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February 1st


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Feeling pretty proud of making it through a weekend! I was really worried about the temptation to drink. I asked for my sparkling water to be served in a wine glass and I really didn't mind not drinking.

Made the stupid easy paleo butternut squash soup during my Sunday food prep and had it for dinner topped with chopped up compliant bacon. Sooooooooo delicious. Highly recommended!

Headaches have gone away but still really tired. I hope my energy kicks back in this week.

I hope everyone has a great week two!

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Me! I've always loved food but now I'm really enjoying what I am eating. I am looking forward to every meal, even M1 now. Everything just tastes better, it tastes more if you know what I mean. 



I saw an older post about not wanting to eat at all.

Umm..not my issue. I'm enjoying the heck out of eating.

But I'm curious - has that particular phenomena hit anyone here?

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The headlines here today are about how the low fat, higher processed carb advice we have been fed by the government and the media since the 80s and no scientific back up, is horribly flawed and has led to the obesity crisis.

I can't help but feel vindicated as I've been spouting this belief for years (to fresh air it seems as no one listened!). I'm not sure it'll convince my family...

First time I've bought a print newspaper in a long time ;)

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Which paper has that? There is nothing on the BBC website.



The headlines here today are about how the low fat, higher processed carb advice we have been fed by the government and the media since the 80s and no scientific back up, is horribly flawed and has led to the obesity crisis.

I can't help but feel vindicated as I've been spouting this belief for years (to fresh air it seems as no one listened!). I'm not sure it'll convince my family...

First time I've bought a print newspaper in a long time ;)

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There's a pretty good book called "Eat the Yolks" by Liz Wolfe that is all about how we've been misled, especially the effect introducing a "low fat" diet has had on us and the misunderstandings around cholesterol and heart disease. There are more topics than that, but I would very much recommend this book. Her language is a bit childish at times (she over uses sarcasm), so that made it hard to read sometimes...but the information in it is solid. I read this book alongside It Starts With Food, which I found useful because Liz goes into much more detail and background than in It Starts With Food (I felt I had more of an understanding of the rationale for eating the way I want to eat). This book is worthwhile and it is accessible (i.e., not so full of jargon that it makes it impossible for the general population to read). I think it's good to have an open mind, but to also think critically - especially when it comes to food. Food all the way around the cycle to the pharmacological interventions used to treat the disease we get from eating said food is a multi-billion dollar machine. And it's pretty efficient.

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I've read books about nutrition etc for years but it's the media that inform most people...my mother for example trusts what she reads in the paper and whilst she reads a lot of books would never pick up one on nutrition (sadly!). During my childhood she fed us ultra low fat and lived herself on allbran and prunes for breakfast and lots of pasta. She still believes that is healthy and she goes by what the guidelines are.

That's why I like seeing articles in the papers or magazines...it broadens the information.

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Wow, that timeline is accurate. 


Day 11 here and last night I had the most vivid dream I've had in years about Cheetos cheesy puffs last night  :wacko: 


That exact brand. I was even dreaming about how they tasted! And there were multiple packets! And I was searching for more!  :lol:

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My MIL will believe anything she reads.  She chases health trends like butterflies.  God bless her. She's a wonderful woman but easily mislead.  Her countertop is covered with supplement bottles and she recently gave us a 2lb bag of cocoa - doled out from a 5Lb bag that her chiropractor had sold to her.


"It's good for you". 


Last night was my first food dream.  Donuts, of all things.  Even at my absolute worst, I don't eat donuts.  I wonder what errant neuron fired to bring that one to the forefront.

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The timeline is following pretty true for me. I can see why so many people give up on day 10-11ish. My cravings finally hit. It's not really for a certain food but more the desire to snack and binge on junk food in general. 


There are some Girl Scout cookies really calling my name upstairs. Maybe I'll ask my husband to hide them but that seems like such a drastic move to need to have food hidden due to my lack of self control. And definitely not the message that I want my kids to pick up on - that food is off limits or that it needs to be locked away as something evil. 


