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Day 10 and freaking out!


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I'm on day 10 (which is a miracle BTW).  I've been sooo careful. Tonight I had to make a coffee cake for an Easter Brunch at work tomorrow. Without thinking, didn't even cross my mind, I licked the batter off my finger!  I'm freaking out! Do I really have to start over?!?  I don't think I can do it if I have to start over.

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I do think it's up to you. Personally, I wouldn't... b/c it was so little, and a mistake, and would be more demoralizing than it's worth. But I'm sure some would say otherwise. In the end it's your Whole30 so you do what feels right!

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Thanks Lyrica!  I've been thinking the same as you.  I know that if I had to start over now that would be the end of it.  I think the benefits of just staying the course far out weigh that little miss-step.  Like you said it would just be so demoralizing.  Especially since it wasn't intentional in the least!  I could see having to start over if it was a conscience choice to cheat.  Thankfully I haven't had any sugar cravings from it.  That is huge!  If I did then I could also see staring over.


Thank you for all the advice!  I'm going to plow ahead!  :rolleyes:

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