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Starting March 9th - No protien shakes...


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I have been on Paleo for a few months but thought i should try this. 

My question is that I'm a runner and doing a half marathon in 2 weeks.

I usually have a protein shake after, as i can't eat after. And since most of them having sugar or stevia, it's out of the question. What i could i do in replace of it?





8x Half Marathoner Finisher

2x 10 Mile Finisher

Stroke survivor, July 14


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I understand "I like protein shakes." I understand "Protein shakes are convenient." I understand, "I am not used to eating real food after I run." I don't understand "I can drink a protein shake, but I can't eat real food after I run." You can eat real food after you run. Your body is designed to eat real food. You may not be able to eat a roasted chicken breast as you cross the finish line of a marathon like some people can, but you can eat real food within a reasonable period after running. Walk around for a bit at the finish. Drink some water. Eat a banana. Eat an orange. When you are ready, eat some lean protein. During a Whole30, substituting anything for real, whole foods is the opposite of what we are asking you to get used to doing. 

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Thanks i will try, I would just sip down the drink. I normally can't eat for several hours later, so that' why i worried. Maybe a banana, a couple of bites. Ever since the stroke i have to watch it, cause i tend to get sick if i push it. Too bad they don't have eggs at the finish!!! Eggs and banana could do it. 



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Cmplaza -


I'm a runner too and have had to try new routines for my fueling. 


Before a short run -  anything under say 6 miles or an hour, I have never had much of anything -  maybe a banana before if it was early in the am -  but really nothing.  Before long runs - 10-20 miles I would have carb-ed up with a bagel/peanut butter and banana. 


While I'm going the Whole30 (day 12 and 2 longer runs down), I'm eating  a baked sweet potato with a little ghee before a long run, and a banana and a couple hard boiled eggs after.  I've done up to 15 miles on this routine.  For runs of less than an hour, I'm eating a banana first and then my usual breakfast (or dinner) after.    I'm still experimenting with what works best, and I don't know yet what I will do once my runs again get to 20ish miles.  One step at a time.

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Most protein shakes are made with highly engineered denatured protein powder made in a lab.  They don't do anything for those of us that monitor blood sugar but raise it....yes, even pea and whey powders.  You're trusting that the company doesn't cut corners and fill the can with fillers.  What they do long term for health is next to nil.  Recent tests have revealed that name brand vitamins have very little of said ingredients...next to nothing.   Real food trumps powders every time.

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