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February 1st


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Hi guys, I am jumping in again as well. I made it 24 days in January but then morning sickness got to me and I had a hard time getting back on the wagon. Yep, I am the crazy lady attempting to do this while pregnant. I have figured out though that the nausea is worst when I'm hungry, so I just need to plan better and be prepared. I finished a whole30 in November and I felt great. Good luck everyone!

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Hi Everyone, 


I plan on starting either tomorrow or Monday depending upon how a big lunch with friends goes tomorrow. I'm hoping it will not be too difficult from a food point of view as I eat healthily anyway and tend to cook everything from scratch. I am however doing the autoimmune protocol to try and get the eczema that suddenly erupted last summer under control so it won't be a breeze trying to get by without any of the nightshades or not being able to have eggs for a quick and easy breakfast. 


All the best to everyone for a successful 30 days.

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I too am starting tomorrow, on February 1st.  I've been reading the book and printing out recipes to try.  I grew up on processed foods and never learned to cook anything that didn't come out of a box, so this will be incredibly challenging for me.  I've spent the last month clearing out the cupboards and using up the food that was around.  My New Year's resolution was to stop buying junk food, so this plan for February is a logical next step.


I ordered both Well Fed books, but I am going to try to keep things as simple as possible most days!

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I am starting on February 2nd, only because I have an event on the 1st that I committed to before i decided to do the whole30. I am really excited about starting this new adventure, and can't wait to see what kind of results I get. I currently am dealing with hypothyroid and PCOS and I am hoping that doing the whole30 will help with these issues. I am switching to whole30 from a low carb high fat diet, I am hoping to have better sucess with whole30. 

Glad to see another PCOS gal in the group! I'm worried the strong carb and sugar cravings are going to make this a miserable transition, but I'm hopeful for reduced symptoms. 

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Glad to see another PCOS gal in the group! I'm worried the strong carb and sugar cravings are going to make this a miserable transition, but I'm hopeful for reduced symptoms.

Hey sunflower, you can ease your carb/sugar trainsition by making sure to have at least one serving of starchy veggie per day, more if you are feeling low, cranky, exhausted etc. You can also make sure to eat enough at meals which will leave less room for those cravings!

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I'm starting on the 1st as well...this is my first one!  I'm doing the FODMAPs version and I'm so excited to start feeling better!  If anyone has any info on doing the Whole30 with low FODMAPs, I would appreciate any information!  Thanks!

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I'm a college student trying to start a healthier lifestyle. My suite mate and I decided to begin the whole 30 tomorrow and are still trying to figure things out. Being a part of a group would be great to help us create meals with microwaves. Our cafeteria doesn't offer the healthiest of options. We have started running every day to help with weight loss and healthy living. We live with stick thin girls and don't have much support when it comes to healthy eating, so being a part of a group would be great.

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It's 1 February here in Germany, so good luck to all on your day 1!


This morning I wrote out some goals for the next 30 days, made sure my meal plan for this week was good to go, and I'm about to make an omelette with sautéed veggies. For this evening I found a yummy looking roasted garlic and artichoke stuffed chicken and I'll try my hand at some mashed cauliflower with asparagus. I think I need some more fat to go alongside, besides some avocado I'm stuck with what to add in, any thoughts?

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Well folks, here goes: Feb 1st has arrived!


I'm fresh off my last whole 30, so I have some specific goals. Someone above asked why anyone would do another W30. I can't answer for everyone, but I can for myself: I have never gone this long without caving in to sugar and junk food. My entire LIFE works better on the W30. Because it removes the ability to use food as a crutch, it has forced me to confront a number of things: my need to grow up emotionally, to be able to deal with anger, disappointment etc in a mature and healthy way, rather than burying them under cookies. My need to overcome habits such as IMMEDIATELY needing to eat something when I walk in the door after a long day-no sense of delayed gratification. I have learned that I CAN survive social situations without eating to drown out my discomfort. I can actually ENJOY them, when I force myself to find satisfaction in interaction with other humans rather than being focused on the food. I can simply say 'no thanks, I'm not super hungry' when someone offers me a homemade treat. I can exclaim over how lovely it looks, inquire into where the found the recipe,

cooking techniques etc and their feelings are NOT hurt, and I HAVE fulfilled my goals. Altogether I have found it to be a totally life changing experience. That's why I'm doing it again. I've made progress towards establishing habits in all these areas, and not having to fight so hard to stick to my plan, but it's by no means automatic yet. I KNOW how fast I would dive into a plate of cookies, were I to go off plan. I have a lot more to learn about moderation and listening to what makes my body feel good.


