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New - COMMITTED to starting March 1


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Good morning! I started reading about Whole30 after a friend of mine began your program. I have had a life long issues with lack of energy and just plain not feeling well on most days despite being supposedly healthy and my weight in normal range. I am active as I have a very active English Shepherd. We get in about 7 miles a day of running and walking. While reading "It Starts with Food" this week, I have cut everything except the sugar and cream in my coffee. I am feeling better already. I can't even wait to see the results when I do my Whole30 .  I have been a "professional" dieter with food issues. Cravings and being ravenously hungry a lot of the time has been an issue. Unfortunately I am traveling the next 10 days so It is not the best time to start this - so I am waiting until March the first when I have my house totally purged and the fridge and cupboards stocked appropriately.  I will do my best until then.


I am COMMITTED to March1st!!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, tomorrow is the BIG day and I start my Whole 30. I certainly have cleaned up my act the past several weeks - so I think the transition will be less difficult than if I had not. I must admit recently I have not been craving sweets and choc. I have not been ravenously hungry. So those are great signs of things to come. I am very excited to get started tomorrow. Here's to another chapter in this glorious journey to better health and well being.



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Hi Cerena,


Congratulations!!  I understand what you are saying about the coffee creamer.  I cannot drink coffee black and I need to have creamer, which was difficult for me to wean off my diet and I admit, it took a long time.  I believe changing the way we eat is a process (and journey) on an emotional and psychological level.  Good for you and I join you in starting tomorrow as well.  It is my second Whole30.  


All the Best.



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HI Cerena and Sheila,Tomorrow is my big day as well! i have been gearing up to this moment for the past week and 3 days ago when the milk ran out i had my first black coffee since i was 10! Hint, Buy really good coffee. I need to go grocery shopping today and plan my meals. Any suggestions for a quick but acceptable breakfast? I'm thinking Lara bars (the original) and a piece of fruit? I'll check back in a few days. Good Luck,Kim

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I also start tomorrow March 1st. This will be my 2nd Whole 30. I did my 1st Whole30 January 2nd-31st. February was my birthday month, and I can say I didn't really stray too far, but looking forward to another round. 


This time, I know what to expect and also I have a few favorite recipes all ready to be prepared. I'm looking forward to it!

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Well Day 1 has gone well. I survived coffee without sugar and cream without a problem. After the first sip I was OK.


I hope all of you that started today had a great day and all of you starting tomorrow I wish you the best.

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I also started today! Glad you got through your black coffee. Luckily, I have been drinking my coffee black for a good while now, and I actually dislike coffee with milk and sugar. As someone said earlier, the better quality coffee helps ;) 


Cheers to day 2!

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Day 1 was yesterday for me as well... very excited to see how today goes.  I'm really tired and foggy brain is setting in right now.  I need to concentrate at work but it's hard. I just have to keep reminding myself that I just need to get through this phase and then my energy will come back and my head will be clearer.  

Keep up the good work and I agree that if you do black coffee...make it the good stuff :)


Praying for all of us on our journey to no longer being a slave to the food that harms our bodies!

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 Any suggestions for a quick but acceptable breakfast? I'm thinking Lara bars (the original) and a piece of fruit?

Hi kimbdoyle, unfortunately while the larabar and fruit would be technically compliant, it is very far from your best choice.  Fruit alone can be a sugar bomb and those date-nut bars are as close to a candy bar as you can get on Whole30. Your best bet would be to have a meal that includes protein, fat and veggies in proper quantities (check out our template linked below).  We recommend not eating fruit alone and those larabars are to be held for emergencies only.  Both of those are going to be a hit to your blood sugar and will keep any cravings and snacky feelings alive and well.

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Hello everyone,


In case you want some recipe varieties, here are some sites I like:


chowstalker.com (lots of Whole30 approved recipes)


paleoonabudget.com (for eating Paleo on a budget)


Primalpalate.com (some recipes are compliant, I recommend to avoid for now recipes that require maple syrup or molasses, etc.)


nomnompaleo.com (great recipes)




To start with....  Good luck to you all!! and Yes I agree we can support each other.  