Just struggling today and trying not to cave into temptations. 

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Hi guys!


I've been doing a pretty awful job of posting. But I'm still here!


I had one thought for all of you above who are hitting that really hard craving time. I've figured out, when I think I absolutely can't hold out another minute ( I have tons of little kids and a husband so my house tends to have quite a few treats. Not only that, but my older kids cook, so I have the issue of smelling fresh cookies or whatever in the oven....CRUEL WORLD!!) I make up a starchy veggie (typically a sweet potato) with TONS of good fat (typically slathered with coconut oil or 'butter' and salt and cinnamon. For some reason, the starch/fat combo satisfies me and resolves the cravings. I know a person could vastly overdo this strategy, but it's something to keep in mind when the going gets REALLY tough. Munching on dried fruit or nuts = no brakes for me, so I don't go there, and the starch without the fat doesn't give me the satiety. But the combo does the trick, and when I'm done I feel like stopping, which is an added bonus.


Hang in there, this is worth it!!


Another thing I did lately, is type up a list of just how I feel when I go 'off plan' ( I'm doing back to back W30s, this is my second, but I took a day off between. This is a list of how "wonderful" the cheat day made me feel (also clarified for me that doing reintroduction properly matters a lot):


After a day of munching on all the things I've been wanting- a bit of pizza, cookies, etc. etc.:


- restless legs (this is something that bugs me anytime my carbs get out of line), jumpy, itchy, twitchy, can't relax.

- blurry vision (don't know why, somehow tied to blood sugar. irritating)

- Endless cravings (I didn't mean to eat SO MUCH junk-I thought a few bites here or there. But after that first cookie, WHAM!! I felt like I could eat every wheat based carb in the house)

- headache. Bigtime.

- Rapid heart rate (keep an eye on this for training, and my body was acting like it was sick-because it was)

- I woke up sweating all night (another typical response to too much carbs-hormonal I guess)

- Puffy face for two days

- super extra tired and totally unmotivated to do anything. Except eat.

- itchy eyelids

- Bloating-abdominal, legs, etc. Took at least 2 days of good eating to go away.


Soooo....what's the point? I have found it helpful to glance at this list from time to time to remind myself "NO. A bite of a donut is a stupid decision. Why choose to be miserable?"


Best of luck to everybody!!

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I saw an older post about not wanting to eat at all.

Umm..not my issue. I'm enjoying the heck out of eating.

But I'm curious - has that particular phenomena hit anyone here?

 I too have really begun to enjoy eating.  I love Well Fed and have enjoyed trying new recipes, even when I have to go to three different stores and ask for help when I am grocery shopping!


My only problem has been thirst.  I am just so thirsty.  I haven't been able to get used to the taste of water.  I miss my Crystal Light.  I force myself to drink water, but I haven't been able to force myself to drink the amount I need to be drinking every day.  I even bought myself a pretty new water bottle to make it more tolerable, but it just isn't.

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Day 10!! 1/3 of the way there.  Being able to say that is way motivational for me.  After Day 7, I thought, yeah, I can do this, and today with even more vigor.  The only "craving" I have had lately is that I really, really, really want to weigh myself. Even asked my husband to look with my eyes closed. LOL  I still feel bloated and nothing is feeling loose yet.  I thought it was maybe nuts, so I cut those out entirely but still nothing.  :wacko:


I haven't had any vivid food dreams except last night I was dreaming of a microwave that wouldn't shut off when I opened the door.  That's all I remember, I don't even know what I was making.


stravajunkie, I'm worried I will go crazy on Day 31 as well and feel miserable.  I know that I am at least going to add a smidge of creamer to my coffee first thing.  I wonder how little I will use now that I have been drinking mostly black with a little almond milk.  


Yummy food today!


PW: chicken and butternut squash

M1: eggs, sausage and green chili, butternut squash

M2: leftover taco salad

M3: not quite decided yet, maybe crab legs 


Keep going everyone!! You got this!

