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Just need a cyber hug...

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Ok, maybe this really isn't "trouble shooting" my W30, but can I pretend? It's been a rough couple of days...been feeling down, which results in my wanting to eat junk/drink tea, whatever.  I've stayed compliant though, so that's been a good thing.

But today has been rough.  In a nutshell (if possible)...brother bought play tickets in a local city (where he lives) for 4 of us (mom, step-dad, me and him).  It was a surprise Christmas present.  I wasn't asked if I wanted to go...just sort of expected as a family thing.  Mom is in her 70s, so I'll be the one driving there and back on the day of the play (5+ hrs of driving).


The plan also included much enthusiasm for stopping somewhere to eat on the way and getting dinner after the play.  Again, not much discussion with me, no real concern that I'm sticking to W30 again.  Then, let's add in the fact that weather is supposed to be bad Thursday am, so maybe we need to drive in on Wednesday?  I spend several hours tonight looking for a hotel that will make everyone happy...Mom tends to be cranky about minor things, Step-Dad needs his coffee, his hourly smoke breaks, still trying to co-ordinate the meet time with big brother...


The proverbial icing, though, deals with my son.  My mom has a small dog that she DOTES on.  Seriously.  Like, won't leave him unattended for a night (he has a fenced yard with a doggy door) because he might get lonely.  So she gets my son (16) to agree to spend the night with the dog.  Son doesn't realize she's talking most of Wed and all day Thursday.  She says repeatedly "Well, he can watch movies or TV...we have lots of channels."  Umm...son rarely watches ANY TV at home...not his idea of fun.  So we make arrangements for him to take his computer.  His usual entertainment is group computer games, dm'ing role playing sessions with friends...that sort of thing.  So he'll have something to do...all is good.  Right?


Nope. Now Mom is mad at me because I'm trying to "change everything and you're always so negative."  No, I'm realistic.  It's like, because he won't be bored all that time, his willingness to stay at her house is no longer worth as much or something.  It's bizarre.


How is this W30 related?  My normal way of dealing with this would be to say "HELL WITH IT, I'm eating what I want."


Oh, and oldest son baked some awesome cookies to take to work and hubby popped popcorn tonight...so I've strained my compliance muscle today. ;)

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I think that since you and all of your family members have survived to this point, you can call this day a WIN. Ha! Also, well done on sticking with Whole30 when folks around you expect you to do what they find convenient (especially when that convenience conflicts with someone else's real needs).


Deep breaths, eat well, and pat yourself on the back.

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Well done you for getting through a VERY hard day! I so understand the urge to eat something comforting after all that stress, I'm struggling with the same thing at the moment. But we've survived this far!


Sending cyber hugs from another stressed out Whole30-er  :wub:

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Thanks!  Plans have been made...will be leaving soon to pick up the parents, stay in a hotel tonight, play and dinner tomorrow.  My first W30, I didn't venture "out"...I have the luxury of working from home, so don't have to deal with work lunches or anything.  So now, I'm debating how seriously I want to try to stick to W30 for the next 4 meals.  I know I should just do the best that I can, but traveling, for me, usually involves some caffeine, some celebration...like a mini vacation.  But I didn't plan for this "vacation," will be with people who regularly eat Burger King burgers and don't understand the concept of "No, there's really NOTHING there I can eat."  :\

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If they want to eat fast food pack yourself a cooler full of compliant food to eat while they eat their "food". Don't throw away your Whole30 over this. Use it as a way of learning how to navigate the waters of life more. 


These articles may be of help:



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