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HI Cerena and Sheila,Tomorrow is my big day as well! i have been gearing up to this moment for the past week and 3 days ago when the milk ran out i had my first black coffee since i was 10! Hint, Buy really good coffee. I need to go grocery shopping today and plan my meals. Any suggestions for a quick but acceptable breakfast? I'm thinking Lara bars (the original) and a piece of fruit? I'll check back in a few days. Good Luck,Kim

Hi Kimdoyle,


I am doing my best to get used to drinking black coffee and I agree to buy really good coffee..  When I was weaning off of creamer, it took more than 30 days.  Grocery shopping was also a learning experience when I did the first Whole30.  Planning meals is definitely helpful.  I didn't do that on my first one and made up my own as I go along with the Program.  I agree with LadyShanny, to limit fruit consumption or maybe not during the Whole30 because we are in a way, doing sugar detox.  All the best to you and everyone in doing the Whole30 program.

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Day 2  In the books. I am OK with the plain coffee - some coffee black is better than no coffee. I am amazed at how much produce I am buying and consuming. I have meals for the week planned and I am making some meals that will feed us twice this week. Thank goodness DH is willing to eat anything I prepare. It was pork tenderloin tonight and I made choc. chili ahead for tomorrow night as it is a busy, busy day!


Hope everyone else had a great day!

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Survived Day 1 surprisingly well. Ate delicious food, felt totally full all day. My fear of coffee not loaded with milk & sweetener turned out fine...used good brewed coffee w/unsweetened almond milk and it sufficed. Is it OK to drink my water with a slice of lemon? Do I need to count as a fruit since I used multiple sliced/squirts throughout the day. Another observation is that last night I woke up multiple times to empty my bladder. Each but I me it was a strong& long flow. Found it interesting b/c it was totally different . as frustrating as it was to keep gettingbup, I kept thinking its all the excess water my body was retaining.

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Survived Day 1 surprisingly well. Ate delicious food, felt totally full all day. My fear of coffee not loaded with milk & sweetener turned out fine...used good brewed coffee w/unsweetened almond milk and it sufficed. Is it OK to drink my water with a slice of lemon? Do I need to count as a fruit since I used multiple sliced/squirts throughout the day. Another observation is that last night I woke up multiple times to empty my bladder. Each but I me it was a strong& long flow. Found it interesting b/c it was totally different . as frustrating as it was to keep gettingbup, I kept thinking its all the excess water my body was retaining.

You don't have to count the lemon in your water as anything other than a nice way to drink water.  :)  Check your almond milk and make sure it doesn't have carrageenan in it, so many of them do and that additive is not permitted.  Congrats if you found one that doesn't!


The potty overnight will regulate, yes.  Irritating for a few days but gets better.

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You don't have to count the lemon in your water as anything other than a nice way to drink water.   :)  Check your almond milk and make sure it doesn't have carrageenan in it, so many of them do and that additive is not permitted.  Congrats if you found one that doesn't!


The potty overnight will regulate, yes.  Irritating for a few days but gets better.

Are there any Almond Milk or Coconut Milk brands that doesn't have Carrageenan?  I was really surprised when I saw these and sometimes, "natural flavors" in addition to Carrageenan are showing up on the Coconut Milk and Almond Milk ingredients list at grocery stores and health food stores.  After searching I just gave up.  I am having a hard time as it is drinking coffee black.  I am drinking more water at this time.  

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Are there any Almond Milk or Coconut Milk brands that doesn't have Carrageenan?  I was really surprised when I saw these and sometimes, "natural flavors" in addition to Carrageenan are showing up on the Coconut Milk and Almond Milk ingredients list at grocery stores and health food stores.  After searching I just gave up.  I am having a hard time as it is drinking coffee black.  I am drinking more water at this time.

I'll be honest, it's nearly impossible to find cartoned almond milk or coconut beverage without nasties like carrageenan. Stupid Easy Paleo and Zenbelly both have good homemade nutmilk recipes, just google. "Natural flavours" could be anything but it has been determined that "natural flavours" would be acceptable on Whole30.

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silk brand has none of the nasties or added sugar - however for myself I think Silk has a bad after taste ... so I did without until after my 30.  now I drink cashew milk - that does not have any added sugar either and tastes good.

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silk brand has none of the nasties or added sugar - however for myself I think Silk has a bad after taste ... so I did without until after my 30.  now I drink cashew milk - that does not have any added sugar either and tastes good.

Oh, interesting, because all the Silk brand ones in my area are fraught with nasties.  Just goes to show, you have to read labels no matter what!

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Oh, interesting, because all the Silk brand ones in my area are fraught with nasties.  Just goes to show, you have to read labels no matter what!