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 I too have really begun to enjoy eating.  I love Well Fed and have enjoyed trying new recipes, even when I have to go to three different stores and ask for help when I am grocery shopping!


My only problem has been thirst.  I am just so thirsty.  I haven't been able to get used to the taste of water.  I miss my Crystal Light.  I force myself to drink water, but I haven't been able to force myself to drink the amount I need to be drinking every day.  I even bought myself a pretty new water bottle to make it more tolerable, but it just isn't.




How about adding a splash of lemon or lime juice?  I found a whole cranberry juice, so I can add that to my water.  I agree it gets a little boring when that is all you are drinking.

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Day 11 for me. I'm starting to feel better! It has felt like a long time even though it's only been a week so far.


My health took another turn on the weekend. I got strep throat and started on antibiotics last week. I was doing much better, but then I developed new symptoms and had to revisit the doctor. I had inflamed lymphnodes under both of my arms and a cold (cough, green mucus with some blood, nasal drip, raspy voice although not sore until night time, extra phleghm, weakness and fatigue, and some joint pain/headaches). Consistently for over a week I have had diarrhea, so I am making extra sure to drink water so as to not end up dehydrated. I have read that can happen as your gut repairs itself and 'sheds' the bad bacteria. Unfortuantely on top of doing the Whole30 and its impact on my system, the antibiotic interventions have likely done a number on my gut bacteria and immune system :(.


Today is the first day I've started to feel better. I have an antibiotic cream to help my underarms and I'm probably halfway through my other antibiotics. I have had lots of new acne and my face looks worse than it did before I started my Whole30. I am hoping that all of this, getting sick, acne, headaches, decreased appetite (i.e., not needing to eat as much, but on the + side I'm not binging, not craving) are going to be for the greater good at the end of this and are related to the changes I've been making.


I am taking a probiotic twice a day, having Epsom salt baths 2-3x a week, and I take acetaminophen as needed for all of the aches and pains I've had that have been worse than normal. I am resting a lot. With being so sick, I haven't been able to exercise at all. Especially with the development of the inflamed lymphnodes, lifting my arms, let alone doing some push ups, has felt very painful. I think I need to keep recovering, putting my energy into making meals so that I am getting adequate nourishment, rather than pushing myself to do a workout right now. I've noticed that my belly has 'deflated' quite a bit - the bloating has gone down almost entirely. Despite being sick, I have noticed that I've had more mental clarity. I haven't had any food dreams yet, but I rarely remember my dreams. I actually have woken up in the middle of the night quite often since starting this and felt extremely thirsty. I've actually had to get up and go get some water. I would say that mental health-wise, I am still experiencing anxiety, mainly when I go to bed it gets in the way of me falling asleep - although there is a lot going on in my personal life that it would make sense for this to still be around. I am also not exercising, not expending that energy and resting/sleeping when I need to during the day so I would say these things definitely factor in to not being tired by 10:30pm...I would say that I'm no longer feeling depressed (i.e., vegetative, lethargic, hopeless, foggy, empty, distant, inattentive, oversleeping [other than recovering from being sick, but this is definitely not the same 'quality' as when you're depressed...], and lost). I'm also not using food to cope like I had before. I think I've successfully gotten through the detox period.


Sorry for the lengthy update. Writing out my observations will help me track the changes I'm experiencing as I go through the 30 days :). I enjoy reading everyone else's, too! :)

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Oh greenhm, you are fighting this good fight and you are still sick on top of it?!?  :o I'm not worthy in my best Garth voice.   :lol: No way would I be able to do what you are doing, good for you and keep it up!!  I agree, and think you should keep resting and not worry about exercising, your body is doing all it can do right now fighting that crud!!  I'm glad to hear you are starting to feel better and after reading your post, I noticed that I'm not feeling depressed as much either except oversleeping. :)  This girl loves to sleep and doesn't care if she falls asleep on the couch at 8:30. lol


Keep giving it your all!

