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First Whole30 Log

Kat B.

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Thanks for the support and encouragement!

Day 13 today was pretty uneventful. Last night I tried the mocha steak rub on the world's most beautiful NY Strip and oh.my.god was it fantastic! I feel like I've had better food in the last 13 days than the previous 13 months (years?)! I am, however, looking forward to a chocolate chip cookie when I've finished the 30 days...almost as much for the chocolate as to see how I feel after I have it.

I've really noticed my appetite has decreased. I used to eat the 5 or 6 mini-meals recommended by, like, every fitness magazine in the universe, but now I find I'm not even hungry between meals - interesting!

Here's to (almost) halfway!

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Day 14

Last night I had my first bout of insomnia since beginning the W30, but I now realize that it was my own fault. I created additional stress and it backfired in a big way! I had about 7 or 8 things I had planned to do this morning - just little errands like putting gas in the car, take the dogs for a walk, etc., but everything on my list was to occur before I even made it in to the office. Not surprisingly, I woke up at 2:30 am convinced that it was time to get up and go - I didn't want to be late or I might not get everything done! My mind was racing about my to do list, but then I started worrying that I wasn't sleeping and had a CF session at 11, and Mondays are always the most difficult workouts of the week and omigodifIdon'tgotosleeprightnowtheworkoutisgonnasuckandahhhhhh!

Slow down, sister. Essentially I had ruined the day for myself before it even got started.

While I have been dragging a bit today and woke up feeling anxious rather than refreshed, I'm actually glad this happened as I've learned a valuable lesson. I need to stop: 1) procrastinating in things that are important and that I actually have to do; 2) creating unimportant/unnecessary "to do's" to fill my time; 3) thinking that 5-7am is better spent piddling around the house than sleeping. Sheesh!

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Day 15

Had a less-than-optimal night of sleep again last night. I think I need an alarm clock that is not also my cell phone so that I can keep the iPhone in another room. I probably do not need to check the new product email from lululemon at 3 am. Probably.

What actually precipitated my waking up last night was that I had to use the bathroom. This is pretty common for me most nights and up until a few days ago I thought it was just a sign that I was adequately hydrated. However, I'm now wondering if I'm drinking too much water as it's actually disrupting my sleep at a critical time period (2-4 am, which is when my brain starts wandering).

While I knew that my lack of quality sleep has been a problem and probably hindering my efforts in the gym and with my diet, it's becoming more and more apparent how BIG of a problem this actually is for me. I come from a long line of chronic "worriers" and/or individuals who suffer from documented anxiety disorder(s), which has contributed to other health problems such as ulcers, Crohn's, and even (in my mother's own opinion) her breast cancer. I thought I was lucky and that the gene had missed me, but I am realizing that while I may not have an issue requiring medications or that seriously affect my life, I still have those tendencies and should be more proactive about addressing the problem. I think a massage sounds like a good first step!

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Day 15 update: Feeling fatigued and groggy today. I also had some nuts between meals, I think in an effort to wake me up. Better than coffee, but not ideal. Stopping on my way home to get some magnesium in hopes that it will help me sleep and will assist with muscle recovery. I'm glad I recognized the cause of my snacking today (and glad I had a killer workout to burn it off) and ready to get back on the train tomorrow.

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Today is day 17. I slept better the last two nights - hooray! I think the magnesium has helped and I felt a lot better yesterday all-around.

The hubs' reintroduction to my life has gone better than expected. He's not on board with eating the same stuff I'm eating, but he actually went to the grocery store for me for the first time (I think ever) last night. I'm very pleased and he seems to understand why I'm doing this. Another hooray :D

I'm very much looking forward to this weekend and getting some good food prep done for the week. It's been a little crazy trying to scramble for lunches and dinner this week because I was too busy last weekend to make stuff in advance. Ground turkey and steamed veggies is starting to look a little less than appetizing! I did make a great chili last night (it literally took about 30 minutes) by adapting the chocolate chili recipe from theclothesmakethegirl.com. Every single recipe I've tried from her website has been amazing and super easy!

Time to take a deep breath and get on with my morning!

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Day 19

Here I am almost 2/3 of the way through my W30 and I'm so.darn.tired. I keep waiting for this "energy" thing to kick in...I wonder what's the deal? Chronic lack of sleep for the last couple of years? The fact that I'm off my ADHD meds for the first time in a long while? Seasonal allergies? Stress? Blah. One thing is for sure - a cornucopia of vegetables, lean protein, healthy fats, and delicious fruit is not the problem!

I'm not sure how to get the root of what's going on with me. I've had my thyroid checked and it's fine. I'm not deficient in any minerals. I've been taking my fish oil like a good little "whole niner." What to do...

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Day 20

So I've been doing a little internet research on my fatigue issue and I've come up with two possible culprits: stress or not enough food.

