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Starting Sometime in April


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Hello! My friend introduced me to the Whole30 plan. I said "no" at first because I didn't want to give up my cheese!!!! But I read a little bit more about it and decided that this is exactly what I need. I'm hopeful and skeptical because I've been on plans before that have always yielded results only to have me gain it all back and then some when I was done with the program. Also, since I had success on those plans, I would often return to them and they wouldn't work the second time around. I really, really, really want this to work because I feel it's my last hope to attain the healthy state I so very much crave. My hope is that I will have more energy, better skin (it's pretty good, just dry), better mood, weight loss, healthy blood sugar levels without depending on medication (or at least lessening it), and change my psychological relationship with food. Right now, I'm overweight (70-90 lbs loss would be great, thank you), exhausted all of the time, cranky, and experiencing (for the first time in my life) issues with sleep and regularity. I want to return to the feisty, fun, energetic person that I used to be! I want to run 5K, 10K, a half marathon! I want to climb mountains, go hiking, and enjoy the gym without feeling too tired to do any of those. Even social engagements leave me feeling like I have a hangover.


I know that it says to consult your doctor if you are taking insulin. However, I don't really want to because I think the only thing she will tell me is how to adjust my insulin in accordance with my readings...and I already know how to do that. Has anyone had experience with having to adjust their insulin and oral diabetic meds on this plan? If so, please comment or send me a message to let me know what you did. 


I'm super excited and hoping to see some excellent results and look forward to everyone's support!

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Having spent some time on this forum and practicing Whole30 myself, I will say that your best hope of success beyond the 30 days in really changing your thought process and relationship with food is to undertake not only the food lists but the actual spirit of the program.  


Take a read around the Whole30 website and the forum and you'll get a sense of what it takes to really make a change.  

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I am Type II.  After my first Whole30 my doctor took me off Victoza.  I have since done a 2nd Whole30 and am currently on day 84 of a Whole100 (since the first of the year).  I will be going back to my Endo in about a month and hope that he will reduce my oral meds.  I currently take 1000 mg of metformin twice a day.  My A1C dropped from 6.8 to 5.8 after the first W30 and stayed about the same when it was checked in January.  I am very anxious to see where it is at next month when I go to the doctor.


Also, my cholestrol dropped 40 pts the first W30 but then went back up after I ate regular.  Overall it has dropped about 10 pts.


My blood pressure medicine has been cut in half since I started W30.


I'm hoping to see more changes in my meds when I go to the doctor next month.

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