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 This girl loves to sleep and doesn't care if she falls asleep on the couch at 8:30. lol



My need for an exaggerated amount of sleep never, ever changed.  It doesn't matter how well I eat, how much exercise I do or don't get, the time of year, the amount of fresh air.  Nothing.  I, as a unique human, require 10 hours of sleep every night.  

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Hi Everyone, I haven't posted in a few days, life has been crazy, but my Whole30 is still on track. I'm feeling really good, have had lots of energy in my workouts and my jeans are fitting great! I'm much less bloated.


I made a shrimp and mango/avo salsa that was amazing the other night! One of my favorites so far. I also made a pork roast in the crock pot that turned out great, like my favorite carnitas.


The only thinkg I really miss is half and half in my coffee. The coconut milk is just ok. And I really love my morning cup of coffee, so it sucks. Dairy will definitely be the first thing I introduce.

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The only thinkg I really miss is half and half in my coffee. The coconut milk is just ok. And I really love my morning cup of coffee, so it sucks. Dairy will definitely be the first thing I introduce.

I was really missing half and half too until I discovered Trader Joes extra rich coconut cream. A healthy spoonful of that in my coffee and I completely forgot about half and half. It's way better than just coconut milk. I also add a dash of cinnamon and nutmeg on days when I need a little spice!

Day 11 was pretty miserable. Tired, cranky, and everything was hard. I'm still feeling like I probably need to eat more. I also have a weekend getaway coming up with my bf and some friends. I have so much anxiety about them judging my way of eating and about being tempted to drink.

Really, really looking forward to the boundless energy phase!

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I need to get back to daily posting, it's amazing how much it helps me...


I'm still wrestling with:


eating between meals (not usually strictly 'between', but before-as in munching during meal prep. The thing is, I'm not usually preparing a meal for just me, it usually for the whole family. So when I'm starving, and exhausted from the day, and looking at the amount of work it will take to get ready to feed 8 people, my will power fails me and I end up munching usually on my nemesis-nuts and raisins.)


Getting more creative with my cooking. Again because of the dynamics of feeding a crowed ( my kids and husband eat quite healthy, but there are lots of veggies I love they won't touch with a ten foot pole. I don't have energy to consistently cook two different meals. So I eat a lot of green salad, green beans, etc. And lots of eggs and LOTS of beef (we have chickens and cattle). I never ever thought I could get tired of eggs, but I think I'm gettin' there :)


Yesterday's meals:

M1 2 eggs 2 handfuls of almonds

M2 Salad with taco beef, avocado and tomatoes plus a banana

M3 Almonds and raisins :(


SMART goals:

Cook something original: Not really, although the avocado thing is new for me and I'm really liking it

No eating between meals: No. I need a strategy to help break this habit. I'm going to work on steaming a pan full of veggies every morning while I'm prepping the kid's breakfast. I love to munch on steamed vegetables, and having them already prepared makes meal prep faster, which should help keep me away from the 'healthy' snacks.

Post daily: back at it :)


I don't know if anyone on this thread is into endurance stuff, but I think I'm seeing some better adaptation with my riding. I still seem to need to eat a fair amount of carbs, and I still 'warm up' kind of slowly-not a lot of snap to my legs when I start, but when I do warm up, more steady energy.


Have a great day!

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Oh greenhm, you are fighting this good fight and you are still sick on top of it?!?  :o I'm not worthy in my best Garth voice.   :lol: No way would I be able to do what you are doing, good for you and keep it up!!  I agree, and think you should keep resting and not worry about exercising, your body is doing all it can do right now fighting that crud!!  I'm glad to hear you are starting to feel better and after reading your post, I noticed that I'm not feeling depressed as much either except oversleeping. :)  This girl loves to sleep and doesn't care if she falls asleep on the couch at 8:30. lol


Keep giving it your all!

