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Starting my first Whole30


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HI, I've just began this journey of whole foods eating - slowly made it to day 4!

A couple things I feel I need to get off my chest and say to someone, anyone...

I thought I ate healthy before starting this challenge, however I am realizing more each day of how my choices had been negatively affecting me. I am a self-proclaimed sugar-aholic that had the tendency to binge...on sugary, carbohydratey stuff - think Brach's gummy sugar candy =). I have gone 4 days without candy, bread, treats etc. This is HUGE for me - however I do have some speed bumps to get over before I can fully celebrate: dried mango slices have been used as a "clutch" - possibly eating more than 1 serving worth, ok 2 servings, each day along with some other fruits (pluots, strawberries, a banana). I also purchased a few Larabars as I plan to be traveling this weekend and wanted to have snacks available should I need them. Unfortunately they didn't keep in the house very long - had 2 in one sitting today! Oh well..

I know I'm not far along in this Whole30 but I've found that I need to plan ahead of time what meals will be in order to be successful - I used to create lunch and dinner on a whim - but am now concentrating on better putting a plan of a few recipes together for the week.

Lastly, since I am traveling this weekend for a family function where I will have absolutely no control of where or what food options are, I plan to do my very best keeping with the whole30 plan, but also acknowledge I may have to reset it once I get back home, and into my "comfort" zone. I may just hit "reset" anyways come next Monday, due to eating too many fruits at the onset of this original Whole30 start.

If you've read this whole monolog, thank you! If you have any helpful tips, suggestions, or anything at all to say - please do!

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Welcome and good luck.

If I can offer any advice it is to quit the dried fruit ASAP!

I relied on it way too much and I am on day 27 and wishing I had cut it out faster. Nuts, nut butters and dried fruit were way too common in my daily food list and they were always more than an appropriate portion.

For this reason I am continuing my Whole30 longer.

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Thank you for your advice - I will cut out the dried fruit - what's your opinion on fresh fruit?

Speaking of nut butters - just had some almond butter last night for the first time in while - its was the last spoonful in the container and I don't think I'll be rushing out to replace it in the next 30+ days!

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You should limit fresh fruit to 2 servings per day and it is best to let vegetables crowd fruit out of your diet completely. Fruit is easy and sweet, but no fruit can match veggies for nutrient density. One of the big problems with eating a lot of fruit, nuts, and nut butters is that you are getting less nutrition than if you were eating protein, fats, and lots of veggies.

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After a few days on the whole 30 I put nuts and fruits into a different bucket in my head. They are either a treat if I'm still hungry after a meal, a condiment in a meal, or a treat at the very end of the day. I've placed these things in this category for exactly the reasons Tom mentioned. I try to start with the things that are vital to my well being. Otherwise, I'll most certainly choose a banana and a handful of macadamia nuts over brussel sprouts and sardines. And for me, I need to change the way I think about food and the way I eat.

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I haven't bought any dry fruit or nuts or nut butters since starting the whole30-(still have some almonds left in the cabinet from pre whole30-but have only had them once). I am afraid of how I might turn to them when I'm not really hungry-so I don't even want to go there. Sometimes cold-turkey is the only way for some folks. Like me !

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi - I figured its about time I give an update on my progress since I last posted (and I just need a place to vent - get things of my chest) I've had to start the whole30 over a few (4) times - I keep getting to day 4, then having an unavoidable dinner commitment come up where I set myself up for success, however the only options provided have a few ingredients that don't work with the program.

Last week it was a going away party for a relative, and I was doing great - carrot sticks with homemade guacamole instead of the warm, freshly made tortilla chips as appetizers, sparkling water in a wine glass vs. wine, and then dinner was served. It was one of mu all time favorites Chicken Marbella - sounds harmless, but I know (from making the recipe myself) that it contains a small amount of sugar and alcohol. I then said "well you already messed up - might as well go out with a bang" and had some lemon meringue and then dark chocolate peanut m&m's. After that experience I resolved to not let social eating get me down.

Yesterday was my day 3 again =). I had another family dinner, to celebrate Rosh Hashanah, and my mother did her best to accommodate all of our family's "weird" eating habits. I prepared myself well - had a great lunch, snacked on some olives, had a large salade and even provided the vegetables for dinner so that I'd know they are whole30 approved. Then after dinner my mother passed around the recipe for a new chicken dish she made and the recipe unfortunately called for sugar and a trace amount of hard alcohol. I didn't let this one blurp get me down - I politely passed on the homemade challah, said "no thank you" to the exquisite rugelach my mother picked up as a treat from her favorite bakery, and throw the hershey kisses back at my brother after he so "kindly" chucked a few at me. I did however end the night with 2-3 medjool dates - which were out of this world amazing.

I'm determined to not fail on this whole30 challenge and am going to keep going without resetting as am continuing to be more confident in my ability to not slip-up and if I do - I'm not inclined to turn to unapproved foods as I once had.

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