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sweet potato serving size


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What is the serving size for a sweet potato with a meal?  The palm size specifications are really helpful for protein portions, and it's generally fairly easy to fill the rest of the plate with veggies...but I'm curious- just because a whole sweet potato fits on a plate (and I can certainly eat a whole sweet potato in one sitting) does it mean that I can/should?  


I'm currently in a pretty intense workout program (it's called Extreme, for reference, and extreme it is).  It's a 6 week program:  1 hour a day, 5x a week, high intensity intervals alternating between kettle bells and body weight exercises that get harder and increase in sets each week.  


So I'm aware that I'm needing to refuel with some carb dense veggies.  And as I mentioned, I can easily eat a whole sweet potato in one sitting.  Is this okay?  Should it be more, less?  I try to switch it up with other starchy veggies like parsnips, squash, etc, but nothing's quite as satisfying as the sweet potato!  Am I getting myself into trouble eating a 1 whole sweet potato 4-5x a week? 


Thanks in advance for your help.  

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If I were working out that much I would be probably eating that much potato (sweet and white combined) and I'm a small female.

I would try to eat the gold, orange and purple ones, and a few varieties of white potato to vary your nutrients, and the paleo mom has a great recipe for the orange ones, sciling them into rounds, covering with spices then roasting, that I love for post workout as you can eat them straight from the fridge

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A serving is considered "fist sized" but with the amount you are working out, you could be eating a whole one every day or more. There's the post-workout window that you can have it in and then of course you are free to add to your meals as you see fit.  If you are feeling fine eating that much then fill yer boots!  ;)

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