Aw, why thank you :)! Yes, definitely a lot my system is trying to get rid of - and I think in the long run, despite how terrible being this sick has been, it will be worth it to have stuck to the Whole30. I can tell I'm almost through this! Thanks for the positive words :). Oversleeping isn't necessarily due to depression - it's more the quality of that sleep that differentiates it. If your body is going through a lot (+ve or -ve - like a diet change, stress at work, argument with a spouse, intense workouts, busy family life etc.), or you're the kind of person who simply needs that much sleep for it to be restorative, that's one thing and not something to be worried about - but if you're in bed all day, missing work/other committments, mentally fogged and feeling bad about yourself, sleeping because your body and mind don't want to face the world outside of that bed then that's more the sort of oversleeping we're looking for in depression (btw, I'm a Clinical Psychologist ;) ). I know for sure that my need to have extra rest, get to bed earlier and sleep in a little if necessary is because I'm recovering right now. Sleep is pretty darn important ;). I'm ready to kick this sickness to the curb!!!


I'm still wrestling with:


eating between meals (not usually strictly 'between', but before-as in munching during meal prep. The thing is, I'm not usually preparing a meal for just me, it usually for the whole family. So when I'm starving, and exhausted from the day, and looking at the amount of work it will take to get ready to feed 8 people, my will power fails me and I end up munching usually on my nemesis-nuts and raisins.)


Yesterday's meals:

M1 2 eggs 2 handfuls of almonds

M2 Salad with taco beef, avocado and tomatoes plus a banana

M3 Almonds and raisins :(

I'm wondering if you're needing to eat in between meals because you aren't eating enough in your M1-3s? The M2 sounded substantial, but the other two might have left you actually needing to eat more. I recall from their book that snacking isn't bad if it's what your body needs - they are more interested that we learn the difference in our body's signals -- am I hungry or am I looking to eat as a response to something else (boredom, stress, etc.)? They suggest that the snack be a mini meal - protein, fat, and veggies. You also have a lot of extra work around meals by the sounds of it! That can feel pretty discouraging. You have a busy busy house, your body needs more fuel. :) Keep up the posting!! :)

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Day 12. Can't believe we're more than 1/3 through this! I'm also feeling much much better and symptoms continue to improve and dissipate :D. We are expecting another big storm tomorrow, so my husband was nice enough to go down to the grocery store last night and stock us up a bit :). We made some super yummy dinners these past two nights. Tuesday night we made coconut shrimp with squash and broccoli. I have never cooked raw shrimp before! Weird, I know, but I guess I've always just bought cooked shrimp and dethawed those and heated em' up. This was hands down the best shrimp dish I've had in a long time! Tasted much better. And my husband didn't mind that we cooked them in coconut oil, since they were supposed to be coconut-y :). Here's the recipe - http://completerecipes.com/Whole30--Coconut-Shrimp-Recipe.html?back_url=./We also added paprika.


Then last night we did pork cheeks. I've never had this cut of pork before, but the butcher recommended it and they were pretty inexpensive. Here's where I got the recipe from -- http://bampowpaleo.com/2013/05/16/bam-pow-paleo-what-a-pork-cheek/I'd put in less balsamic next time, but otherwise the pork was soooo good and it fell apart. Had that with baby potatoes.


Today's plan:


M1: ground beef skillet with zucchini and onion with two poached eggs on top and avocado

M2: leftover pork cheeks & veggies with leftover butternut squash

M3: I'm going to attempt to make my first ever 'from scratch' burgers! Making chili lime turkey burgers (http://popularpaleo.com/2012/12/17/chili-lime-turkey-burgers/) probably on a bed of romaine lettuce leaves topped with slices of onion, tomato, and guacamole...can't wait to try this one out!


I think one of the challenges I'm having is not letting the fresh veggies go to waste. We are only two people, no kids yet, so even with eating a couple of different veggies with each meal it sometimes feels like I've barely dented our fridge. I am thinking that I should cut some of the veggies up that I think we might not finish, put them in zip locks and freeze em'. We have a Costco size bag of sugar snap peas that are amazing, but I can't eat that whole bag lol.

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