A Carcinogen Hiding In Organic Dairy & Dairy Substitutes

One of the findings has to do with a carcinogenic ingredient all these products have in common, a substance derived from red algae called carrageenan. Carrageenan can be found in most milk substitute products, infant formula, deli meats, cottage cheese and some flavored coconut waters regardless if the product is certified organic by the USDA. I know so many people who get soy lattes from Starbucks to avoid having to consume conventional milk products, so I thought it would be pertinent to include them here on the list below, since they and many other coffee shops use soy milk that contains carrageenan.

I don’t know about you but I feel personally duped by carrageenan. I assumed that once a product was certified organic like Pacific Almond Milk, that it was perfectly safe to drink. I’ve even recommended this product and some others that contained carrageenan here on this site. I’ve since cleaned up my ingredient lists on my recipes and made sure my pantry staples list does not contain any products with this additive in it. We are all learning here together and I hope you forgive me for ever assuming this substance was safe to consume, because it is clearly not.


Milk substitutes are wildly popular and something many people consume almost everyday, so it’s important that if you were relying on one of these products above to start making your own milk or find another substitute. It’s so easy to make your own. Watch this video to see how I make it. I like to strain my milk through a very fine grain strainer. Check it out, just to see how easy it is! You won’t ever be tempted to buy processed almond milk in a carton again.


Even though Cornucopia estimates they are close to 300 chemical additives approved to be used in organics, there are still thousands approved for conventional products. The facts presented here should not discourage you to eat less organic food, but to encourage you to fight for its regulations and ultimate safeguard. I urge you to watch the Video by Mark Kastel and read the Full Cornucopia Report when you have time and to spread this information to as many people as possible – Please feel free to share this post on FacebookTwitter and your own blogs.


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Days 3 and 4 completed successfully. Sorry that I was AWOL the past two days - just busy days and unable to post. Thanks to all of you that have been posting!


I thought I might share WHY I am doing this:

1. To get as healthy as possible

2. Reduce cravings and my appetite - I have spent my whole life hungry and NEVER full. It wasn't unusual for me to feel as if I were in mortal danger if I didn't get something to eat RIGHT NOW!!

3. Get the inflammatory sugar out of my diet. - I have had subtle symptoms of autoimmune disease but no diagnosis - I am hoping this regimen will help clear some of that up.

4. Increase my energy level and reduce my fatigue. I never seem to have enough energy to accomplish what I would like during the day. I hope this helps. Actually I am feeling quite good while on the Whole30

5. Lose a little weight - I have always been 10- 15 pounds over my ideal weight - I would like to get there.


So far I am loving this process. I did clean up my eating about 2-3 weeks before starting the Whole30 and I think that helped me. I am also fortunate as most of my cooking prior to this was fairly clean. I have just moved toward more organic products (still have to read those labels though - lots of sugar hidden inside) more veggies than before. I did have to stop with the legumes, my chocolate fix, and sugar and creamer in my coffee. So far so good. I do enjoy the larger portion sizes. I must say I am feeling satisfied for the most part rather than deprived and crazed as I have in the past.


I hope everyone is progressing without too much trouble. I am enjoying the journey. 



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Days 3 and 4 completed successfully. Sorry that I was AWOL the past two days - just busy days and unable to post. Thanks to all of you that have been posting!


I thought I might share WHY I am doing this:

1. To get as healthy as possible

2. Reduce cravings and my appetite - I have spent my whole life hungry and NEVER full. It wasn't unusual for me to feel as if I were in mortal danger if I didn't get something to eat RIGHT NOW!!

3. Get the inflammatory sugar out of my diet. - I have had subtle symptoms of autoimmune disease but no diagnosis - I am hoping this regimen will help clear some of that up.

4. Increase my energy level and reduce my fatigue. I never seem to have enough energy to accomplish what I would like during the day. I hope this helps. Actually I am feeling quite good while on the Whole30

5. Lose a little weight - I have always been 10- 15 pounds over my ideal weight - I would like to get there.


So far I am loving this process. I did clean up my eating about 2-3 weeks before starting the Whole30 and I think that helped me. I am also fortunate as most of my cooking prior to this was fairly clean. I have just moved toward more organic products (still have to read those labels though - lots of sugar hidden inside) more veggies than before. I did have to stop with the legumes, my chocolate fix, and sugar and creamer in my coffee. So far so good. I do enjoy the larger portion sizes. I must say I am feeling satisfied for the most part rather than deprived and crazed as I have in the past.


I hope everyone is progressing without too much trouble. I am enjoying the journey. 



These are great goals Loni.  The moderators for the Whole30 are also very supportive.  Glad to know we are all in the journey together.  



Sheila :)

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