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Struggling during runs


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I am on day 2 of my first Whole30 and I'm truly loving it (I know I will soon hit the 'hangover' stage but until then life is great!) The only problem I am facing comes up during my runs, along with challenging myself to my first Whole30 I am also training for my first half-marathon. Around the half way mark I start getting a very empty/hungry feeling, I eat my lunch about 30-45 mins before my run and its packed with protein and veggies so there is food in my stomach. I know my body is still getting used to the Whole30 way but I was hoping there are some other runners out there that can give me some tips? 



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Typically workouts, runs, etc will suffer in the beginning.  Most people report around 2 weeks.  Some as long as three.  This is because your body is typically struggling with energy sources.  Think sugar burning to fat burning.  The switch takes some time to happen and is not immediate.  So keep up with protein and veggies, and healthy fats.  Also make sure to include a post work out meal as well.

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