On stress: I have two "kids" - my Newfoundlands - and, as I do not have any human offspring, my Newfs are my world. On Friday morning, my normally rambunctious and hungry girl didn't eat her breakfast, so I knew something was up. She's the kind of dog that will eat anything at any time. When I came home from work, she was so lethargic that she barely got up to greet me (and usually I can hardly get in the door with the two of them, each weighing in at >130 lbs, circling me and wagging their enormous tails). She was really sick. Figuring she just ate something that didn't agree with her, I just let her rest and assumed she would be better on Saturday. Yesterday she was still very sick, breathing hard, and obviously in some degree of discomfort. Finally at 10:30 pm last night, the husbo took her to the pet ER - all is well, just a UTI, but I was one worried mama! Perhaps that was making me feel sub-par on Friday and Saturday.

Food: From perusing the forum, the consistent piece of advice I see to people dealing with tiredness during the second half of the W30 is to make sure they're eating enough. Since about day 7, I've been back to my regular exercise schedule (my first week crossed the labor day holiday and my sister's visit, so I wasn't doing my usual workouts), which entails 3 CF sessions with a trainer (90 minutes), 1 regular CF session (60 min), and usually some form of cardio on the other two days. Some friends and I are training for a 1/2 marathon coming up in about 11 weeks, so I had my first real run yesterday, but it was just 4 miles. It occurred to me that all of the workouts coupled with the aforementioned stress is running me down, and perhaps I'm not eating enough to restock my glycogen stores after the high intensity sessions. I'm going to try and get back into more starchy veggies this week (sweet potatoes, beets) and see if that doesn't help.

On an unrelated note, interesting that it's day 20 and my chocolate cravings are the worst they've been throughout this W30! I think it may be more of a mind over matter thing - I'm mad that I can't have it, so it knowing I can't have it makes it seem more tempting. I've already been thinking about a second w30 to eliminate my coffee dependency, but I may need to add chocolate (in the form of cocoa powder) to the off-limits list as well. It's not that I've had a tremendous amount of cocoa powder in the last 20 days, but there have been a couple days that I've dusted almonds in cocoa powder to satisfy a chocolate craving (bad!). Knowing that the cocoa powder is there has been a crutch for me, and it shouldn't be. On the other hand, I've been thinking about how to implement the W30 principles into my post-w30 life. I don't really want to say "I'll never have chocolate or coffee again," because I don't think it's realistic (that whole, "I can't have it so I want it even more" thing). But I also don't want it to be a slippery slope into poor eating habits. Something to contemplate over the next 10 days!

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Aww Kat, the ordeal with your pup must have been terrifying! I'm glad she's doing okay, and I hope you're able to relax a bit...

Have you considered just cutting out the cocoa powder for the remainder of this W30? It doesn't sound like you're having much, but cutting it out now might give you a sense of how it affects you, if it helps or hurts the cravings. Also, 10 days is more manageable than waiting until your next W30... Just a thought :)

Good luck!

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Whoa! Day 24 and I've been off the grid for a few days. I guess there hasn't been too much to report. This week has seen noticeable improvements in the gym - I credit the switch to a more efficient fat-burning system. :lol:

I've said it before and I'll say it again: sleep is the foundation for health. Doing W30 has really highlighted the importance of rest for me - it affects my mood, performance, hunger/cravings, and even my skin and digestion. I've also learned that chronic sleep deprivation is not something you can expect to change in 30 days. I was stressing myself out because I wasn't sleeping enough and the stress was keeping me from sleeping in the first place. I am going to strive to take it easy on myself and reaching my goal of sleeping 8-9 hours of sleep every night by my birthday (just over 5 months from now). Unlike having a brownie from the work breakroom, there are many variables that affect one's ability to sleep that you can't really control. If my body wakes me up at 2:30 am, I can make a conscious choice not to look at my phone/iPad, turn on a light, etc. But I can't really control the fact that I woke up in the first place (maybe some people can, but then they probably don't have sleeping issues). I can make choices during the day that will help me get into bed earlier and set me up for a good night's rest, but once I hit the sheets, there's a lot of hormonal and other issues that will take time to improve. In other words, I need to remove the pressure of a 30-day deadline to see a real change in my sleep and remain cognizant of the things within my control that are impeding my sleep.

Maggie - you must have read my mind on the cocoa powder. I've cut it out in the last few days and I think it has helped. I don't know what it is about the last week of my lady cycle that makes me crave chocolate. I wonder if it's some chemical or mineral that's low this time of the month and chocolate is one way of getting whatever it is (like they say if you're craving red meat, your iron is probably low)? Who knows. I don't miss grains, beans or dairy so I can live with one vice to tackle for the time being!

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  • 2 weeks later...

October 1 - Starting W30 #2 today. Why so soon? Two reasons: 1) fine tuning and 2) my gym is doing a W30 challenge (not sure how you can "beat" someone at a W30, but I'm in it for the collective participation).

Here I go again!

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