problem. I definitely stay away from the alcohol hand sanitizer at the hospital. I think I have tried every lotion I can find. I even have a hot wax machine for dipping my hands (like in the salons) to no avail. I know the frequent hand washing and the gloves don't help but a lot of my other nurse friends don't have the same problem as me. My hands from the wrists down sometimes are a totally different color than the rest of my arm! I'm starting to think I may have some form of eczema that is aggravated by this profession. During my 1st W30 my hands improved dramatically for about a week but then went back to their usual state of dryness. I'm hoping I can isolate the culprit during this go round and get my soft hands back! Let me know if you figure anything out.

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It could be the gloves are you allergic to them? I don't know if this will help but aloe Vera juice makes my skin really soft. I use the Georgia brand because it tastes the best. I just drink a 1/4 cup at night before bed. It will also improve your body pH. It might help your hands. Can you change the soap you are using? It could be irritating your hands. Good Luck!

Where do you find aloe Vera juice? This could be interesting.

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Overall skin dryness can be helped by eating more fat, but as an RN the amount of hand-washing you do will probably negate that. I've had good luck before with straight coconut oil on my hands then wearing gloves to bed (and my friend whose baby had severe rashes/eczema had the same luck with it), it might be worth a shot. Probably not a cureall for what ails you, but if it alleviates your symptoms even a little it'd be worth it!

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  • Whole30 Certified Coach

I used to use just coconut oil as a moisturizer and I honestly felt like it made my skin drier... That is why I started making the cocoa/almond lotion instead.  I may just need a commercial product.  A nursing forum recommended A&D (a baby product) so I may try that.  Thanks for the suggestions :)

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