For those of you starting the first time, think someone above already made this recommendation, but the most helpful things I found were to 1) read the book 2) sign up for the weekly emails ($14 in the US, but WELL WORTH IT) 3) post daily on this forum. I found it SUPER helpful to be involved in an active forum, and read other people's good ideas, progress etc.



One of the first emails recommends making SMART goals for yourself. These are mine:


1) No eating between meals (I still have a huge habit of munching during meal prep, having handfuls of dried fruit and nuts when I'm stressed out with work, etc.)

2. EATING BALANCED MEALS. This was my big battle. Filling up on any given compliant food (raw almonds, bananas etc.) does not equal a W30 meal and does not help your body move in the direction of fat adaption and hormone balance. I want to ask myself 1) Is this a meal? 2) what is the protein foundation? Before I start eating anything.


I will post regarding my success with each of those goals daily, along with a  brief note regarding what my food was for each meal.


Best of luck to everyone!!

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Hey sunflower, you can ease your carb/sugar trainsition by making sure to have at least one serving of starchy veggie per day, more if you are feeling low, cranky, exhausted etc. You can also make sure to eat enough at meals which will leave less room for those cravings!

Thank you! I'll make sure to keep the starchy veggies on the daily meal plan. I adore sweet potatoes and think they'll be my saving grace. 

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Happy Day 1 everybody! Lakeboater10, hang in there! It really does get better.

Stravajunkie, sounds like some excellent goals! I would add that it helps the sugar cravings disappear faster when you stop eating fruit. For me, even if I have a piece of fruit with a meal, I start craving it the next day.

Why I am doing another whole30: like stravajunkie, it makes my life way more manageable when I am in control of my eating. I feel good about myself and that has a ripple effect into all other areas of my life. I still need the rules though, not ready to ride my own bike yet.

Today's meals:

M1: 3 eggs scrambled with kale, onion, green salsa, avocado, 2 pieces bacon, coffee with coconut milk

M2: paleo pad Thai, got the squash and chicken in the oven now!

M3: chili, in honor of it being Super Bowl Sunday, although I probably won't even watch the game, lol. Might also have some roasted butternut squash or cauliflower.

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Day 1 for me too! Started the morning with eggs cooked in olive oil, bacon, and black coffee. Going to go grocery shopping then come home and have a cook up prep day! Excited to have the support of my boyfriend who let me clean out the cupboards and fridge of non-compliant food yesterday. I hope I can do this.

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I'm starting today as well - this is my first Whole30.  I'm through two meals and already feel like the thought of food alone is controlling 99% of my thoughts (especially since I've spent the last 4 hours preparing food for the week ahead)!!  I consider myself "skinny fat" - all of my fat is visceral and I look like I'm 5 months pregnant!  My goals are to rid myself of my sugar addiction, change my eating lifestyle as a whole, increase my energy levels/sleep better, and hopefully also decrease some of the belly fat.  The number one priority for me is in regards to sugar - for the last 8-10 years I have had the mindset that if my sugar levels drop at all, I need to eat something....usually it ends up being a poor food choice, too.  I have the typical hypoglycemic responses - irritability, shakiness, hunger, and anxiety.  I can already tell that this has a stronger hold on me than I imagined because even though I just finished meal 2 (full serving of protein, raw veggies, minimal berries) less than a half hour ago, I already think I'm feeling those same symptoms....I need to work on better distractions :)  I have a hubby who is partially on board with me and three small children who eat well the majority of the time but do also like to indulge on sweet treats.  Therefore, my pantry is still stocked full of temptations!

GOOD LUCK to everyone...including me :)

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Day 1, Meal 2

  • Chicken Apple Sausage
  • Roasted Green Beans
  • Baked Sweet Potato
  • Strawberries

Keeping pretty busy this morning with household chores, so I'm still doing well. I struggle with eating out of boredom at work or late at night, so I haven't had to face those hurdles, yet.


Looking forward to putting the kids down for a nap in a little bit and getting one in myself, too. 

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I had a very filling M1 and M 3 today, but skipped out on M2 (ended up with just a handful of nuts), I think the day just got caught up on me. I'm worried about the crash I'm expecting tomorrow but I think I set myself up for success with meal planning and I won't skip a meal tomorrow. 

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Just (re)read It Starts with Food and signed up for the daily newsletter.  Had some false starts with paleo/primal/Whole 30 in the past but looking forward to making a go of it this time around!  Starting tomorrow, Feb 2 (Feb 3 here in Australia).   Good luck everyone! 

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